New Features in Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine Installation and Administration Guide for Oracle Solaris Release 1 (1.0)

This preface describes the new features and certifications for the components in Oracle Exalytics T5-8 Machine for Oracle Solaris, Release 1 (1.0).

The Oracle Exalytics for Oracle Solaris Release 1 (1.0) includes additional certifications and new capabilities for the components that are described in the following sections:

InfiniBand Support for Oracle Solaris Zones and Oracle VM for SPARC

Oracle Solaris Zones and Oracle VM for SPARC supports connection to InfiniBand.

Application Software Components

The following new application software component releases are certified to run on Oracle Exalytics T5-8 Machine for Oracle Solaris, Release 1 (1.0).

For the latest application software component certifications on Exalytics, see the Oracle Exalytics Certification Matrix at the following location:

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition includes a number of bug fixes for the components that comprise Oracle Exalytics. These bug fixes are described in the component-specific ReadMe files.

Oracle TimesTen for Exalytics

Enhancements to Oracle TimesTen for Exalytics include the following:

  • Significant improvements on query performance for Oracle BI EE in Oracle Exalytics

    • Enhanced SQL Optimizer enables faster query response time for selected Oracle Business Intelligence applications (e.g. Financials, CRM)

    • Reduction in SQL prepare time enables faster data retrieval for Oracle BI EE Dashboard reporting

    • Additional star-join query optimizations speeds up query response time for data marts and aggregations

    • Improved SQL execution plan selection and generation

    • Enhanced Index Advisor enables more precise recommendation

  • SQL Developer 4.0 Integration

    • New Data Loading wizard for populating TimesTen tables using existing data from the Oracle Database

    • New Index Advisor wizard for query performance tuning

    • New Performance Metrics wizard to simplify performance reporting

  • Quick Start Guide: New How-To guide for data loading and query performance tuning

For information, see the "Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database" documentation at the following link:

The link to the "Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database" documentation is also available from the Oracle Exalytics Documentation library.

Oracle Essbase

For information on using new Essbase features such as using runtime substitution variables in calculation scripts, see the following:

Oracle BI Applications

For information on using new Oracle BI Applications features see "Oracle Business Intelligence Applications" documentation, the link to which is available from the Oracle Exalytics Documentation Library.