Oracle® Communications Mobile Synchronization Gateway

Release Notes

Release 8.0


August 2016

This document provides release notes for Oracle Communications Mobile Synchronization Gateway Release 8.0, consisting of the following sections:

About Mobile Synchronization Gateway

Mobile Synchronization Gateway extends Oracle Communications Messaging Server, Oracle Communications Calendar Server, and Oracle Communications Contacts Server to mobile devices. Mobile Synchronization Gateway enables users to synchronize their email, calendar, and contacts with mobile devices. Mobile Synchronization Gateway uses the Microsoft® Exchange ActiveSync protocol. Using Microsoft® Exchange ActiveSync, users can access their email, calendar, and contacts and continue to access this information even while working offline. In addition, Mobile Synchronization Gateway uses real-time push synchronization. Mobile Synchronization Gateway enables native applications on iOS, basic Android, and Samsung Android devices to synchronize with Unified Communications Suite servers.

Known Limitations

This section lists the known limitations in this release of Mobile Synchronization Gateway.

The mgadmin -W Command Only Works When You Enter the Administrative Password

SR number: NA

Bug number: 23644528

If you run the mgadmin passfile create command to create the password file, but reply no to the question, "Do you want to set the app server admin user password," then you are not able to later use the -W option.

Out of Office End Date Is Shifted by a Day

SR number: NA

Bug number: 23501502

Both iOS and Samsung devices send an out of office end date that is shifted by one day. For example, if you create an out of office announcement with an end date of June 4, the client sends it to Mobile Synchronization Gateway as June 5. Mobile Synchronization Gateway saves the date as June 5. Additionally, Convergence clients read the stored date as June 5.

Out of Office External Away Message Is Enabled Even When Not Set by Client

SR number: NA

Bug number: 23483632

On iOS, if you create an out of office message with the end date and message, but do not set "Enable away message," Mobile Synchronization Gateway still enables its AppliesToExternalKnown and AppliesToExternalUnknown settings.

iOS Cannot Create a Contact with Photo Whose Size Is Greater Than 500 KB

SR number: NA

Bug number: 23187178

Due to a problem with iOS, you cannot upload a photo for a contact to Mobile Synchronization Gateway greater than 500 KB in size.

Drafts Folder Is Not Synchronized

SR number: NA

Bug number: 19987108

Synchronizing the drafts folder is not supported. (Mobile Synchronization Gateway is compliant with Microsoft® Exchange ActiveSync 14.1, which does not support this.)

Autodiscover Does Not Work if Server Certificate Is Invalid

SR number: NA

Bug number: NA

If your server certificate (used for SSL) is invalid, some mobile devices are either unable to use the Autodiscover service or receive a warning message when attempting to connect to Autodiscover.

You can use the Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer to check Autodiscover behavior at:

Samsung Email App Hangs Sometimes

SR number: NA

Bug number: NA

Occasionally, the Samsung Email app hangs. After you have configured the email account on the Samsung device, if the account contains a large amount of email, the email app hangs. The email app is unable to display the account's email, sometimes for as long as a day.

Delegated Administrator

This release of Mobile Synchronization Gateway does not support Oracle Communications Delegated Administrator.

Unsupported Features

This release of Mobile Synchronization Gateway does not currently support the following feature:

  • Device management capabilities, such as password policies and remote wipe

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Communications Mobile Synchronization Gateway Release Notes, Release 8.0


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