14 Tuning GlassFish Server to Enhance Convergence Performance

Oracle Communications Convergence is a Java application bundled into a WAR file that runs inside an Oracle GlassFish Server web container. This chapter describes how to optimize the GlassFish server environment to allow Convergence to deliver the best possible performance.

For general GlassFish Server performance tuning, see Oracle GlassFish Server Performance Tuning Guide.

Convergence Performance Tuning Overview

Advances in storage, servers, and Java affect how one tunes web containers for middleware. There are systems with multi-threaded chips having 32 effective processors, operating systems with virtualized containers like Solaris zones, and file systems like ZFS that can spread files out over many disks. Java can automatically adjust itself based on dynamic conditions. The tuning options available are many, and you must choose what works for you.

The tuning guidance presented here offers options to examine and configure. However, these options do not address specific hardware configurations and are not guaranteed to improve performance for any particular hardware configuration, performance load, or type of load on your system.

Try out the options and tips that apply to your deployment, test their impact on performance, and tweak the option values as needed.

Use GlassFish Server's administration browser interface or command-line interface rather than directly editing the domain.xml file to make changes. The changes do not take effect until the domain instance has been restarted.

Make the modifications to the GlassFish server domain/config/port in which Convergence is running.

Tuning GlassFish Server Configuration Parameters

Table 14-1 lists the tested tuning parameters for GlassFish Server for Convergence. These tested parameters were set assuming 10,000 users with a deployment that included mail, calendar, and address book services. There are differences between tuning Convergence with IM enabled and with IM disabled.

Table 14-1 GlassFish Server Tuning Parameters

Parameter Value (if IM Disabled) Value (if IM Enabled)











32 (64 core system)












For the request threads run HTTP requests, you want just enough: enough to keep the machine busy, but not so many that they compete for CPU resources – if they compete for CPU resources, then your throughput will suffer greatly. Too many request processing threads is often a big performance problem.

Determining how much is just enough depends – in a case where HTTP requests don't use any external resource and are hence CPU bound, you want only as many HTTP request processing threads as you have CPUs on the machine. But if the HTTP request makes a database call (even indirectly, like by using a JPA entity), the request will block while waiting for the database, and you could profitably run another thread. So this takes some trial and error, but start with the same number of threads as you have CPU and increase them until you no longer see an improvement in throughput.

Since Convergence communicates extensively with back-end messaging and calendar resources, request blocking could be an issue. You will need to monitor your own deployment and adjust the Thread Count accordingly.

Tuning Parameters for the HTTP Listener

To configure this setting, select Acceptor Threads from the Configurations menu (Configurations/server-config/Network Config/Transports/tcp/Acceptor Threads) in the GlassFish Server Administration Console. Using asadmin, change server-config.network-config.transports.transport.tcp.acceptor-thread parameter.

Increase the HTTP listener acceptor-threads. The default value is: acceptor-threads="1".

In the HTTP Service section of the GlassFish Server Administration Console, on the listener for the port for Convergence (such as 8080):

Start with a value of 2 and monitor the performance.

To configure this setting, select the Listener1* from the Configuration menu (Configuration/HTTP Services/HTTP Listeners/) in the GlassFish Server Administration Console:

(http-listener-1 is assumed to be in use for Convergence.)

Take these steps:

  • Increase the acceptor-threads value to the number of CPUs on the system.

  • If you have only one interface (NIC), change the default IP address to your IP for the host.

Configuring GlassFish Server to Compress Client Files

You can improve server response times by reducing the size of the HTTP response. If you choose to implement this practice, realize that the server does more work to compress files which might impact the server's scalability under heavy loads.

To compress files sent to the client by using the GlassFish Server Administration Console:

  1. Select the Compression Minimum Size from the (Configurations/server-config/Network Config/Protocols/http-listener-1) menu in the GlassFish Server Administration Console.

  2. Using asadmin, set the server-config.network-config.protocols.protocol.http-listener-1.http.compression-min-size-bytes parameter to 2000"

    (http-listener-1 is assumed to be in use for Convergence.)

Enhancing Browser Caching of Static Files

When this feature is implemented, GlassFish Server includes the Expires header in the HTTP response. The Expires header allows files cached in the browser to remain in cache for the time specified in the ExpiresFilter.class file.

To enable Expires headers:

  1. At a command prompt, change directory to Convergence_Domain.

  2. In Convergence_Domain/config/ edit the default-web.xml file.

  3. Add the following filter rule directly below the existing Servlet Mappings rules:

    <!-- Enable Expires Headers for Convergence files -->
  4. In Convergence_Domain/lib/classes, create a new directory called iwc.

  5. Copy the Oracle Communications Messaging Server class file ExpiresFilter.class into the iwc directory.

  6. Restart the GlassFish server.

Tuning JVM Options

This section describes the JVM tuning options.

Activating the Garbage Collection Log

This log has negligible impact on server performance and provides valuable debugging and performance history data.

Add the following entry, using your own path. For example:


This log is overwritten each time the server is restarted.

Invoking the Java HotSpot Server VM

Make sure that the JVM options in the domain.xml file for the GlassFish Server instance specify -server, not -client:


Server Class machines are defined as having at least 2 CPUs and 2 GB of memory.

Remove the -client option if present and add the -server option. You can verify what mode the server actually started with by running:

grep 'HotSpot' server.log"*,

This will show either ...Client VM... or ...Server VM.....

To configure and activate a 64-bit JVM:

  1. On Solaris, you can verify that the operating system kernel is running in 64-bit mode by running:

    /usr/bin/isainfo -kv

  2. If needed, download and install the 64-bit jvm files on the JVM instance used by the GlassFish Server on the machine. Verify the 64-bit files are available by running:

    "/server_java_dir/java -d64 -version"

  3. On the GlassFish Server, replace the JVM option, -server (or -client), with -d64


GlassFish Enterprise Server is not supported on 64-bit JVMs on Red Hat Linux. It is recommended that you run the latest version of the JDK with Convergence.

Tuning the JVM Heap Size

In the GlassFish Server Administration Console, under Configurations, select server-config >> JVM Settings Tab >> JVM Options Sub-Tab >> Add/Modify the options...

The min and max heap size options are: -XmsNNNNm and -XmxNNNNm.

Generally, set max heap as large as possible given the available memory on your machine. (Setting the min equal to the max improves JVM efficiency.) Total memory used is equal to the (JVM native heap space) + (Java Heap) + (Permanent Generation space). Leave room for the operating system and any other applications running on the machine too. Don't forget to reserve memory for the OS and avoid memory swapping at all costs.

For example, you could set the heap size options to

<jvm-options>-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m</jvm-options>

Setting Garbage Collection Algorithms

To increase the stability and predictability of the heap size and the ratios of its configuration, you can explicitly set the following parameters:

  • -XX:+UseParallelGC: This parameter is used by default on a machine qualifying as Server Class. This default collector is sufficient.

  • -XX:+UseParallelOldGC: This statement makes the tenured generation run GC in parallel, too. This is the default in JDK 6. In jdk1.5_u6 and greater you need to explicitly specify this option.

  • -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy: Turn off GC ergonomics. Note the minus sign in this statement. Specify min and max values explicitly.

  • -XX:NewRatio=1: Optimize the Young Generation Size. Using a ratio (as opposed to setting a numerical size with NewSize) allows for the maximum possible young generation size relative to the overall heap, no matter your MaxHeap size.

Tests show that most of the objects created for Convergence are short-lived, thus benefiting from a larger young generation size.

The NewRatio means {New:Old}. So, when NewRatio=1, then new:old = 1:1. Therefore, the young generation size = 1/2 of the total Java heap. The young generation size can never be larger than half the overall heap because - in the worst case - all the young generation space could be promoted to the old generation. Therefore, the old generation must be at least as large as the young generation size.

For more information about the NewRatio option, see the following Oracle web site:


Monitor your own heap usage with JConsole. See "Monitoring Convergence" for more information.

Setting the Permanent Generation Size

Be aware that MaxPermSize may need to be increased. JVM Efficiency is improved by setting PermSize equal to MaxPermSize. Start with the default, observe PermSpace usage and adjust accordingly:

<jvm-options>-XX:PermSize=192m -XX:MaxPermSize=192m</jvm-options>

Use a tool such as Jconsole or VisualVM to determine how best to optimize your own system.

Tuning the JVM RMI GC Interval Parameters

It is better if full Garbage Collections (GCs) on the Java heap do not occur frequently and are not called explicitly. It is best to let the JVM decide when to do full garbage collections.

Unfortunately, the GlassFish Server has a couple of JVM options for RMI applications that invoke full GCs often. If you are not running any applications using RMI, you should increase the rmi.dgc... values, or configure them never to occur.

You should also consider the ramifications of disabling explicit GCs. When another application is connecting to GlassFish Server with RMI, memory for objects in the Server heap will not be released and the calling application will not be able to release the reference to that object, thus possibly causing memory overflow on the other application.

These intervals are increased to 10 hours:


You can also use either of the following two options to prevent the full GCs invoked for RMI:

  • Disable explicit GC by adding:

  • Use JVM and set:


ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent is available beginning with JVM 1.6.

Sample List of JVM Options

The following list is a sample section of the domain.xml file's JVM options:

<jvm-options>-Xms1024M -Xmx1024M</jvm-options>

Miscellaneous Performance Tuning Tips

  • Class Data Sharing

    Class data sharing (CDS) is a new feature in J2SE 5.0. CDS applies only when the "Java HotSpot Client VM" is used. Since we recommend using the "Java HotSpot Server VM," this feature does not apply.

  • Inspect Settings

    Inspect your settings with the following commands. To see all Java processes running on your machine:

    jps -mlvV

    To view your settings in effect for the JVM for the GlassFish Server:

    jmap -heap java_process_id
  • Monitoring the JVM

    JConsole is a built-in JVM monitoring tool. On the SUT, set the display variable to your local machine and run the following command: jconsole

    See the Jconsole documentation for more information.

  • UseConcMarkSweepGC

    The intrepid system administrator may want to consider using UseConcMarkSweepGC instead of UseParallelGC. See the Java SE VM documentation at the following Oracle web site for more information:


  • GC 1 Algorithm

    See the discussion about Java garbage collection settings on the Oracle Technology Network:
