About the Scripts for Installing JSON Support

To install JSON parser and the schema generator for Oracle Data Miner, two scripts are available.

The only difference between the two scripts in their arguments: one takes the Oracle SID, the other takes the Oracle Service Name. You can choose the script that best suits your database installation. If you are using a pluggable database, the Oracle Service Name is required.

  • loadjsonschemagen.sql uses the Oracle SID.

    loadjsonschemagen.sql sys_user sys_password host port SID jar_path
  • loadjsonschemagenWithSN.sql uses the Oracle Service Name.

    loadjsonschemagenWithSN.sql  sys_user sys_password host port service_name jar_path
For both scripts, specify the SYS user and password, the database host name and port number and the path to the jar files: