8 Convergence Address Book Customization Examples

This chapter provides several examples for customizing the address book service in Oracle Communications Convergence.

Customization Requirements

To perform any Convergence customization, you should have expert knowledge in dojo and knowledge of UI customization. For more information on general Convergence customization, see "Technical Overview".

Nearly all customization examples require the same setup and preparation.

  • You start by verifying that the c11n_Home directory exists. If it does not exist, create it.

    See "Customization Directory Structure" for more information.

  • Next, you verify that customization is enabled in Convergence. If customization is disabled, enable it.

    See "Enabling Customization in the Convergence Server" for more information.

  • When you have completed your customization, you must restart the GlassFish server for Convergence.

    See Convergence System Administrator’s Guide for more information.

Changing the Corporate Directory Name

By default, when a user selects the corporate address book, the Corporate Directory tab appears in the Convergence UI.

If the address book service is provided by Convergence, you can customize the tab name when the user selects the corporate address book.

If the address book service is provided by Oracle Communications Contacts Server, see the Contacts Server documentation for information about changing the name of the corporate address book. Because the display name of the corporate address book is being provisioned by Contacts Server, it is not possible to localize the name in Convergence.

For a new user, a user whose corporate entry has previously been deleted from Directory Server, or if new corporate directories are added to the deployment, you can use the ab.corpdir.[identifier].description and ab.corpdir.[identifier].displayname configuration parameters to change the name of the Corporate Directory tab in the Convergence Address Book.

But, if a corporate directory entry already exists for the end user, the ab.corpdir.[identifier].description and ab.corpdir.[identifier].displayname configuration parameters do not display the new corporate directory name. Instead, the default name, Corporate Directory, displays. The following instructions explain how to customize the corporate directory name for all users in a domain. You can use this example for both existing and new directory entries without having to change the displayName entries in o=PiServerDb for every user.

To change the name Corporate Directory:

  1. Verify that the c11n_Home directory exists. If c11n_Home does not exist, create it.

  2. Verify that customization is enabled in Convergence. If customization is disabled, enable it.

  3. In c11n_Home, verify that the following directories exist. If they do not exist, create them:

  4. In c11n_Home, verify that config.js exists. If it does not exist, create it.

  5. Modify config.js so that it enables i18n customization (i18nEnabled: true) across all domains (module: "allDomain").

    c11n.config = {
            // allDomain configuration
            allDomain: {
                   module: "allDomain", // module name
                   themeEnabled: false, // true if theme is customized
                   i18nEnabled: true, // true if i18n is customized
                   jsEnabled: false // true if js is customized
                   // the last entry must not end with comma
  6. In c11n_Home/allDomain/nls, create a default resource file named resources.js.

    This customized resources file inherits the default values in the standard resources file and extends them with the new, custom values. At run time, for each domain that has i18nEnabled enabled, Convergence loads that domain's l10n resource file, named resources.js. The resources.js file in the default directory is loaded first; then the resources.js in this customization directory is loaded. Thus, Convergence first loads the standard values (including labels) in the default resources file; it then overrides those values with any customizations.

  7. In resources.js, remove any references to corporate directory (for example, corp_dir, the_corporate_directory, corporate_lookup, or corp_dir_lookup).

  8. In resources.js, add the following:

     corporate_directory: "Example Directory", //where "Example Directory" is your Corporate Directory's name
     last: ""
  9. Restart the GlassFish server and clear the browser cache to see the change.

Displaying Additional Address Book Attributes When Adding Contacts to an Invitation

By default, when inviting contacts to an event from the corporate directory, contacts are listed by Display Name (LDAP attribute "cn") and Email (LDAP attribute "mail").

You can customize the Add Contacts dialog box to display additional columns of information.

This example shows how to add Job Title (LDAP attribute "title") and Department (LDAP attribute "ou") to the list of attributes when inviting contacts from the corporate directory to an event.


The LDAP attribute to Convergence attribute mapping for Corporate Directory is in this file: /var/opt/sun/comms/iwc/config/templates/ab/corp-dir/xlate-inetorgperson.xml

The LDAP attribute to Convergence attribute mapping for Personal Address Book is in this file: /var/opt/sun/comms/iwc/config/templates/ab/ldappstore/xlate-piTypePerson.xml

  1. Verify that the c11n_Home directory exists. If c11n_Home does not exist, create it.

  2. Verify that customization is enabled in Convergence. If customization is disabled, enable it.

  3. In c11n_Home, verify that the following directories exist. If they do not exist, create them:

  4. In c11n_Home, verify that config.js exists. If it does not exist, create it.

  5. Modify config.js so that it enables JavaScript customization (jsEnabled: true) across all domains (module: "allDomain").

    c11n.config = {
            // allDomain configuration
            allDomain: {
                   module: "allDomain", // module name
                   themeEnabled: false, // true if theme is customized
                   i18nEnabled: false, // true if i18n is customized
                   jsEnabled: true // true if js is customized
                   // the last entry must not end with comma
  6. In c11n_Home/allDomain/js, create or modify customize.js (the domain specific customization) to include the following code:

  7. In c11n_Home/allDomain/js/widget/addressBook, create or modify _FilteringQuerierMixin.js to include the following code:

    dojo.setObject("iwc.widget.addressBook._FilteringQueryCellTypes", {
           "entry/displayname": {
                   l10nKey: "display_name",
                   field: "entry/displayname",
                   formatter: function(value){
                           // displayname could be an array in corporate.
                           return dojo.isArray(value) ? iwc.util.encodeXMLEntities(value[0]) : value;
                   width: "25%",
                   noresize: true
           "organization/title": {
                   l10nKey: "job_title",
                   field: "organization/title",
                   formatter: function(value){
                           return dojo.isArray(value) ? iwc.util.encodeXMLEntities(value[0]) : value;
                   width: "25%",
                   noresize: true
           "organization/organizationalunit": {
                   l10nKey: "department",
                   field: "organization/organizationalunit",
                   formatter: function(value){
                           return dojo.isArray(value) ? iwc.util.encodeXMLEntities(value[0]) : value;
                   width: "25%",
                   noresize: true
           "email": {
                   l10nKey: "email",
                   field: 'email',
                   formatter: function(value){
                           // email is multivalued... will return an array
                           return value === undefined ? "" : iwc.util.encodeXMLEntities(value[0].content);
                   width: "25%",
                   noresize: true
  8. In c11n_Home/allDomain/js/widget/addressBook, create or modify BookStoreItemSelector.js to include the following code:

    dojo.declare("iwc.widget.addressBook.BookStoreItemSelector", iwc.widget.addressBook.BookStoreItemSelector, {
           displayColumns: ["entry/displayname", "email", "organization/title", "organization/organizationalunit"],
           last: ""
  9. Restart the GlassFish server and clear the browser cache.

Displaying Additional Address Book Attributes When Adding Resources to an Invitation

By default, when inviting resources to an event from the corporate directory, resources are listed by Display Name (LDAP attribute "cn") and Email (LDAP attribute "mail").

You can customize the Add Resources dialog box to display additional columns of information.

This example builds on the example "Displaying Additional Address Book Attributes When Adding Contacts to an Invitation".

This example shows how to add Job Title (LDAP attribute "title") and Department (LDAP attribute "ou") to the list of attributes when inviting resources from the corporate directory to an event.

  1. In c11n_Home/allDomain/js, create or modify customize.js (the domain specific customization) to include the following code in bold:

  2. In c11n_Home/allDomain/js/widget/addressBook, create or modify ResourceStoreItemSelector.js to include the following code:

    iwc.widget.addressBook.ResourceStoreItemSelector, {
           displayColumns: ["entry/displayname", "email", "organization/title", "organization/organizationalunit"],
           last: ""
  3. Restart the GlassFish server and clear the browser cache.

Removing the Copy To Button

You can limit a user's ability to copy corporate address book contacts to their personal address book by removing the Copy To button from the Address Book UI.

  1. Verify that the c11n_Home directory exists. If c11n_Home does not exist, create it.

  2. Verify that customization is enabled in Convergence. If customization is disabled, enable it.

  3. In c11n_Home, verify that the following directories exist. If they do not exist, create them:

  4. In c11n_Home, verify that config.js exists. If it does not exist, create it.

  5. Modify config.js so that it enables JavaScript customization (jsEnabled: true) across all domains (module: "allDomain").

    c11n.config = {
            // allDomain configuration
            allDomain: {
                   module: "allDomain", // module name
                   themeEnabled: false, // true if theme is customized
                   i18nEnabled: false, // true if i18n is customized
                   jsEnabled: true // true if js is customized
                   // the last entry must not end with comma
  6. In c11n_Home/allDomain/js, create or modify customize.js (the domain specific customization) to include the following code:

  7. In c11n_Home/allDomain/js/widget/addressBook, create or modify _BookBrowserToolbar.js to include the following code:

    iwc.widget.addressBook._BookBrowserToolbar, {
            buildRendering: function() {
                    // invoke the original buildRendering()
                    dojo.style(this.copyToolbarButton.domNode, "display", "none");       // remove the copyTo button
            last: ""
  8. Restart the GlassFish server and clear the browser cache to see the change.

Removing the Google Maps Link

By default, the Convergence personal address book automatically creates a link to Google Maps when a contact profile includes an address.

To remove the link to Google Maps:

  1. Verify that the c11n_Home directory exists. If c11n_Home does not exist, create it.

  2. Verify that customization is enabled in Convergence. If customization is disabled, enable it.

  3. In c11n_Home, verify that the following directories exist. If they do not exist, create them:

  4. In c11n_Home, verify that config.js exists. If it does not exist, create it.

  5. Modify config.js so that it enables JavaScript customization (jsEnabled: true) across all domains (module: "allDomain").

    c11n.config = {
            // allDomain configuration
            allDomain: {
                   module: "allDomain", // module name
                   themeEnabled: false, // true if theme is customized
                   i18nEnabled: false, // true if i18n is customized
                   jsEnabled: true // true if js is customized
                   // the last entry must not end with comma
  6. In c11n_Home/allDomain/js, create or modify customize.js (the domain specific customization) to include the following code:

    // Hide Google Maps link
  7. In c11n_Home/allDomain/js/widget/addressBook, modify _DisplayContactBody.js. Find the _DisplayContactBody method and replace it with the following:

       dojo.declare("iwc.widget.addressBook._DisplayContactAddressValue",iwc.widget.addressBook._DisplayContactAddressValue, {
            postCreate: function() {
                // hide the google maps in the address field
                dojo.addClass(this.mapLinkNode, "dijitHidden");
       last: ""
  8. Restart the GlassFish server and clear the browser cache to see the change.

Importing or Exporting Address Book Information in a Custom Language

Unless the Convergence address book is provided by Contacts Server, you can customize Convergence so that users can export and import address book information in a custom language.

This example assumes you have completed the example "Adding a New Language in Convergence"

  1. Configure Convergence to export address book data in the custom language:

    1. In /var/opt/sun/comms/iwc/config/templates/ab/export, create a file named export-csv-language.xls, where language is language code for your custom language. For example, if your custom language is Slovak, create export-csv-sk.xls.

      You can create this file by copying and renaming another CSV file with the following command:

      diff export-csv-us.xsl export-csv-language.xsl
    2. Modify export-csv-language.xls with column labels in the custom language.

    Convergence can now export address book data in CSV format in the custom language.

  2. Configure Convergence to import address book data in the custom language:

    1. In /var/opt/sun/comms/iwc/config/templates/ab/import, modify headrXlations.orig to add mappings and translations for the custom language:

      diff headrXlations.orig headrXlations

      For example, if the custom language is Slovak:

      > [sk]
      > sk-First Name=First Name
      > sk-Last Name=Last Name
      > sk-Middle Name=Middle Name
      > sk-Name=Name
      > sk-Nick Name=Nick Name
      > sk-Email=E-mail Address
    2. In /var/opt/sun/comms/iwc/config/templates/ab/import, create xlate-csvlanguage.xml, where language is the custom language. For example, xlate-csvsk.xml:

      You can create this file by copying and renaming another XML file with the following command:

      diff xlate-csvus.xml xlate-csvlanguage.xml
    3. In /var/opt/sun/comms/iwc/config/templates/ab/import, modify import.properties to include the following code:

      import.csvlanguage.class = com.sun.comms.client.ab.importexport.ImportedCsvParser
      import.csvlanguage.xlatePath = csvlanguage
      import.csvlanguage.encoding = ISO-8859-1

      For example, if the custom language is Slovak:

      import.csvsk.class = com.sun.comms.client.ab.importexport.ImportedCsvParser
      import.csvsk.xlatePath = csvsk
      import.csvsk.encoding = ISO-8859-1

    Convergence can now import address book data in CSV format in the custom language.