Scripts to Migrate the Repository

Starting with SQL Developer 4.0, Oracle Data Miner migration scripts are available for specific upgrade paths.

Table 5-1 Oracle Data Miner Upgrade Scripts

SQL Developer Version Database Version Script Description

Any version - migrateodmr.sql Upgrades ODMRSYS.
3.2.2 or earlier and later, where the default ODMRSYS tablespace is not ASSM-based upgradeRepoWithNewTableSpace.sql ASSM tablespace required as input parameter. This will be used to migrate the workflow data from XML object storage to XML binary storage.

3.2.2 or earlier and later, where the default ODMRSYS tablespace is ASSM-based

upgradeRepoFromORtoBinary.sql Workflow data will be migrated from XML object storage to XML binary storage.

4.0 and later and later migratebinaryodmr.sql Relevant for future releases, when XML conversion from object storage to binary storage will no longer needed

4.0 and later or earlier originally, and then the database was upgraded to or later upgradeRepoWithNewTableSpace.sql or upgradeRepoFromORtoBinary.sql Since the database can be upgraded independently of the Oracle Data Miner repository, this has to be taken into account. The choice of scripts will depend on whether ODMRSYS tablespace is ASSM or not.