1 Convergence Installation Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the Oracle Communications Convergence installation process.

Overview of Convergence Installed Components

During the installation process, you install and configure the following components:

  • Java

  • Oracle GlassFish Server

  • Other Oracle Unified Communications products, such as:

    • Oracle Communications Messaging Server

    • Oracle Communications Calendar Server

    • Oracle Communications Contacts Server

    • Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server

    • Oracle Communications Indexing and Search Service

    • Oracle Communications Delegated Administrator

  • Convergence

Overview of the Convergence Installation Procedure

The following is an outline of the installation procedure for Convergence:

  1. Plan your installation, including:

    • Determine the scale of your implementation. For example, is it a small or test system, or a large production system. To determine the scale, you may need to consider the number of users you intend to serve and the number of services you intend to deliver them.

    • Assess how many physical systems you need, and which software components to install on each system.

    • Plan the system topology. For example, determine how the system components connect to each other over the network.

  2. Review the system and information requirements. See "Convergence System Requirements" for more information.

  3. Install and configure the software on which Convergence depends, including:

    • Oracle GlassFish Server

    • Java

    • Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition

  4. Install and configure the Oracle Communications software required to deliver your planned services. For example:

    • Messaging Server: used by Convergence to provide mail and SMS services.

    • Calendar Server: used by Convergence to provide calendar services.

    • Contacts Server: used by Convergence to provide address book services. Convergence can also provide its own address book services.

    • Instant Messaging Server: used by Convergence to provide instant messaging services.

    • Indexing and Search Service: used by Convergence to provide enhanced indexing and searching capabilities of emails and attachments.

    • Delegated Administrator: used to provision users and services in the directory server.

    If you do not plan to deliver one or more of these services, it is not necessary to install and configure its software.

  5. Install and configure Convergence.

  6. Perform post-installation and configuration tasks.

  7. Verify the installation.

Convergence Installation Options

You install Convergence by running an installer in either interactive or silent mode. When you run the installer in silent mode, you run a non-interactive session.

The installation inputs are taken from the following sources:

  • Command-line arguments or a silent installation file

  • Default settings

You can use silent mode to install multiple instances of the same software component and configuration without having to manually run an interactive installation for each instance.

For more information, see the discussion about installing Unified Communications Suite software in silent mode on the Oracle wiki:


Ensuring a Successful Convergence Installation

Only qualified personnel should install Convergence. You must be familiar with the UNIX operating system and Oracle GlassFish Server. You should be experienced with installing Java-related packages. Oracle recommends that only an experienced database administrator install and configure database software.

Follow these guidelines:

  • As you install each component (for example, Oracle GlassFish Server), verify that the component installed successfully before continuing the installation process.

  • Pay close attention to the system requirements. Before you begin installing the software, make sure your system has the required base software. In addition, ensure that you know all of the required configuration values, such as host names and port numbers.

  • As you create new configuration values, write them down. In some cases, you might need to reenter configuration values later.

Directory Placeholders Used in This Guide

Table 1-1 lists the directory placeholders used in this guide.

Table 1-1 Convergence Directory Placeholders

Placeholder Description


Specifies the installation location for the Convergence software. The default is /opt/sun/comms/iwc.


Specifies the installation location for the Unified Communications Suite software. The default is /opt/sun/comms/....


The directory in which the GlassFish Server software is installed. For example: /opt/glassfish3/glassfish.


The directory containing the configuration files for the domain in which Convergence is installed. Convergence_Domain is created in GlassFish_Home/domains.

By default, Convergence_Home is GlassFish_Home/domains/domain1.