OracleXmlSaveProperties Class

An OracleXmlSaveProperties object represents the XML properties used by the OracleCommand class when the XmlCommandType property is Insert, Update, or Delete.

Class Inheritance




public sealed class OracleXmlSaveProperties : ICloneable


Provider ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver ODP.NET, Managed Driver
Assembly Oracle.DataAccess.dll Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll
Namespace Oracle.DataAccess.Client Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client
.NET Framework 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 4.0, 4.5

Thread Safety

All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety.


OracleXmlSaveProperties can be accessed and modified using the XmlSaveProperties property of the OracleCommand class. Each OracleCommand object has its own instance of the OracleXmlSaveProperties class in the XmlSaveProperties property.

Use the default constructor to get a new instance of OracleXmlSaveProperties. Use the OracleXmlSaveProperties.Clone() method to get a copy of an OracleXmlSaveProperties instance.


This sample demonstrates how to do inserts, updates, and deletes to a relational table or view using an XML document.

// C#
/* -- If HR account is being locked, you need to log on as a DBA
   -- to unlock the account first. Unlock a locked users account:
using System;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
class OracleXmlSavePropertiesSample
  static void Main()
    string[] KeyColumnsList = null;
    string[] UpdateColumnsList = null;
    int rows = 0;
    // Create the connection.
    string constr = "User Id=hr;Password=hr;Data Source=oracle";
    OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr);
    // Create the command.
    OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("", con);
    // Set the XML command type to insert.
    cmd.XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.Insert;
    // Set the XML document.
    cmd.CommandText = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" +
      "<ROWSET>\n" +
      " <MYROW num = \"1\">\n" +
      " <EMPLOYEE_ID>1234</EMPLOYEE_ID>\n" +
      " <LAST_NAME>Smith</LAST_NAME>\n" +
      " <EMAIL></EMAIL>\n" +
      " <HIRE_DATE>1982-01-23T00:00:00.000</HIRE_DATE>\n" +
      " <JOB_ID>IT_PROG</JOB_ID>\n" +
      " </MYROW>\n" +
      " <MYROW num = \"2\">\n" +
      " <EMPLOYEE_ID>1235</EMPLOYEE_ID>\n" +
      " <LAST_NAME>Barney</LAST_NAME>\n" +
      " <EMAIL></EMAIL>\n" +
      " <HIRE_DATE>1982-01-23T00:00:00.000</HIRE_DATE>\n" +
      " <JOB_ID>IT_PROG</JOB_ID>\n" +
      " </MYROW>\n" +
    // Set the XML save properties.
    KeyColumnsList = new string[1];
    KeyColumnsList[0] = "EMPLOYEE_ID";
    UpdateColumnsList = new string[5];
    UpdateColumnsList[0] = "EMPLOYEE_ID";
    UpdateColumnsList[1] = "LAST_NAME";
    UpdateColumnsList[2] = "EMAIL";
    UpdateColumnsList[3] = "HIRE_DATE";
    UpdateColumnsList[4] = "JOB_ID";
    cmd.XmlSaveProperties.KeyColumnsList = KeyColumnsList;
    cmd.XmlSaveProperties.RowTag = "MYROW";
    cmd.XmlSaveProperties.Table = "employees";
    cmd.XmlSaveProperties.UpdateColumnsList = UpdateColumnsList;
    cmd.XmlSaveProperties.Xslt = null;
    cmd.XmlSaveProperties.XsltParams = null;
    // Do the inserts.
    rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
    Console.WriteLine("rows: " + rows);
    // Set the XML command type to update.
    cmd.XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.Update;
    // Set the XML document.
    cmd.CommandText = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" +
      "<ROWSET>\n" +
      " <MYROW num = \"1\">\n" +
      " <EMPLOYEE_ID>1234</EMPLOYEE_ID>\n" +
      " <LAST_NAME>Adams</LAST_NAME>\n" +
      " </MYROW>\n" +
    // Set the XML save properties.
    KeyColumnsList = new string[1];
    KeyColumnsList[0] = "EMPLOYEE_ID";
    UpdateColumnsList = new string[1];
    UpdateColumnsList[0] = "LAST_NAME";
    cmd.XmlSaveProperties.KeyColumnsList = KeyColumnsList;
    cmd.XmlSaveProperties.UpdateColumnsList = UpdateColumnsList;
    rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
    Console.WriteLine("rows: " + rows);
    // Set the XML command type to delete.
    cmd.XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.Delete;
    // Set the XML document.
    cmd.CommandText = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" +
      "<ROWSET>\n" +
      " <MYROW num = \"1\">\n" +
      " <EMPLOYEE_ID>1234</EMPLOYEE_ID>\n" +
      " </MYROW>\n" +
      " <MYROW num = \"2\">\n" +
      " <EMPLOYEE_ID>1235</EMPLOYEE_ID>\n" +
      " </MYROW>\n" +
    // Set the XML save properties.
    KeyColumnsList = new string[1];
    KeyColumnsList[0] = "EMPLOYEE_ID";
    cmd.XmlSaveProperties.KeyColumnsList = KeyColumnsList;
    cmd.XmlSaveProperties.UpdateColumnsList = null;
    // Do the deletes.
    rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
    Console.WriteLine("rows: " + rows);
    // Clean up.

OracleXmlSaveProperties Members

OracleXmlSaveProperties members are listed in the following tables.

OracleXmlSaveProperties Constructor

OracleXmlSaveProperties constructors are listed in Table 7-7

Table 7-7 OracleXmlSaveProperties Constructor

Constructor Description

OracleXmlSaveProperties Constructor

Instantiates a new instance of the OracleXmlSaveProperties class

OracleXmlSaveProperties Properties

The OracleXmlSaveProperties properties are listed in Table 7-8.

Table 7-8 OracleXmlSaveProperties Properties

Name Description


Specifies the list of columns used as a key to locate existing rows for update or delete using an XML document


Specifies the value for the XML element that identifies a row of data in an XML document


Specifies the name of the table or view to which changes are saved


Specifies the list of columns to update or insert


Specifies the XSL document used for XML transformation using XSLT


Specifies the parameters for the XSLT document specified in the Xslt property

OracleXmlSaveProperties Public Methods

The OracleXmlSaveProperties public methods are listed in Table 7-9.

Table 7-9 OracleXmlSaveProperties Public Methods

Name Description


Creates a copy of an OracleXmlSaveProperties object

OracleXmlSaveProperties Constructor

The OracleXmlSaveProperties constructor instantiates a new instance of OracleXmlSaveProperties class.


// C#
public OracleXmlSaveProperties;

OracleXmlSaveProperties Properties

The OracleXmlSaveProperties properties are listed in Table 7-10.

Table 7-10 OracleXmlSaveProperties Properties

Name Description


Specifies the list of columns used as a key to locate existing rows for update or delete using an XML document


Specifies the value for the XML element that identifies a row of data in an XML document


Specifies the name of the table or view to which changes are saved


Specifies the list of columns to update or insert


Specifies the XSL document used for XML transformation using XSLT


Specifies the parameters for the XSLT document specified in the Xslt property


This property specifies the list of columns used as a key to locate existing rows for update or delete using an XML document.


// C#
public string[] KeyColumnsList {get; set;}

Property Value

The list of columns.


Default value is null.

The first null value (if any) terminates the list.

KeyColumnsList usage with XMLCommandType property values:

  • Insert - KeyColumnsList is ignored and can be null.

  • Update - KeyColumnsList must be specified; it identifies the columns to use to find the rows to be updated.

  • Delete - If KeyColumnsList is null, all the column values in each row element in the XML document are used to locate the rows to delete. Otherwise, KeyColumnsList specifies the columns used to identify the rows to delete.


This property specifies the value for the XML element that identifies a row of data in an XML document.


// C#
public string RowTag {get; set;}

Property Value

An XML element name.


The default value is ROW.

Each element in the XML document identifies one row in a table or view.

If RowTag is set to "" or null, no row tag is used in the XML document. In this case, the XML document is assumed to contain only one row.


This property specifies the name of the table or view to which changes are saved.


// C#
public string Table {get; set;}

Property Value

A table name.


Default value is null.

The property must be set to a valid table or view name.


This property specifies the list of columns to update or insert.


// C#
public string[] UpdateColumnsList {get; set;}

Property Value

A list of columns.


Default value is null.

The first null value (if any) terminates the list.

UpdateColumnList usage with XMLCommandType property values:

  • Insert - UpdateColumnList indicates which columns are assigned values when a new row is created. If UpdateColumnList is null, then all columns are assigned values. If a column is on the UpdateColumnList, but no value is specified for the row in the XML file, then NULL is used. If a column is not on the UpdateColumnList, then the default value for that column is used.

  • Update - UpdateColumnList specifies columns to modify for each row of data in the XML document. If UpdateColumnList is null, all the values in each XML element in the XML document are used to modify the columns.

  • Delete - UpdateColumnsList is ignored and can be null.


This property specifies the XSL document used for XML transformation using XSLT.


// C#
public string Xslt {get; set;}

Property Value

The XSL document used for XML transformation.


Default = null.

The XSL document is used for XSLT transformation of a given XML document. The transformed XML document is used to save changes to the table or view.


This property specifies the parameters for the XSLT document specified in the Xslt property.


// C#
public string XsltParams {get; set;}

Property Value

The parameters for the XSLT document.


Default is null.

This property is a string delimited by semicolons in "name=value" pairs of the form "param1=value1; param2=value2; …".

OracleXmlSaveProperties Public Methods

The OracleXmlSaveProperties public methods are listed in Table 7-11.

Table 7-11 OracleXmlSaveProperties Public Methods

Name Description


Creates a copy of an OracleXmlSaveProperties object


This method creates a copy of an OracleXmlSaveProperties object.


// C#
public object Clone();

Return Value

An OracleXmlSaveProperties object

