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Oracle® Life Sciences Data Hub User's Guide
Release 2.2.2

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7 Tracking Job Execution

This section contains information on the following topics:

Every time you submit a job of any kind—Program, Report Set, Data Mart, Load Set, or Workflow—the system displays a record of the job in the Job Executions section of your My Home page.

To sort jobs by columns, click the heading of a column. Click the heading again to reverse the order.


Only elevated column headings can be sorted; for example, Job ID or Execution Status.

For information on the Notifications section of the My Home page, see Chapter 2, "Using Notifications." For information on submitting jobs for execution, see Chapter 5, "Generating Reports and Running Other Jobs."

Viewing a Job's Details and Monitoring Its Progress

After you submit a job, note its job ID. To monitor its progress, go to the My Home page and click the hyperlink of the job ID. Click Refresh periodically to see the latest job status.

The system provides the following types of information for each job:

See also:

Job Execution Information

The system displays the following information about jobs in your Home page. You can sort by clicking any column heading.

Job ID The system-generated ID of the job. You can click on the Job ID hyperlink to view Job Execution Details.

Submission Type The way the job was submitted for execution:

  • Immediate. The job was run as soon as it was submitted.

  • Deferred. The job was set up to run once at a later point in time from when it was submitted.

  • Scheduled. The job was one of series of regularly scheduled executions of the same executable object.

  • Backchain. The job was run as part of a backchain process ensuring that another job ran on the most current data available. For further information see "Backchaining" in the chapter on execution in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

Job Status The highest job status the job has achieved. If the job is in progress, the status displayed is the current status. If the job has ended in failure or been aborted, the system displays the execution status the job had at the time it ended. See "Job Statuses". You can sort on the job status by clicking the column heading.


To update the job status as the system processes the job, click Refresh.

Executable Name The name of the object instance executed by this job.

If the name is followed by "Forward Chain Execution," the object was submitted as the first object in a forward chaining process. ("Forward Chain Execution" does not appear if it was run in Report Only mode to generate information about what objects would be included in the forward chain process if it were run. That information is included in the log file.)


If the name of the executable has a tilde (~) preceding it, it has been removed.

Execution Setup Name The name of the Execution Setup that was executed by this job.

Submit TS The timestamp of the job was submission. You can sort on the submission date by clicking the column heading.

Start TS The timestamp of the beginning of the job. You can sort on the start timestamp by clicking the column heading. Scheduled jobs display the scheduled timestamp as the Start TS if they have not yet begun to execute.

End TS The timestamp of the end of the job. You can sort on the end timestamp by clicking the column heading.

Job Execution Details

If you click on the Job ID hyperlink, the system opens the Job Execution Details screen, displaying the following information for the job:

You can perform the following actions by clicking the buttons at the top of the screen:

  • Click Return to return to your My Home page.

  • For jobs currently being executed, click Refresh periodically to display the most current information.

  • Click Re-Submit to submit a new job of the same executable and Execution Setup. By default, the system uses the Parameter values and data currency used by the previous execution. You can change these if necessary. However, the submission uses the latest version of the executable instance, even if the previous submission used an earlier version.


    If the Re-Submit button is inactive, something has changed since the job was run—for example, the executable instance has been removed—and the Execution Setup can no longer be submitted.
  • Click Cancel Job to stop a job that the system is currently processing, or a deferred or scheduled submission that the system has not yet begun to process. If you cancel a scheduled submission, you get a message asking if you want to cancel only the next scheduled job or all scheduled jobs.

    Note on Backchain Jobs:

    When a Definer sets up a backchain execution process, he or she must submit a job for each Program or Load Set that may be executed as part of the backchain (if the system detects more recent data upstream in the data flow). The job is displayed with a Submission Type of Backchain but is inactive until the backchain logic triggers its execution. If you cancel this job, you effectively deactivate the submission. The backchain process that was set up to invoke this job can no longer invoke it or any job that is dependent on it (upstream, or earlier, in the data flow).
  • Click View Log to see the log file for a completed job.


    Subjobs have their own log files. Executions of Report Sets and Workflows have subjobs, which are displayed in the Subjobs subtab. Click the link on the Job ID in the Subjobs subtab to see the details of the subjob. You can click the View Log button there to see the subjob's log file.

From the Actions drop-down list you can select either of the following and click Go to perform the action. See "Generating a Coversheet with Validation and Data Currency Information" for further information.

  • Generate Detailed Coversheet

  • Generate Summary Coversheet

Submission Properties

The Job Execution Details screen includes values for the following properties in the upper portion of the screen:

Job ID The system-generated unique ID for the job.

Submission Type The way the job was submitted for execution:

  • Immediate. The job was run as soon as it was submitted.

  • Deferred. The job was set up to run once at a later point in time from when it was submitted.

  • Scheduled. The job was one of series of regularly scheduled executions of the same executable object.

  • Backchain. The job was run as part of a backchain process ensuring that another job ran on the most current data available. See "Backchaining" in the chapter on execution in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

Job Status The highest job status the job has achieved. If the job is in progress, the status displayed is the current status. If the job has ended in failure or been aborted, the system displays the execution status the job had at the time it ended. See "Job Statuses". You can sort on the job status by clicking the column heading.


To update the job status as the system processes the job, click Refresh.

Execution Status The highest execution status the job has achieved, up to and including Complete. If the job is in progress, the status displayed is the current status. If the job has ended in failure or been aborted, the system displays the execution status the job had at the time it ended. See "Execution Statuses" for a complete list and description of each execution status.

Error Message If the job failed because it generated an error message, this field has a value—either an Oracle error number or a short message. See the log file for further information about the error.

Submitted By The username of the person who submitted the job for execution.

Submit TS The date and time the job was submitted for execution.

Start TS The date and time the job execution started.

End TS The date and time the job execution ended.

Execution Setup The name of the Execution Setup used to run the job.

Execution Setup Validation Status The validation status of the Execution Setup used to run the job.

Executable Name The name of the Program, Report Set, Workflow, Load Set, or Data Mart that was executed.

Executable Type The type of object that was executed: Program, Report Set, Workflow, Load Set, or Data Mart.

Work Area The Work Area that contains the executed object instance.

Application Area The Application Area that contains the Work Area that contains the executed object instance.

Domain The Domain that contains the Application Area that contains the Work Area that contains the executed object instance.

Outputs Subtab

In the Outputs subtab, Oracle LSH displays a row for each output generated by the job, if any.

To view the actual output, click the icon in the View column.

To view output properties, click the hyperlink in the Name column.

Oracle LSH displays the following information about each output:

Name The name of the output.

View Click the icon in this column to view the actual output.

Title The title of the output; may or may not be the same as the name.

Description If the output has a description, the system displays it here.

Primary Flag If Primary Flag is set to Yes, the output constitutes a primary reason for the job execution; it is a report on Oracle LSH data.

If set to No, the output is a log or error file produced as a result of running the job but not the primary reason for running the job.

Error Flag If Error Flag is set to Yes, the output is an error file generated by the job execution.

Output Properties

Click Print to print a copy of the output file.

The Output Properties screen displays the following information. Click Update to change the fields indicated (if you have the required privileges):

Title The title is relevant only for primary outputs, which display the title. By default the title is the same as the output's name. Click Update to change the title.

File Name The file name, with extension, of the actual output. Click View to save or display the actual output.

Job ID The unique identifier of the job that produced the output. Click the hyperlink to see job details.

Execution Status The highest execution status reached by the job that produced the output; see "Execution Statuses".

Description The Definer can enter a description of the output. Click Update to change the description.

Validation Status The validation status of the output. If you have the necessary privileges, you can change the validation status; select Support Validation Info from the Actions drop-down list. For information about validation statuses, see "Validating Objects and Outputs" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

Execution Setup The name of the Execution Setup from which the output was generated.

Execution User The username of the person who submitted the job that produced the output.

Job Start Time The date and time the job execution started.

Blinding Status Outputs can have the following values for Blinding Status :

  • Not Applicable. If none of the data in the output was ever blinded, the output's blinding status is Not Applicable.

  • Dummy. If any of the data in the output is from a blinded Table instance, but the output includes only dummy data, the output's blinding status is Dummy.

  • Blinded. If any of the data in the output is from a blinded Table instance and the output includes the real, sensitive data, the output's blinding status is Blinded. Special privileges are required to view the output.

  • Unblinded. If any of the data in the output is from a Table instance that has been unblinded, and none of the data is from a Table instance that is still blinded, the output's blinding status is Unblinded. Special privileges are required to view the output.

Primary Output If Primary Output is set to Yes, the output constitutes a primary reason for the job execution; it is a report on Oracle LSH data.

If set to No, the output is a log or error file produced as a result of running the job but not the primary reason for running the job.


If the job is the execution of a Report Set or Workflow, or if it is a forward chain execution of any object type, it has subjobs, and the system lists them in this section. Report Set subjobs are the executions of each Program in each Report Set Entry. Workflow subjobs are each Load Set, Program, Report Set, or Data Mart contained in the Workflow. Forward Chain subjobs are each object execution that is part of the chain.

Program, Load Set, and Data Mart executions do not have subjobs.

Jobs submitted as part of a backchain process are not considered subjobs even though they are not submitted directly by a user. They are listed separately and have a submission type of Backchain.

Name The Job ID of the subjob. You can click on the hyperlink to see the job detail information for the subjob; see "Job Execution Details".

Type The type of object executed as a subjob by the master job. The system displays not only the object type (Load Set, Program, Report Set, or Data Mart) but also the technology type of the object type; for example, SAS Program or Text Load Set.

Job Status The current job status of the subjob; see "Job Statuses" for further information.

Execution Status The highest execution status reached by the subjob, up to and including Complete. If the job is in progress, the status displayed is the current status. If the job has ended in failure or been aborted, the system displays the execution status the job had at the time it ended. See "Execution Statuses".

Submission Parameters

Submission Parameters are the Parameters displayed in the Execution Setup for the object—Program, Load Set, Report Set, Data Mart, or Workflow—executed by the job. The system displays them here with the value this job used for each Parameter. The display is the same as in the Execution Setup; if the job had subjobs, those Parameters are also displayed.

Name  The system displays the name of the Program, Load Set, Report Set, Data Mart or Workflow instance that was executed as the master job. If the master job was a Program, Load Set, or Data Mart, you can view its Parameters by expanding its node (+). If the master job was a Report Set or Workflow, when you expand its node (+) the system displays the subjobs. You can expand the node of each subjob to see its Parameters.

Type The type of the object shown on the same line.

Value The Parameter value in effect at submission.

System Parameters

System parameters are predefined. Their values can be set in the Execution Setup definition or, if allowed during Execution Setup definition, at runtime.

Name The system displays the name of the Program, Load Set, Report Set, Data Mart or Workflow instance that was executed as the master job. Expand its node (+) to view the system parameters.

The system displays the external and internal names of the system parameter.

Type  The object type of the object listed in the Name column.

Value The value in effect at submission. If a parameter is not required, it may have no value.

Data Currency

In the Data Currency subtab you can:

  • view data currency information for source Table instances

  • apply snapshot labels to source and target Table instances; see "To Apply a Snapshot Label"

  • remove snapshot labels from source and target Table instances; see "To Remove a Snapshot Label"


    You must have modify privileges on the Table instance to be able to apply or remove its snapshot label.

Table The name of a Table instance that the job either read data from or wrote data to.

Is Target If Yes, the job wrote data to the Table instance. If No, the job read data from the table instance.

Work Area The name of the Work Area that contains the Table instance.

Application Area The name of the Application Area that contains the Work Area that contains the Table instance.

Domain The name of the Domain that contains the Application Area that contains the Work Area that contains the Table instance.

Snapshot Label The label applied to Table instance records to identify the currency used by the job. For source tables the currency reflects either the refresh timestamp that was current at the time the job started or that was explicitly selected using a snapshot. For target tables, the currency reflects the refresh timestamp that is determined when the job begins to execute. There may one, multiple, or no snapshot labels.

Source Currency Information Reflects data currency in the external system from which the data was loaded into Oracle LSH. This information is supplied by the particular Adapter used by the Load Set to retrieve and load the data and may include a timestamp, a label, and/or a sequence number, depending on the external system and its adapter. This information is carried forward to appear for jobs whose sources are all tables that are populated by the same Load Set.

Refresh TS The refresh timestamp of the Table instance records that corresponds to the end timestamp of the job.

To Apply a Snapshot Label You can apply the same snapshot label to any or all of the source and target Table instances of a job at the same time as follows:


You must have modify privileges on the Table instance to be able to apply or remove its snapshot label.
  1. Click the Select checkbox for each Table instance to which you want to apply a snapshot label.

  2. Click Apply Snapshot Label. The system opens the Apply Snapshot Label screen.

  3. In the Snapshot Label field, enter the snapshot label you want to apply.

  4. Click Apply. The system applies the label and returns to the Job Details screen.


    You can repeat this procedure to apply additional snapshot labels to the same or different Table instances.

To Remove a Snapshot Label You can remove a particular snapshot label from any or all of the source and target Table instances of a job at the same time as follows:


You must have modify privileges on the Table instance to be able to apply or remove its snapshot label.
  1. Click the Select checkbox for each Table instance from which you want to remove the snapshot label.

  2. Click Remove Snapshot Label. The system opens the Apply Snapshot Label screen.

  3. In the Snapshot Label drop-down list, the system displays all the labels currently applied to the Table instances you selected. Select one that you want to remove. You can only remove one label at a time.

  4. Click Apply. The system removes the label and returns to the Job Details screen.

Job Statuses

Oracle LSH uses the following statuses to track the progress of a job. You must refresh the screen to see updates.

Pending  The job has not yet started running.

Started The job has begun pre-processing.

Executing The Program has connected to database and is running.

Finalizing The job has begun post-processing.

Success The job has completed successfully without warnings.

Warnings The job has completed successfully with warnings.

Failure  The job has completed with a fatal error.

Aborted The job has been manually aborted.

On Hold The job is waiting for the Work Area quiesce process to complete.

Expired The system removed the job from the queue after the timeout interval passed.

Duplicate The job is a duplicate of another job; the currency of the source data, parameter values, and executable instance version are the same. Therefore the system does not rerun the job unless the person submitting the job chooses to force reexecution. To view the job that this one would duplicate, paste the Duplicate Job ID in the search window and locate the job.

Execution Statuses

Execution statuses provide more detailed information than job statuses. For diagnostic purposes, the system displays the highest execution status a job reached, even if the job ended in failure.

Submitted Submitted is the initial execution status of the job on the job queue. This phase is required.

Initializing The job is waiting for OWB operator processing to begin. This phase is required.

Serializing The job is waiting for another instance of same program to complete. This phase is necessary only if the Program writes to target tables that require serialization. For further information, see "Data Processing Types" in the chapter on execution in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

Backchain The system is performing backchain processing; examining the executable instances upstream to check if they have backchain Execution Setups defined and if so, if their source data is more current than their target data, and rerunning qualifying jobs as necessary to maximize data currency. This phase is required only for jobs specifying a data currency of Most Current Available. For a more complete description of backchaining, see "Backchaining" in the chapter on execution in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

Recovering The system is rolling back data written to tables in the previous execution of same program that did not complete successfully. This phase is required only if the Program writes to targets and last job failed without recovering.

Pre-Execution Function The system is executing a technology-specific pre-execution function. This phase is required only by some technology types.

Obtain Service The system is obtaining a service instance appropriate for the Program's technology type and specified priority, given the service instances currently available for the technology type. This phase is required.

Pending Logon The system is waiting for the Program to start and connect to the database. This phase is required for all jobs except Workflow master jobs.

Executing The Program has connected to the database and is executing. This phase is required.

Completing The system is performing post-execution table completion processing. This phase is required only if the Program writes to target tables.

Complete The job has successfully completed processing.

Fail Backchain The job failed during backchain processing.

Fail Logon The job failed to connect to the database.

Failed The job failed at a phase not specified by one of the other failure statuses.

Rolling Back The system is rolling back target tables to their pre-job state due to the job's execution failure.

Rolled Back The system completed rolling back target tables to their pre-job state due to the job's execution failure.