2 Enabling and Disabling Customization

You can control whether to enable customization for an entire deployment, for specific domains, or for specific users.

Before you can enable customization for an individual user or domain, you must enable customization for the entire Convergence deployment

About Enabling Customization for the Deployment, Domains, and Users

Since you can enable or disable customization at all three levels (whole deployment, domain, and individual user), it is important to understand how the settings at each level affect one another.

The following rules and guidelines explain these relationships:

  • By default, customization for the whole Convergence deployment is disabled.

  • If you enable customization for the whole deployment, customization is enabled for all domains and all users within the domains.

  • However, if you disable customization for a domain, users in that domain have no access to customization, even when customization is enabled for the whole deployment.

  • Similarly, if you disable customization for a user, that user has no access to customization, even when the settings are enabled at the higher levels.

  • If you disable customization at the deployment level, customization is disabled for all domains and all users, no matter what value is set at the domain or user level.

  • At any level, disabling customization overrides enabling it.

You enable or disable customization at the domain and user levels by setting LDAP attribute values. Thus, there are three possibilities at these levels:

  • Do not add the customization LDAP attribute to the domain or user entry.

  • Add the attribute and set it to true.

  • Add the attribute and set it to false.

If you explicitly set the customization LDAP attribute to true or false, the rules and guidelines described previously apply.

If you do not add the LDAP attribute to a user or domain, the settings at the higher level(s) apply.

Since you must enable customization for the whole deployment to enable customization for any individual domain or user, setting the customization LDAP attribute to true does not change the status for that domain or user.

In practice, the way to target access to customization per domain or per user is to turn on customization for the deployment and then set the LDAP attribute to false for each domain or user to whom you want to prevent access to customization.

Enabling Customization for the Convergence Deployment

  1. Enable the Convergence Server for customization using the iwcadmin command:

    iwcadmin -o client.enablecustomization -v true
  2. Populate the c11n_Home directory with the required directories and customization files. One approach is to copy the sample customization files from the sample customization directory to the live directory. Copy




Enabling or Disabling Customization for an Individual User

  1. Enable customization for Convergence. See "Enabling Customization for the Convergence Deployment".

  2. Add the following LDAP attribute to the user entry:

    sunUCExtendedUserPrefs: ClientCustomizationEnabled=true

To disable customization for the user, set the value of the attribute to false:

sunUCExtendedUserPrefs: ClientCustomizationEnabled=false


Before adding the sunUCExtendedUserPrefs attribute, ensure the domain entry contains the sunucpreferences object class.

Enabling or Disabling Customization for an Individual Domain

  1. Enable customization for Convergence. See "Enabling Customization for the Convergence Deployment".

  2. Add the following LDAP attribute to the domain entry:

    sunUCExtendedClientPrefs: ClientCustomizationEnabled=true

To disable customization for the domain, set the value of the attribute to false:

sunUCExtendedClientPrefs: ClientCustomizationEnabled=false