About Oracle Data Miner Sample Data

Oracle Data Miner contains sample data that includes tables and views.

The sample tables and views are:
  • MINING_DATA_BUILD_V, MINING_DATA_TEST_V, MINING_DATA_APPLU_V: These are views based on tables in the SH schema. This data is used in Oracle Data Mining sample programs, as described in Oracle Data Mining Application Developer’s Guide and Oracle Data Mining Administrator’s Guide.

  • MINING_DATA_TEXT_BUILD_V, MINING_DATA_TEXT_TEST_V, MINING_DATA_TEXT_APPLU_V: These are views based on tables in the SH schema. The views include an additional COMMENTS column that is used in text mining examples in OBEs and in Data Mining sample programs.

  • ODMR_CARS_DATA: This is sample data about US automobiles, for experimenting with the Graph node.

  • INSUR_CUST_LVT_SAMPLE: This is sample data used by the Oracle By Example (OBE) tutorials for Data Mining.

  • ODMR_SALES_JSON_DATA: This is sample sales data for experimenting with the JSON query node in Oracle Database and later.