4 Postinstallation Tasks for Oracle Business Intelligence Software

This chapter describes tasks to perform after installing software on the Exalytics Machine. The postinstallation tasks vary depending on whether you are deploying on multiple computers, as described in Chapter 7, "Deploying Oracle Exalytics for High Availability." The tasks include updating files and configuring an ODBC connection.

For a single-node installation, the semi-automated installation scripts perform many of the configuration tasks. For a multiple node system, you must perform the configuration tasks manually. The sections of this chapter indicate on which computers to perform the tasks.

The chapter includes the following sections:

4.1 Installing and Deinstalling Oracle Business Intelligence Client Tools

Perform this task one time regardless of the number of computers in the cluster.

You must install the Oracle Business Intelligence Administration Tool, Oracle Business Intelligence Job Manager, and Oracle Business Intelligence Catalog Manager on a Windows computer. See "Installing and Deinstalling Oracle Business Intelligence Client Tools" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence.

4.2 Creating the boot.properties File

Perform this task on each computer in the cluster.

For information on creating the boot.properties file, see "Creating boot.properties for the Administration Server on APPHOST1" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence.

4.3 Starting and Stopping Components on the Exalytics Machine

Perform this task on each computer in the cluster.

After making configuration changes, you stop and start components to enable those changes to take effect.

To stop components on the Exalytics Machine:

  1. Log into Fusion Middleware Control and stop all Oracle Business Intelligence system components.

  2. Stop Node Manager. Use the ps command to find the process identifier, then use the kill command to stop Node Manager.

  3. Stop OPMN by entering the following commands:

    cd /EXALYTICS_MWHOME/instances/instance1/bin
    ./opmnctl stopall
  4. Stop the Oracle TimesTen Server. See "Running the TimesTen Server" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide.

To start components on the Exalytics Machine:

  1. Change to the following directory:


  2. Enter the command to start Oracle WebLogic Server:

    nohup ./startWebLogic.sh &

  3. Use the command line to start Node Manager and OPMN if they are not started.

  4. Log into the Oracle WebLogic Server console and start the managed servers.

  5. Log into Fusion Middleware Control and verify whether the Oracle Business Intelligence system components are running. If they are not running, then start them.

  6. Start the Oracle TimesTen Server. See "Running the TimesTen Server" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide.

4.4 Running the Daemon Configuration Scripts for Oracle TimesTen

Perform this task on each computer in the cluster.

Run the daemon configuration scripts for Oracle TimesTen as root, using the following command:

/u01/app/oracle/product/TimesTen/tt1122/bin/setuproot -install

4.5 Configuring Memory Settings on the Server

Perform this task on each computer in the cluster.

When you configure memory settings, keep the following in mind:

  • The largest recommended size for a Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database on a single machine is a total of 3 TB, which includes the values for the PermSize and TempSize attributes.


Increasing large page settings for more memory will result in other applications (Oracle BI EE, Oracle Essbase) unable to allocate memory. Exceeding more than 80% of the physical memory is not recommended. Depending on how much more PermSize memory is required, you can transfer memory from the TempSize.

4.5.1 Increasing PermSize on Existing Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Databases

After configuring large pages for the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database, you can increase the PermSize on existing Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Databases.

To increase PermSize on existing Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Databases:

  1. Disconnect all applications, including Oracle BI EE, from the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database.

  2. Enter the following command to check the RAM policy:


  3. If needed, change the RAM policy from inUse to Manual, by entering the following command:

    ttadmin -ramPolicy manual <Your_TT_DSN>

  4. Unload the RAM memory from the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database by executing the following command:

    ttAdmin- ramunload <Your_TT_DSN>

    For example:

    ttAdmin- ramunload TT_AGGR_STORE

  5. Modify the timesten-install-dir/info/sys.odbc.ini file in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database to increase the PermSize.

  6. Reload the RAM memory in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database, by executing the following command:

    ttAdmin- ramload <Your_TT_DSN>

    For example:

    ttAdmin- ramload TT_AGGR_STORE

  7. Reconnect all applications, including Oracle BI EE, to the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database.

For more information, see the "Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database". The link to "Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Documentation" is available on the Oracle Exalytics Documentation Library.

4.6 Instantiating the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database

Perform this task on each computer in the cluster. For the first computer, the installation scripts update the sys.odbc.ini file, then you perform the rest of the task manually.

The Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Databases are defined using a DSN that is contained in the sys.odbc.ini file in the following directory:


The semi-automated installation scripts automatically update the sys.odbc.ini file for Oracle TimesTen with a default configuration for the in-memory aggregate store for Oracle Exalytics, as shown in the following excerpts from a sample file on an Exalytics Machine:

[ODBC Data Sources]
TT_AGGR_STORE=TimesTen 11.2.2 Driver

This DSN supports an Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database of 25GB with overall memory consumption of approximately 50GB. To support larger in-memory data stores, increase the settings of the PermSize and TempSize parameters. To support this DSN definition, the semi-automated installation process creates the following directories on the Exalytics Machine:


On computers other than the first one in the cluster, manually edit the sys.odbc.ini file for Oracle TimesTen to add the DSN definition. Before instantiating this DSN, remove the comment character (#) that the semi-automated scripts included for the lines that define the DataStore and LogDir parameters in the sys.odbc.ini file.

The Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database is instantiated when the first connection is made to the database. Navigate to the bin directory, run the ttIsql utility, and create a user (with a name such as "exalytics" and password such as "welcome1") as shown in the following sample commands:

cd /u01/app/oracle/product/TimesTen/tt1122/bin
connect dsn=TT_AGGR_STORE;
create user exalytics identified by welcome1;
grant create session to exalytics;
grant create table to exalytics;
grant select on SYS.OBJ$ to exalytics;

Use the following sample commands to test the connection to the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database. There are no tables of data yet configured to return.

connect "DSN=TT_AGGR_STORE;uid=exalytics";

You can use a tool such as SQL Developer on the client computer, if the Windows TimesTen client drivers that are installed can make a connection to the Oracle TimesTen instance that is used for aggregate storage. This tool can allow you to easily view the contents of the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database and to create a dummy table that facilitates the mapping of the Oracle TimesTen schema into the physical layer of the repository for Oracle Business Intelligence.

4.7 Configuring the ODBC Connection from Oracle Business Intelligence to Oracle TimesTen

Perform this task on each computer in the cluster. The semi-automatic installation scripts perform this task on the first computer.

The Client/Server DSN in Oracle TimesTen spans computer boundaries and the remote Oracle TimesTen server can be configured as part of the DSN. You create the DSN for the two Oracle TimesTen instances by modifying the following file:


On the second computer in a cluster, the directory name includes the string "instance2" for the second computer instead of "instance1".

The following provides sample modifications to the file:

[ODBC Data Sources]
AnalyticsWeb = Oracle BI Server
Cluster = Oracle BI Server
SSL_Sample = Oracle BI Server
TT_AGGR_STORE = TimesTen 11.2.2 Driver

Driver = /u01/app/oracle/product/TimesTen/tt1122/lib/libttclient.so
TTC_SERVER = <tt_hostname>

Define the DSN Servers for Oracle TimesTen by modifying the following file:


The following provides sample modifications to the file:

Description=TimesTen Server

In a multiple node cluster, you achieve high availability of in-memory aggregates by installing a Oracle TimesTen instance on each computer and ensuring that each instance is aware of the Oracle TimesTen instance on the other computer. You edit the odbc.ini file for Oracle Business Intelligence to contain references to both Oracle TimesTen instances. A two-node cluster might contain the following configuration details in the odbc.ini file on each computer:

[ODBC Data Sources]
AnalyticsWeb = Oracle BI Server
Cluster = Oracle BI Server
SSL_Sample = Oracle BI Server
TT_AGGR_STORE1 = TimesTen 11.2.2 Driver
TT_AGGR_STORE2 = TimesTen 11.2.2 Driver
Driver = /u01/app/oracle/product/TimesTen/tt1122/lib/libttclient.so
TTC_SERVER = <tt_hostname1>
Driver = /u01/app/oracle/product/TimesTen/tt1122/lib/libttclient.so
TTC_SERVER = <tt_hostname2>

With this configuration, edit the sys.ttconnect.ini in the /home/oracle/TimesTen/tt1122/info directory to correspond to the odbc.ini file as shown in the following example:

Description=TimesTen Server
Network_Address=<fully qualified hostname>
Description=TimesTen Server
Network_Address=<fully qualified hostname>

4.8 Mapping Instances of Oracle TimesTen into the Physical Layer of the Oracle BI Repository

You must map all instances of Oracle TimesTen into the Physical layer of the Oracle BI repository. To map the instances, manually create the necessary database, connection pool, and physical schema objects using the Administration Tool. Then, upload the changed repository using the Repository tab of the Deployment page in Fusion Middleware Control.

When mapping an Oracle TimesTen source into the Physical layer of the Oracle BI repository, ensure that the database type and version are set correctly in the Database field of the General tab of the Database dialog. You must also ensure that the Call interface field in the General tab of the Connection Pool dialog is set correctly. For example, for Oracle TimesTen version 11.2.2., use the ODBC 3.5 call interface.

For more information, see the following:

4.9 Installing and Configuring BI Composer for Oracle BI EE

Perform this task on each computer in the cluster.

See "Installing and Configuring BI Composer for Oracle BI EE" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence.

4.10 Creating a DSN for IBM DB2 or Microsoft SQL Server

Perform this task one time regardless of the number of computers in the cluster if you use IBM DB2 or Microsoft SQL Server.

See "Creating a DSN for IBM DB2 or Microsoft SQL Server" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence.

4.11 Configuring IBM DB2 to Support Multibyte Data

Perform this task one time regardless of the number of computers in the cluster if you use IBM DB2.

See "Configuring IBM DB2 to Support Multibyte Data" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence.

4.12 Configuring Sample Reports for Oracle BI Publisher

Perform this task on each computer in the cluster.

See "Configuring Sample Reports for Oracle BI Publisher" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence.

4.13 Changing the Default Password for SampleAppLite.rpd

Perform this task once for the domain.

When you install Oracle Business Intelligence, the Oracle Business Intelligence installer automatically installs the SampleAppLite.rpd file with a default repository password of Admin123. If you intend to use the SampleAppLite.rpd file in a production system, then Oracle recommends that you change the default password for security reasons. For complete information on changing the password, see "Changing the Repository Password" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

You can download the Sample Application (full version) from the following location on Oracle Technology Network:


4.14 Adding the ORACLEHARDWAREACCELERATION TRUE Parameter for Essbase

If Essbase is installed, you must add the ORACLEHARDWAREACCELERATION TRUE parameter to the essbase.cfg file.


  1. Open the essbase.cfg file for editing.

    The essbase.cfg file is located in:


  2. Edit the essbase.cfg file by adding the following parameter:


  3. Save the file.

  4. Stop and restart the Essbase server by performing the following actions:

    1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.

      For information, see Section 2.2.2, "Logging into Fusion Middleware Control to Manage Oracle Business Intelligence" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

    2. Select Business Intelligence then coreapplication.

    3. Display the Processes page in the Availability tab.

      For example, expand Essbase Agents and select essbaseserver1 in the Processes section.

      This enables you to start or stop just the Essbase Server process.

    4. Click Stop Selected to stop the selected process.

    5. Click Start Selected to start the selected process.

4.15 Enabling Bursting Optimization for BI Publisher

Enabling bursting optimization mode for BI Publisher significantly enhances the performance of bursting jobs run through the BI Publisher scheduler.

To enable bursting optimization:

  1. Open the xmlp-server-config.xml file located at:


  2. Add the following property and value setting to the file:

    <property name="OPTIMIZE_BURST" value="true" />

  3. Save the xmlp-server-config.xml.

  4. Restart the BI Publisher application.

To handle high volume jobs (normal scheduled jobs or bursting jobs) configure the system temporary directory and the JMS shared directory in the BI Publisher Administration pages. For best performance configure these temp directories to use RAM disk (for non-clustered environments only) or solid-state drive. For information, see "Setting the System Temporary Directory" and "Configuring the Shared Directory" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.