B Mapping LINQ Canonical Functions and Oracle Functions

This appendix lists the Entity Framework canonical functions and the corresponding ODP.NET provider functions to which they map.

Aggregate Canonical Functions

Canonical Function Oracle Function
Avg ( expression ) AVG(expression)
BigCount ( expression ) COUNT(expression)
Count ( expression ) COUNT(expression)
Max ( expression ) MAX(expression)
Min ( expression ) MIN(expression)
StDev ( expression ) STDDEV(expression)
StDevP( expression) STDEVP(expression)
Sum ( expression ) SUM (expression)
Var(expression) VAR(expression)
VarP(expression) VARP(expression)

Math Canonical Functions

Canonical Function Oracle Function
Abs ( value ) ABS (value)
Ceiling ( value ) CEIL(value)
Floor ( value ) FLOOR(value)
Power(value, exponent) POWER(value, exponent)
Round ( value ) ROUND(value)
Round ( value, digits ) ROUND(value, digits)
Truncate(value, digits) TRUNC(value, digits)

String Canonical Functions

Canonical Function Oracle Function
Concat ( string1, string2) CONCAT(string1, string2)


( (string1) || (string2))

Contains(string, target) INSTR(string, target)
EndsWith(string, target) INSTR(REVERSE(string), REVERSE(target))
Comparison operators

(<, <=, >, >=, <>, !=)

Comparison operators

(<, <=, >, >=, <>, !=)

IndexOf( target, string) INSTR(string2, target)
Left ( string1, length) SUBSTR(string1, length)
Length ( string ) LENGTH(string)
LTrim( string ) LTRIM(string)
Replace ( string1, string2, string3) REPLACE(string1, string2, string3)
Reverse ( string ) REVERSE(string)
Right ( string, length) (CASE WHEN LENGTH(string) >= (length) THEN SUBSTR (string) ,-(length), length ) ELSE string END)
RTrim( string ) RTRIM(string)
Substring ( string, start, length) SUBSTR(( string, start, length)
StartsWith(string, target) INSTR(string, target)
ToLower ( string ) LOWER(string)
ToUpper( string ) UPPER
Trim ( string ) LTRIM(RTRIM(string))

Date And Time Canonical Functions

Canonical Function Oracle Function
AddNanoseconds(expression, number) (expression) + INTERVAL
AddMicroseconds(expression, number) (expression) + INTERVAL
AddMilliseconds(expression, number) (expression) + INTERVAL
AddSeconds(expression, number) (expression) + INTERVAL
AddMinutes(expression, number) (expression) + INTERVAL
AddHours(expression, number) (expression) + INTERVAL
AddDays(expression, number) (expression) + INTERVAL
AddMonths(expression, number) (expression) + INTERVAL
AddYears(expression, number) (expression) + INTERVAL
CreateDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) TO_TIMESTAMP
CreateDateTimeOffset(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tzoffset) TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ
CreateTime(hour, minute, second) Time literals are not supported in Oracle
CurrentDateTimeOffset() SYSTIMESTAMP
CurrentUtcDateTime() SYS_EXTRACT_UTC


Day(expression) EXTRACT(DAY FROM expression)
DayOfYear(expression) TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(CAST(expression AS TIMESTAMP), 'DDD'))
DiffNanoseconds(startExpression, endExpression) EXTRACT and arithmetic operations
DiffMilliseconds(startExpression, endExpression) EXTRACT and arithmetic operations
DiffMicroseconds(startExpression, endExpression) EXTRACT and arithmetic operations
DiffSeconds(startExpression, endExpression) EXTRACT and arithmetic operations
DiffMinutes(startExpression, endExpression) EXTRACT and arithmetic operations
DiffHours(startExpression, endExpression) EXTRACT and arithmetic operations
DiffDays(startExpression, endExpression) EXTRACT and arithmetic operations
DiffMonths(startExpression, endExpression) EXTRACT and arithmetic operations
DiffYears(startExpression, endExpression


EXTRACT and arithmetic operations
Comparison operators

(<, <=, >, >=, <>, !=)

<, <=, >, >=, <>, != operators
GetTotalOffsetMinutes ( datetimeoffset ) (EXTRACT(TIMEZONE_HOUR FROM (expression))) * 60 + EXTRACT (TIMEZONE_MINUTE FROM(expression))

(Require multiple operations.)

Hour (expression) EXTRACT(HOUR FROM expression)
Millisecond(expression) NVL(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(CAST(expression AS TIMESTAMP), 'DD-

MON-RR HH24:MI:SSXFF'), 20, 3)), 0)

Minute(expression) EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM expression)
Month (expression) EXTRACT(MONTH FROM expression)
Second(expression) EXTRACT (SECOND FROM expression)
TruncateDate(expression) TRUNC(expression)
Year(expression) EXTRACT(YEAR FROM expression)

Bitwise Canonical Functions

Canonical Function Oracle Function
BitWiseAnd ( value1 , value2 ) BITAND(value1, value2)
BitWiseNot ( value ) ( 0 - value) - 1
BitWiseOr ( value1 , value2 ) Value1 - BITAND(value1, value2) + value2
BitWiseXor ( value1 , value2 ) Value1 - 2 * BITAND(value1, value2) + value2

Other Canonical Functions

Canonical Function Oracle Function
NewGuid() SYS_GUID