B Reinstalling and Configuring the Oracle Exalytics Patchset 5 Base Image ( on an Exalytics Machine

This appendix describes how to reinstall and configure the Oracle Exalytics Patchset 5 Base Image ( on an Oracle Exalytics Machine.

The instructions assumes you have knowledge of Linux administration, networking and Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) concepts.

This appendix consists of the following sections:

B.1 Prerequisites to Reinstalling and Configuring the Oracle Exalytics Patchset 5 Base Image ( on an Oracle Exalytics Machine

The following prerequisites must be met before you can reinstall and reimage a Oracle Patchset 5 Base Image ( on an Exalytics Machine.

  • The Exalytics Machine is configured with the base operating system at the factory.

  • The Exalytics Machine has been racked and mounted in a data center.

  • Network configuration is complete and the computer is accessible from the network.

  • You have access to the internet from a computer (not necessarily the Exalytics Machine) to download required packages.

B.2 Reconfiguring Existing RAID Configurations on the Exalytics Machine

Depending on the configuration of the Exalytics Machine, reconfigure existing RAID configurations on the X2-4, X3-4, or the X4-4 Exalytics Machine.

This section consists of the following topics:

B.2.1 Reconfiguring Existing RAID Configurations on an X2-4 Exalytics Machine

The X2-4 Exalytics Machine comprises six hard disks, each having a capacity of 600 GB. Two disks are configured as RAID1 and four disks are configured as RAID5. To optimize the use of the disk space, you must reconfigure the RAID1 and RAID5 configurations on the Exalytics Machine. Reconfigure RAID1 so that it consists of two virtual drives and RAID5 consists of the remaining drives.

To reconfigure existing RAID configurations on the X2-4 Exalytics Machine:

  1. Restart the Exalytics Machine using Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM).

  2. Press Ctrl+Y and enter RAID CLI (Command Line Interface) as the Exalytics Machine is restarting.


    The "Copyright LSI Logic Corporation" displays during the restart sequence when it is possible to enter the RAID CLI. Observe the screen carefully as the message displays for a very short time. This avoids restarting the machine again.
  3. Enter the following MegaRAID command to delete the existing RAID configuration:

    # -CfgLdDel -LALL -a0

  4. Enter the following command to create a RAID1 partition with two virtual disks:

    # -CfgLdAdd -r1[252:0, 252:1] WB Direct NoCachedBadBBU -a0

  5. Enter the following command to create a RAID5 partition with the remaining disks:

    # -CfgLdAdd -r5[252:2, 252:3, 252:4, 252:5] WB Direct NoCachedBadBBU -a0

  6. In the left pane of the ILOM, expand Host Management, then select Power Control. In the Select Action list, select Power Cycle, then click Save.

    The Exalytics Machine restarts.

B.2.2 Reconfiguring Existing RAID Configurations on an X3-4 Exalytics Machine

The X3-4 Exalytics Machine comprises 6 hard disks, each having a capacity of 900 GB.Two disks are configured as RAID1 and four disks are configured as RAID5. To optimize the use of the disk space, you must reconfigure the RAID1 and RAID5 configurations on the Exalytics Machine. Reconfigure RAID1 so that it consists of two virtual drives and RAID5 consists of the remaining drives.

To reconfigure existing RAID configurations on the X3-4 Exalytics Machine:

  1. Restart the Exalytics Machine using Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM).

  2. Press Ctrl+Y and enter RAID CLI (Command Line Interface) as the Exalytics Machine is restarting.


    The "Copyright LSI Logic Corporation" displays during the restart sequence when it is possible to enter the RAID CLI. Observe the screen carefully as the message displays for a very short time. This avoids restarting the machine again.
  3. Enter the following MegaRAID command to delete the existing RAID configuration:

    # -CfgLdDel -LALL -a0

  4. Enter the following command to create a RAID1 partition with two virtual disks

    # -CfgLdAdd -r1[252:0, 252:1] WB Direct NoCachedBadBBU -a0

  5. Enter the following command to create a RAID5 partition with the remaining disks:

    # -CfgLdAdd -r5[252:2, 252:3, 252:4, 252:5] WB Direct NoCachedBadBBU -a0

  6. In the left pane of the ILOM, expand Host Management, then select Power Control. In the Select Action list, select Power Cycle, then click Save.

    The Exalytics Machine restarts.

B.2.3 Reconfiguring Existing RAID Configuration on an X4-4 Exalytics Machine

The X4-4 Exalytics Machine comprises six hard disks, each having a capacity of 1.2 TB. Two disks are configured as RAID1 and four disks are configured as RAID5. To optimize the use of the disk space, you must reconfigure the RAID1 and RAID5 configurations on the Exalytics Machine. Reconfigure RAID1 so that it consists of two virtual drives and RAID5 consists of the remaining drives.

To reconfigure existing RAID configurations on the X4-4 Exalytics Machine:

  1. Restart the Exalytics Machine using Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM).

  2. Press Ctrl+Y and enter RAID CLI (Command Line Interface) as the Exalytics Machine is restarting.


    The "Copyright LSI Logic Corporation" displays during the restart sequence when it is possible to enter the RAID CLI. Observe the screen carefully as the message displays for a very short time. This avoids restarting the machine again.
  3. Enter the following MegaRAID command to delete the existing RAID configuration:

    # -CfgLdDel -LALL -a0

  4. Enter the following command to create a RAID1 partition with two virtual disks

    # -CfgLdAdd -r1[252:0, 252:1] WB Direct NoCachedBadBBU -a0

  5. Enter the following command to create a RAID5 partition with the remaining disks:

    # -CfgLdAdd -r5[252:2, 252:3, 252:4, 252:5] WB Direct NoCachedBadBBU -a0

  6. In the left pane of the ILOM, expand Host Management, then select Power Control. In the Select Action list, select Power Cycle, then click Save.

    The Exalytics Machine restarts.

B.3 Reinstalling Oracle Exalytics Patchset 5 Base Image (

To install Oracle Exalytics Patchset 5 Base Image ( on the Exalytics Machine, you must download the new image (ISO file) from edelivery.


Reinstalling the base image will delete all software and configurations on the Exalytics Machine. It is therefore recommended that you make a backup copy of all the essential files you need.

To reinstall Oracle Exalytics base image:

  1. Navigate to https://edelivery.oracle.com.

  2. In the Select a Product Pack list, select Oracle Business Intelligence.

  3. In the Platform list, select Linux X86-64.

  4. Click Go.

  5. Select Oracle Exalytics Software Media Pack for Linux x86-64, Release

  6. Download V56223-01.iso (Oracle Exalytics X2-4/ X3-4/X4-4 Base Image for Linux x86-64).

  7. On the Exalytics Machine, connect and log on to Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM).

  8. Depending on the Exalytics Machine configuration, link the base image ISO file to a remote CD-ROM device in ILOM by performing one of the following actions:

    • For X2-4 and X3-4 machines, from the menu bar, select Devices, then CD-ROM Image to link the V56223-01.iso as a remote virtual CD-ROM in ILOM.

    • For X4-4 machines, from the menu bar, select KVMS, then Storage. Click Add to link to the V56223-01.iso as a remote virtual CD-ROM in ILOM. Click Connect.

  9. Restart the machine by expanding in the left pane of the ILOM, Host Management, then select Power Control. In the Select Action list, select Power Cycle, then click Save.

  10. Set the next boot device to CD-ROM by performing the following step:

    • In the left pane of the ILOM, expand Host Management, then select Host Control. In the Next Boot Device list, select CDROM, then click Save.

  11. Restart the machine by expanding in the left pane of the ILOM, Host Management, then select Power Control. In the Select Action list, select Power Cycle, then click Save.

    The Exalytics Machine restarts.

  12. Press Enter to begin the installation.

    The Exalytics Machine uses the Exalytics ISO image in the CD-ROM to install the Exalytics Linux base image.

    The installation process detects all the components of the Exalytics Machine, formats the disk drives, and transfers the image to complete the installation.


    After the base image is installed successfully, the installation process automatically restarts the Exalytics Machine twice.
  13. Confirm that the installation completes successfully, then deselect the CDROM in ILOM.

  14. Restart the machine by expanding in the left pane of the ILOM, Host Management, then select Power Control. In the Select Action list, select Power Cycle, then click Save.

  15. The Exalytics Machine displays the login prompt.

  16. Log in to the Exalytics Machine with the following user name and the default password:

    • User Name: root

    • Password: changeme

    The Exalytics Machine is now ready for network configuration.

  17. Because the eth0 network in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file is set by default to ONBOOT=Yes, you must set the eth0 network to ONBOOT=NO before you can configure network. To configure network on the Oracle Exalytics Patchset Base Image, see Section B.4, "Configuring Network on the Oracle Exalytics Patchset 5 Base Image ("

B.4 Configuring Network on the Oracle Exalytics Patchset 5 Base Image (

To configure network on the Oracle Exalytics Patchset 5 Base Image (, you run the Oracle Exalytics configuration script (exalytics-config-network.sh).

The Oracle Exalytics network script assigns machine time, time zone, machine name, domain, and Domain Name Server (DNS) on the Exalytics Machine. Additionally, you can use the network configuration script to configure Exalytics InfiniBand Interface, Exalytics 10GbE Interface, and Exalytics 1GbE Interface.


Before you run the configuration script, ensure that a network cable is connected to the Net0 port on the Exalytics Machine.

To configure network on the Oracle Exalytics Base Image:

  1. Log on as the root user.

  2. Enter the following command to configure the network:

    # /opt/exalytics/bin/exalytics-configure-network.sh

  3. When prompted by the Oracle Exalytics network script, depending on your configuration requirements, perform the following tasks:

    1. Choose whether you want to configure InfiniBand for Exadata connection.

    2. Choose whether you want to configure 10G network.

    3. Choose whether you want to configure 1G network.

    4. Choose whether you want to configure bonding on eth0, eth1, eth2, or eth3.

    5. If you choose to configure bonding, enter and confirm the bond2 IP address.

    6. Enter and confirm the bond2 netmask address.

    7. Choose whether you want to configure host name.

    8. If you choose to configure host name, enter and confirm the name of the host.

    9. Enter and confirm the name of the domain name.

    10. Choose whether you want to configure timezone.

    11. Choose whether you want to configure time server.

    12. Choose whether you want to configure date and time.

    13. Choose whether you want to configure DNS.

    14. If you choose to configure DNS, enter and confirm the DNS address.

    15. Choose whether you want to configure another DNS.

    16. Choose whether you want to commit changes.

    If you choose to commit changes, the configuration script configures and enables the network on the Exalytics Machine.

B.5 Postinstallation Steps

This section consists of the following topics:

B.5.1 Resetting Root Password

The default root password for the Oracle Exalytics Patchset 5 Base Image ( is "changeme".

After you have installed the Oracle Exalytics Patchset 5 Base Image and configured the network on the Exalytics Machine, you must change the root password.

To change the root password:

  1. Log in to the Exalytics Machine as root user.

  2. To change the password, enter the following command:

    # passwd

  3. Enter a new password.

  4. Confirm the password when prompted.

    If the password change is successful, then the following message is displayed:

    passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

B.5.2 Creating a Password on the Operating System

For the Oracle Exalytics Patchset 5 Base Image (, a user named "oracle" and a group named "oinstall" already exists. You next create a password for the user.

To create a password:

  1. Log in as the root user.

  2. To create a password, enter the following command:

    # passwd oracle

  3. Enter the password.

  4. Confirm the password when prompted.

    If the password is created successfully, then the following message is displayed:

    passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.


    To add a different user and group, enter the following commands as root user:

    groupadd <name of the group>

    useradd -g <name of the group> <name of the user>

B.5.3 Granting User Permissions to the /u01 Directory

Ensure that the user installing the software has permissions to the /u01 drive.

If the user cannot write to the /u01 directory, then, as root user, enter the following commands to change permissions:

chown <name of the user>:<name of the group> /u01

chmod 775 /u01

For example, if the user name is "oracle" and the user group is "oinstall", enter the following commands:

chown oracle:oinstall /u01

chmod 775 /u01

B.5.4 Verifying Configuration of the Exalytics Machine

Before you install software on the Exalytics Machine, you must run configuration scripts to verify the disk, software, and hardware configurations of the Exalytics Machine.

This section consists of the following topics:

B.5.4.1 Checking Disk Configuration

Check the size of the /u01 disk on the Exalytics Machine. For the X2-4 Exalytics Machine, the size of the disk is approximately 1.7 TB, for the X3-4 Exalytics Machine, the size of the disk is approximately 2.4 TB, and for the X4-4 Exalytics Machine, the size of the disk is approximately 3.5 TB.

To check disk configuration:

  1. Log in as root user.

  2. Enter the following command:

    # df -h

    Depending on the configuration of the Exalytics Machine, the following output is displayed:

    • For the X2-4 Exalytics Machine, disk configuration similar to the following is displayed:

      Filesystem Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00
                 447G  4.8G  420G   2% //dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol00
                 1.6T  197M  1.6T   1% /u01/dev/sdal
                  99M   25M   70M   27% /boot
      tmpfs      505G     0  505G   0% /dev/shm
    • For the X3-4 Exalytics Machine, disk configuration similar to the following is displayed:

      Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00
                  718G  4.8G  676G   1% //dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol00
                  2.4T  203M  2.3T   1% /u01/dev/sdal
                        99M   25M   70M    27% /boot
      tmpfs       505G     0  505G   0% /dev/shm
    • For the X4-4 Exalytics Machine, disk configuration similar to the following is displayed:

      Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00
                 989G   5.3G 932G 1% //dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol00
                 3.2T  199M  3.1T 1% /u01/dev/sda1 
                 99M    25M  70M  27% /boot
      tmpfs     1010G    0   1010G 0% /dev/shm

B.5.4.2 Verifying Base Image Version

Next, confirm the base image on the Exalytics Machine.

To confirm the base image:

  1. Log in to the Exalytics Machine as root user.

  2. Enter the following command:

    # /opt/exalytics/bin/exalytics_imageinfo

    Output similar to the following is displayed:

    Image version :
    Creation timestamp : Day Date Month YEAR HOUR:MIN:SEC
    Kernel Version: 2.6.39-400.128.17.el5uek x86_64
    RPM versions:


Even though the build numbers may be different than the ones listed above, ensure that the updated kernel version is the same as the one displayed above.

B.5.4.3 Verifying Software and Hardware Configurations on the Exalytics Machine

Finally, verify the software and hardware configurations on the Exalytics Machine.

To verify software and hardware configurations:

  1. Log in to the Exalytics Machine as root user.

  2. To verify the software configuration, enter the following command:

    # /opt/exalytics/bin/exalytics_CheckSWProfile

    Verify that the output displayed is similar to the following:

    [SUCCESS].......Has supported operating system
    [SUCCESS]........Has supported processor
    [SUCCESS]........Kernel is at the supported version
    [SUCCESS]........Has supported kernel architecture
    [SUCCESS]........Software is at the supported profile
  3. To verify the hardware configuration, enter the following command:

    # /opt/exalytics/bin/exalytics_CheckHWnFWProfile

    Verify that the output displayed for an X4-4 configuration is similar to the following:

    Verifying Hardware...
    System product name: SUN SERVER X4-4
    System product manufacturer: Oracle Corporation
    [EXALYTICS_INFO:GENERAL] System product SUN SERVER X4-4 is supported.
    [EXALYTICS_INFO:GENERAL] Oracle Exalytics Software
    [EXALYTICS_INFO:GENERAL] ILOM firmware update disabled for Oracle Exalytics
    [EXALYTICS_INFO:GENERAL] ==Motherboard==
    [EXALYTICS_INFO:GENERAL] System serial: 1415NM9003
    [EXALYTICS_INFO:GENERAL] Motherboard serial: 489089M+13500W008F
    [EXALYTICS_INFO:GENERAL] Chassis serial: 1415NM9003
    [EXALYTICS_INFO:GENERAL] SN: 465774U-1402700681
        Cores: 36
        Processors: 72
        Intel(R) Xeon(R) E7-8895 v2 2.80GHz
        stepping : 7
    Has supported CPU model
    PhysicalMemory (GB) : 2068
    Verifying BIOS Vendor...
    BIOS Vendor: American Megatrends Inc.
    BIOS is from the supported vendor
    Verifying InfiniBand devices...
    Has required number of Infiniband devices
    Infiniband device id: d0:00.0
    Infiniband device width: 8
    Has supported disk controller LSI MegaRAID SAS 9261-8i
    Verifying Firmware...
    Supported BIOS Version: 16040102-04/18/2012
    Current BIOS Version : 24030300-08/01/2014
    BIOS is at the supported version
    Supported ILOM Version: r73820
    Current ILOM Version : r91569
    ILOM is at the supported version.
    Supported Infiniband Firmware Version: 2.7.8130
    Current Infiniband Firmware Version : 2.11.1280
    Infiniband Firmware is at the supported version.
    Supported disk controller Version: 12.12.0-0048
    Current disk controller Version : 12.12.0-0178
    Disk controller is at the supported firmware version.
    bios : 1
    ilom : 1
    ibfw : 1
    dcfw : 1

B.6 Installing Software on the Exalytics Machine

Use the Oracle Exalytics Domain Management Utility to install software on the Exalytics Machine. For information, see Section 4.3.3, "Installing the Software by Using the Exalytics Domain Management Utility."