8 Uninstalling Convergence

This chapter explains how to uninstall Oracle Communications Convergence.

Uninstalling Convergence

Use the commpkg uninstall command to uninstall the binary files for any Communications Suite applications and shared components.

The commpkg uninstall command does not remove OS patches or shared components installed by the commpkg install command.

To uninstall Convergence:

  1. Undeploy Convergence from the GlassFish server domain.

    You can use the asadmin command or the GlassFish Administration Console to undeploy Convergence. See the GlassFish Server documentation for more information.

  2. Change to the UCS_Home/CommInstaller/bin directory.

  3. Run the uninstall command:

    ./commpkg uninstall
  4. Choose Convergence from the list of installed Unified Communications Suite components and click Yes.

  5. Follow the on-screen prompts.