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Oracle® Life Sciences Data Hub User's Guide
Release 2.2.2

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3 Searching

This section contains information on the following topics:

In most Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub (Oracle LSH) screens you can perform a Simple Search for outputs (such as reports and log files) or object definitions (for application developers), or link to another screen to perform an Advanced Search.

Use Simple Search if you know the exact name or title of the output or object definition you are looking for, or if you know how to use special characters to find a name or title you are not sure of. You can also use Simple Search to find all outputs or object definitions that are classified to a particular value (such as Study 12345).

Advanced Search allows you to search by many criteria, including classification, creation date, creator, and validation status, and allows you to refine your search in other ways. Advanced Search also allows the use of special characters to help you find an output or object when you do not know its exact name; see "Using Special Characters".

Oracle LSH returns all the results that satisfy the search criteria and to which you have at least View access.

Simple Search

The simple search feature is available at the top of many Oracle LSH screens. To perform a simple search:

  1. In the Search drop-down list, select the category of object for which you want to search: Outputs (includes reports, log files, and Execution Setups), Definitions (object definitions and instances; for application developers), or both plus object instances (All Types).

  2. In the empty field next to the drop-down list, enter one of the following:

    • If you know the exact name of the object you are looking for, enter it. In the case of Report Sets and Report Set Entries, you can also enter the exact title.

    • If you know how the output or definition is classified, you can enter a classification value (one of the folder names in the Outputs screen). The system then returns all outputs or definitions classified the same way.

    If you are not sure of the name, title, or classification, you can use special characters or Advanced Search. In simple searches you can use the following special characters:

    % _ $ +

    See "Using Special Characters" and "Advanced Search" for further information.


    If the system finds more than 2000 search results, it ends the search with an error. If this happens, use Advanced Search to specify additional criteria and narrow the search.
  3. Click Go. The system displays the search results at the bottom of the screen, with a hyperlink to each one. See "Search Results" for information on how the system displays the search results.

Advanced Search

Advanced search allows you to filter a search for Oracle LSH objects in many different ways, separately or in combination with one another.

This section includes the following topics:

For information on how the system displays search results, see "Search Results".

Advanced Search Settings

The upper part of the Advanced Search screen allows you to set conditions to apply to the search. The settings are:

Show Objects With Validation Status Of Check as many validation statuses as apply as follows:

  • Production. Select Production to find reports on clinical trials or other real-world data; select Production also to find fully validated object definitions.

  • Quality Control. Select Quality Control to find object definitions currently being formally tested.

  • Development. Select Development to find object definitions currently under development.

  • Retired. Select Retired to find object definitions no longer in use.

Include Report Set Subchapters If set to Yes, the system searches on the name and title of Report Set chapters and subchapters as well as the name and title of Report Sets as a whole (and other outputs). Your search results may include chapters and subchapters contained in Report Sets.

Show All Versions If set to Yes, the search results include all versions: for outputs, the result of every submission of the same report; for definitions, all versions of the same definition over time.

If set to No, the search results include only the most recent version of each object definition or output.


for Execution Setups the system always displays only the version of an Execution Setup whose status is Runnable Active, regardless of the Show All Versions setting.

Show Identical Outputs If set to Yes, the search results include all outputs from all successful and failed submissions, even if they display the same data.

If set to No, the search results include only the last successful submission output.

Advanced Search Criteria

All or Any Conditions You must select one of the following:

  • All. The system returns only objects that meet all the search criteria that you enter below.

  • Any. The system returns objects that meet any of the search criteria that you enter below.

Hierarchy (Optional) Use this option to search by classification value.

  1. From the Hierarchy drop-down list, select the classification hierarchy you want to use in the search. The system displays additional fields populated with information from the hierarchy you selected.

    For example, you might have a hierarchy called Project-Study.

  2. From the Level drop-down list, select the level you want to use in the search.

    For example, in the Project-Study hierarchy you might select the Study level.

  3. From the next drop-down list, select one of the following, depending on what you know about the exact wording of the level value you want to search on:

    • is

    • with all of the words

    • with at least one of the words

    • without the words

    See examples under Name and Title below.

  4. In the next field, enter a word or phrase to complete the search for the correct level value.

    For example, if you chose the Study level and know you are looking for reports on Study01, enter Study01 in the field on the right and choose Is from the drop-down list.


    If you want to search on multiple classification values, select Hierarchy from the Add Another drop down list at the bottom of this section, click Add, and repeat.
  5. Include Children in Results. If set to Yes, the search returns not only objects classified to the level you specify but also, if the level you specify has a child level, all objects classified to values in the child level that are related to the value you specified. For example, if you chose the Project level and specified Project12345, the search would return objects classified to Project12345 and also objects classified to all studies that are part of Project12345.

    If set to No, the search returns only objects classified to the level and value you specify.

Name or Title Use this option to search on the name of an object definition or the name or title of an output (report, Report Set, Report Set Entry, or Data Mart).

  • If you are looking for a particular object and know its name, enter the name in the field on the right and select with the exact phrase from the drop-down list.

  • If you are searching for one or more objects and know all the words contained in their names but are unsure of the order, enter the words in the field on the right and select with all of the words from the drop-down list.

  • If you are searching for one or more objects and think their names might include a particular word or phrase, enter the word or phrase and select with at least one of the words from the drop-down list. You can use special search characters; see Using Special Characters.

  • If you know names of objects that satisfy the other search criteria but which you do not want to see, enter a word or phrase in the following field and select without the words from the drop-down list. You can use special search characters; see Using Special Characters.

Creation Date Use this option to search for objects or outputs by their creation date:

  • Choose is between from the drop-down list and dates in the two other fields. Enter a date manually or use the pop-up calendar to populate the date fields with the Start and End date of the period within which you want to search.

  • Choose is from the drop-down menu if you know the exact date the object was created, and enter the date in the first date field, either manually or using the pop-up calendar.

Created By Use this option to search for objects or outputs by the username of the person who created them.

  • If you know it, enter the user ID of the person who created the object and choose with the exact phrase from the drop-down list.

  • Enter several possible user IDs and choose with any of the words from the drop-down list. If you are not sure of the spelling, you can use special search characters; see Using Special Characters.

  • See other examples under Name and Title above.

Add Another the Add Another button allows you to search on criteria and additional criteria values.

You can search on the following criteria that are not included in the main Advanced Search screen:

  • Description

  • Last Updated By

  • Object Type

  • Version Label

You can search for additional values for the following criteria that are included in the main Advanced Search screen:

  • Created By

  • Hierarchy

  • Name or Title

Select another type of search criterion from the drop-down list and click Add. The system displays additional fields appropriate for that criterion immediately above the Add Another button. Enter values in these fields.

Buttons The buttons in the Advanced Search screen do the following:

  • Go begins the search, using the criteria specified on the screen.

  • Clear deletes all the values you have entered on the Search screen and any existing search results.

  • Add displays additional fields for the type of criterion you selected from the Add Another drop-down list.

Using Special Characters

Oracle LSH supports the use of special characters in searching. To use special characters, type them into the Search field with the word or phrase for which you are searching, as shown in the "Usage Example" column in Table 3-1.

If the word or phrase you are searching for contains one of the special characters (for example, Study_01), enter a backslash (\) immediately before the special character contained in the word or phrase; for example, Study\_01. Alternatively, enclose the word or phrase in curly brackets {} and the system treats the special characters as normal characters.

You cannot search on reserved words such as syn or table. See "Special Characters and Reserved Words" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

Oracle LSH uses Oracle Text in searching. For complete and current information on searching using special characters, see the Oracle Text Reference Guide at

Table 3-1 Special Characters for Use in Oracle LSH Searching

Char-acter Description Usage Example Sample Outcome Available in Search Type


multicharacter wildcard


headache, head pain

Simple, Advanced


single-character wildcard


organization, organisation

Simple, Advanced


language stem; finds words with same linguistic stem (root)


swollen, swelling

Simple, Advanced


fuzzy search; finds words spelled similarly



Simple, Advanced


AND; can be used in combination with other special characters

Bos% & ?centre

Boston Medical Center (intersection of the two result sets)



OR; can be used in combination with other special characters

Bos% | ?centre

union of the two result sets: Boston Medical Center, Boston Hospital, Pagham Centre Hospital



NOT; can be used in combination with other special characters

Study% ~ Study1

all results for Study except those for Study1




headache - aspirin

finds all headache and aspirin results, but gives lower score to those that contain "aspirin"


Search Results

Oracle LSH retrieves a list of objects that satisfy the search criteria within the limits of the screen from which you launched the search. For each item retrieved it gives the following information:

  • Name of the object retrieved, with a hyperlink to the object. Click on the name to view the object.

  • Description of the object retrieved.

  • Type. Object Type of the object retrieved.

  • Location of the object with a hyperlink to the location (Application Area or Library for object definitions, Work Area for object instances).

  • Version.

  • Validation Status: Development, Quality Control, Production, or Retired.

  • Date and Time of the object's creation.