7 Mobile Synchronization Gateway Post-Installation Tasks

This chapter provides instructions for Oracle Communications Mobile Synchronization Gateway post-installation tasks.

Creating the passfile

When running the mgadmin command, instead of having to enter passwords at the no-echo prompt, you can supply passwords by using the password file. The password file is an encrypted "wallet," which holds all passwords that mgadmin might use. The mgadmin passfile operation creates, deletes, or modifies this password file.

To create the passfile:

  1. Log in to the Mobile Synchronization Gateway host as root.

  2. Change to the MobileSyncGateway_home/sbin directory.

  3. Run the mgadmin passfile create command and follow the prompts.

Updating Service URIs

Mobile Synchronization Gateway makes the following assumptions for the Unified Communications Suite service URIs to which it connects:

  • Oracle Communications Calendar Server: /dav

  • Oracle Communications Contacts Server: /dav

  • Oracle Communications Convergence WABP: /iwc/svc/wabp

If your deployment does not use these default values, use the mgadmin command to change the service URI to the values that you are using:

  • Calendar Server:

    mgadmin config modify -o caldav.serviceuri -v /service_URI/dav
  • Contacts Server:

    mgadmin config modify -o carddav.serviceuri -v /service_URI/dav
  • Convergence WABP:

    mgadmin config modify -o wabp.serviceuri -v /service_URI/iwc/svc/wabp

Configuring Mobile Synchronization Gateway for Autodiscover

Mobile Synchronization Gateway implements Microsoft® Exchange ActiveSync Autodiscover technology, which enables mobile clients to autodiscover which server (host, port) to use, and whether SSL is required, based on the user's email address.

About Autodiscover

Autodiscover operation consists of the following high-level steps:

  1. The user authenticates with Mobile Synchronization Gateway on the mobile device.

  2. The mobile device extracts the domain part of the email address and sends an Autodiscover command (HTTP Request) to the following addresses (in the order shown) and stops if the first address succeeds:

    1. https://domain/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml (for example: https://example.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml)

    2. https://autodiscover.domain/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml (for example: https://autodiscover.example.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml)

  3. The server responds with an Autodiscover response (XML document) containing the HTTP(S) address of the Mobile Synchronization Gateway host.

  4. The mobile device using that address synchronizes itself with the Mobile Synchronization Gateway host.

Configuring for Autodiscover

The Mobile Synchronization Gateway init-config script automatically configures Mobile Synchronization Gateway for Autodiscover. If you need to reconfigure Autodiscover, use this task.

To configure Mobile Synchronization Gateway for Autodiscover:

  1. Log in to the Mobile Synchronization Gateway host as root.

  2. Change to the MobileSyncGateway_home/sbin directory.

  3. Run the following mgadmin modify config commands:

    mgadmin config modify -o service.as.autodiscover.autodiscovername -v http://hostname
    mgadmin config modify -o service.as.autodiscover.autodiscoverurl -v http://hostname

    where hostname is the fully qualified host name of the Mobile Synchronization Gateway host, for example, msg.example.com.

Configuring Direct Push for Calendar Server and Contacts Server

Microsoft® Exchange ActiveSync direct push technology enables Mobile Synchronization Gateway to keep data on mobile devices synchronized with the data on Messaging Server, Calendar Server, and Contacts Server hosts.

To enable direct push, the Mobile Synchronization Gateway implements a synchronization engine, which consists of Java Message Service (JMS) consumer modules, one for Messaging Server, and one for Calendar Server and Contacts Server.

For more information on configuring Messaging Server, Calendar Server, and Contacts Server for direct push, see the topic on direct push in Mobile Synchronization Gateway System Administrator's Guide.

Configuring the Java Message Service Port for Calendar Server and Contacts Server

Mobile Synchronization Gateway configures the default Java Message Service (JMS) port to be 7676 for both Calendar Server and Contacts Server. If your deployment uses a non-default port, use the following commands to change the JMS port:

mgadmin config modify -o caldav.mqport -v port
mgadmin config modify -o carddav.mqport -v port

Next Steps

Follow the instructions in "Verifying the Mobile Synchronization Gateway Installation" to configure Mobile Synchronization Gateway clients.