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Oracle® Database Appliance Using Oracle WebLogic Server on Oracle Database Appliance
Release 12.1.3

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2 Installation and Configuration

This chapter describes how to provision WebLogic Server, including a fronting load balancer, on the Oracle Database Appliance using the Oracle WebLogic Server Configuration for Oracle Database Appliance utility (configuration utility).

The following sections are included in this chapter:


Oracle WebLogic Server on Oracle Database Appliance is available on Oracle Database Appliance versions X4-2, X3-2, and V1.

Oracle WebLogic Server support is provided via Oracle Virtual Machine (OVM) template bundles which are pre-configured for the Oracle Database Appliance environment. Each bundle corresponds to an Oracle WebLogic Server version, either 11g (10.3.6) or 12c (12.1.2 or 12.1.3). Each of these bundles include:

Downloading the OVM Templates and Configuration Utility from Oracle Technology Network

Oracle WebLogic Server on Oracle Database Appliance OVM templates and the configuration utility can also be downloaded from Oracle Technology Network:

The configuration utility provides an easy way to create and configure WebLogic domains with a choice of single or multiple clusters to serve your business applications, and configure Oracle Traffic Director, a software load balancer that can efficiently balance incoming requests to one of the WebLogic clusters.

Use the following procedure to download the OVM templates and the configuration utility. The configuration utility can be run on a local Windows, MacOS, or Linux client to create and save the configuration file for later use.

To download and install an updated configuration utility on a Windows or Linux client and on the Oracle Database Appliance:

  1. Open a Web browser and access the following URL:

  2. In the Oracle WebLogic Server on Oracle Database Appliance section, right-click on the links and save the OVM templates and the Oracle WebLogic Server Configuration for Oracle Database Appliance utility file to any location on your Windows or Linux client machine.

  3. Extract the file to any location on the client machine.

  4. Copy the downloaded tar.gz file from the client to any location on the ODA_BASE domain of Node 0 using the following scp command:

    scp filename root@ip_address:dest_dir

    Replace filename with the name of the downloaded file, and replace ip_address with the IP address of ODA_BASE of Node 0 and replace dest_dir with the destination directory.

  5. Extract the file to any directory on ODA_BASE.


    When downloading an updated configuration utility to replace an existing one, Oracle recommends that you extract the updated files to the same directory as the original to avoid having multiple versions of the utility on the system.

For information on how to run the configuration utility, see "Using the Configuration Utility."

Installing the OVM Templates

After completing the download, perform the following steps to install the WebLogic Server and Oracle Traffic Director OVM templates:

  1. Extract the downloaded ZIP files to any location on the local client. After extraction, the following files are located in the directory, where version is either 1036, 1212, or 12.1.3:



    You cannot upgrade from one version of Oracle WebLogic Server to another without re-provisioning. If you begin provisioning using Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.2, you cannot automatically upgrade to Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.3 without re-provisioning. You must download the 12.1.3 template and re-provision using the 12.1.3 template. Make sure you download the template with the appropriate Oracle WebLogic Server version.

  2. Use scp to transfer the two template archives from the client to the /OVS/staging directory of Domain-0 on Node 0.

    scp WLS_version_VMT.tar.gz root@ip_address:/OVS/staging

    scp OTD_11117_VMT_tar.gz root@ip_address:/OVS/staging

    Replace ip_address with the IP address of Domain-0 on Node 0.


    For information about the architecture of the Oracle Database Appliance virtualized platform, see "Deploying Oracle Software on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform" in Oracle Database Appliance Getting Started Guide.

    Do not extract the WLS and OTD tar.gz files.

  3. Transfer the configuration utility file WLS_ODA_Configurator_12. to any location on the ODA_BASE domain on Node 0:

    scp WLS_ODA_Configurator_12. root@ip_address:dest_dir

    Replace ip_address with the IP address of the ODA_BASE domain on Node 0. Replace dest_dir with the destination directory.

  4. Use ssh to log in as the root user to the ODA_BASE domain on Node 0, switch to the directory where you stored the configuration utility file, and extract the configuration utility file to any directory on the ODA_BASE domain of Node 0.

    See "Using the Configuration Utility" for information on how to run the configuration utility.


If you want to run the configuration utility to create a configuration file on the local client, extract WLS_ODA_Configurator_version.tar.gz to any directory on the local client.

Using the Configuration Utility

You can use either of the following methods to create a WebLogic domain configuration using configuration utility:

Collecting the Required Configuration Information

Prior to running the configuration utility, collect the following network configuration information:

  • Hostnames and IP addresses to use for the WebLogic Server Administration Server VMs.

  • Hostname and IP address to use for each WebLogic Server Managed Server VM. Depending on the number of domains and the cluster size you choose, you will need two to sixteen of each.

  • Virtual IP addresses to use for the Oracle Traffic Directory load balancer, if you choose to provision a load balancer. With expanded multi domain/cluster configuration with WebLogic Server, the number of Virtual IP addresses for load balancer increases where each WebLogic Server domain requires a unique VIP address and each cluster in that domain requires a unique port.

  • Hostname and IP address to use for the Oracle Traffic Directory Administration Server VM.

  • Two hostnames and IP addresses to use for the two Oracle Traffic Directory Admin Node VMs.

  • If you need to create an additional data source for use by your application, you need the following information. The data source must be for an Oracle database that is running on this Oracle Database Appliance.

    • The JNDI name (data source name) for the data source

    • The Oracle database service name

    • The schema username and password to be used to connect the database

Resource Requirements

Before provisioning the WebLogic domains, you must ensure that you have enough CPU and memory resources available for the size of the cluster that you want to create.

Table 2-1 shows the total resource availability.

Table 2-1 Total Resource Availability

Resources V1 X3-2 X4-2

Total Cores




Total vCPUs




Total RAM (in GB)




The sizing of the total number of cores includes the following components:

Sizing ODA_Base

Note that the database that you create on Oracle Database Appliance uses some of the available machine resources. If the database is large, the machine resources that are available for your Managed Server cluster will be significantly smaller, thus impacting performance.

Plan your ODA_BASE size on the basis of your requirement. Table 2-2 shows the ODA_BASE sizes and their corresponding vCPUs and memory.

Table 2-2 Core Count and RAM Size for selecting ODA_BASE

Core Count (per node) vCPUs RAM Size (in Gigabytes)




























You can have a maximum of 44 deployment cores for use by Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Traffic Director if you select the smallest ODA_BASE size of 2 cores per node.

Sizing for Oracle WebLogic Server Installation

Each Oracle WebLogic Server domain adds 1 Admin Server. Two vCPUs are used for each Admin Server and four vCPUs are used for each Managed Server. The maximum number of Managed Servers allowed for one domain is 13 in X3-2 and 16 in X4-2 if you configure only one domain. If you need more than one domain, the number of Managed Servers comes down accordingly.


Oracle WebLogic Server on Oracle Database Appliance version requires only one Admin Server to create a domain. You can provision a domain without adding Managed Servers. However, to configure a load balancer such as Oracle Traffic Director, you need to add Managed Servers.

Sizing for Oracle Traffic Director

If you want to provision a load balancer, Oracle Traffic Director needs 10 VCPUs:

  • One Admin Server - 2 vCPUs or one core

  • Two Admin Nodes - 4 vCPUs each which equals to 8 vCPUs or 4 cores

Planning Your Deployment Cores

While running the configuration utility, you must select the number of Planned Deployment Cores.

Decide the number of cores for ODA_BASE before determining the Planned Deployment Cores. Use the following formulae to determine your Planned Deployment Cores.

Table 2-3 Planning your Deployment Cores

Cores V1 X3-2 X4-2

Available Cores

Total number of cores (24) - ODA_BASE Cores

Total number of cores (32) - ODA_BASE Cores

Total number of cores (48) - ODA_BASE Cores

Planned Deployment Cores

Cores for WLS provisioning + 5 Cores for OTD (if selected)

Cores for WLS provisioning + 5 Cores for OTD (if selected)

Cores for WLS provisioning + 5 Cores for OTD (if selected)

Cores per domain for Oracle WebLogic Server

2 Cores for Admin Server + 2 Cores for each Managed Server

2 Cores for Admin Server + 4 Cores for each Managed Server

2 Cores for Admin Server + 4 Cores for each Managed Server


The following examples take into consideration Oracle Database Appliance X4-2 only.

Example 1   Smallest Possible Deployment

To plan the smallest possible deployment in an ODA X4-2 machine:

  1. Determine your ODA_BASE size. If you want to select the smallest size, you can select 2 cores per node or a total of 4 cores.

    Available cores = Total Number of Cores - ODA_BASE Cores = 48-4 = 44

    Use this information to make sure your Planned Deployment Cores fall within this range of remaining cores.

  2. Determine the cores for WLS provisioning:

    If you select one domain:

    One Admin Server uses 2 vCPUs or 1 core.

  3. Determine if you want a load balancer

    If you choose to provision a load balancer, add 5 cores for Oracle Traffic Director with one Admin Server (2 vCPUs or one core) and two Admin Nodes (four vCPUs or two cores each).

  4. Calculate the planned deployment cores:

    Planned Deployment Cores = 1 core for WLS provisioning + 5 cores for Oracle Traffic Director = 6 cores

    If you choose not to provision a load balancer, the smallest Planned Deployment Cores is 1.

Example 2   Other Possible Deployment

To plan the appropriate possible deployment in an X4-2 machine:

  1. Determine your ODA_BASE size. If you want to select 4 cores per node or a total of 8 cores.

    Available cores = Total Number of Cores - ODA_BASE Cores = 48-8 = 40

    Use this information to make sure your Planned Deployment Cores fall within this range of remaining cores.

  2. Determine the cores for WLS provisioning:

    If you select two domains with the four Managed Servers in each:

    Admin Servers uses 2*2=4 vCPUs or 2 cores

    Managed Servers use 8*4 =32 vCPUs or 16 cores

    Total WLS cores = 16+2 = 18 cores

  3. Determine if you want a load balancer

    If you choose to provision a load balancer, add 5 cores for Oracle Traffic Director with one Admin Server (2 vCPUs or one core) and two Admin Nodes (four vCPUs or two cores each).

  4. Calculate the planned deployment cores:

    Planned Deployment Cores = 18 cores for WLS provisioning + 5 cores for Oracle Traffic Director = 23 cores

    If you choose not to provision a load balancer, the Planned Deployment Cores is 18.

Running the Configuration Utility Offline

To create a configuration file on a Windows or Linux client for later use on Oracle Database Appliance:

  1. Change to the directory where you downloaded and extracted the configuration utility files.

  2. Enter the following command to start the configuration utility:

    config.bat (Windows)

    ./ (Linux or Mac OSX)

    If you want to load an existing configuration file, include the path to the file name in the command, for example:

    ./ /config/

  3. Configure the WebLogic Server domain as described in "Configuration Utility Screens." On the Summary screen, click Save to save the configuration to a file.

Running the Configuration Utility on Oracle Database Appliance

Prior to running configuration utility on Oracle Database Appliance:

  • ensure that the Java bin directory is set in the classpath. JDK 1.6 is the minimum required JDK.

  • either launch XWindows or redirect the display on ODA_BASE of Node 0.

If you have already created a configuration file on a client as described in the previous section and you want to use that file to provision the WebLogic Server domains, ensure that you have already copied the file to the Oracle Database Appliance.

To run the configuration utility on the Oracle Database Appliance:

  1. Use SSH to log in as root to ODA_BASE of Node 0 of the Oracle Database Appliance:

    ssh root@ip_address

    Replace ip_address with the IP address of ODA_BASE of Node 0.

  2. Change to the directory where you extracted the configuration utility files.

  3. Enter the following command:

    ./ config_file

    Replace config_file with the path and filename of the saved configuration file. Alternatively, you can omit this parameter and browse to the file from the Welcome screen.

    To continue with the Configuration utility, refer to the section, "Configuration Utility Screens".

    To install and provision in silent mode, see "Silent Provisioning".


    Oracle WebLogic Server on Oracle Database Appliance version uses the --snap option to provision the domains instantly. This feature clones the templates instantly and completes the provisioning process faster.

Configuration Utility Screens

After starting the configuration utility, enter the details in the following screens.


From this screen, you can create a new configuration or load an existing configuration from a previously saved file.

Create a New Configuration

To create a new configuration, click Next. You can save the configuration later on the Summary screen.

Load an Existing Configuration

Click Browse to select and load an existing configuration file, which will be used to populate all fields on the subsequent screens.

If you created a configuration file on a remote machine and then transferred the file to Oracle Database Appliance, navigate to the directory where you stored the file and select it.

Machine Type

If you run the configuration utility to create or edit a configuration file on a remote machine, ensure that the machine type selection matches the type of the target machine. The options on the configurator depend on the Oracle Database Appliance machine selected.

After loading the configuration file, click Next to continue.

General Information

Provide the following information. Click Next to continue.

Planned Deployment Cores

Select the number of Planned Deployment Cores from the drop down list. The number of planned deployment cores now accounts for the cores available on both the ODA nodes.

Current Core Usage

Displays the number of deployment cores used currently.

  • Oracle Database Appliance X4-2 and X3-2: This field shows 5 by default as it is the smallest possible planned deployment cores.

  • Oracle Database Appliance V1: This field shows 3 by default as it is the smallest possible planned deployment cores.

This field will be updated as you select OTD and choose the number of Oracle WebLogic Server domains, clusters, and managed servers.

Network Information

Provide the following network information. Enter the IP addresses for the respective entries.

Choose Networks to Use

  • Oracle Database Appliance X4-2 and X3-2: Eth1 and Eth2 networks will be available for use. Select one or both of the networks for use.


    If you select Eth1 or Eth2 or both, the provided network information must match with the information on oda_base configured on Eth1 or Eth2 or both.

  • Oracle Database Appliance V1: Eth1 and Eth4 networks will be available for use. Select one or both of networks for use.

Network CIDR for Ethn VMs

Provide the netmask for the subnet to which the IP addresses belong.

Gateway for Ethn VMs

Provide the IP address for the gateway to your network.

NTP Server

Provide the IP address for the NTP server for your installation.

Load Balancer Information

Select whether you want to provision a fronting load balancer for the Oracle Weblogic Server cluster instances. The WebLogic domain must be clustered if you select to provision a load balancer.

The Oracle VM Template archive for OTD must be present in the /OVS/Staging directory of Domain-0 on Node 0 for the provisioning process to complete successfully.


Provide the following information. Click Next to continue.

WebLogic Version

Select the Oracle WebLogic Server version to provision on the Oracle Database Appliance.

The Oracle VM Template archive corresponding to the selected version must be present in the /OVS/staging directory of Domain-0 on Node 0 for the provisioning process to complete successfully.

Number of Domains

From the drop down list, select the number of domains.

Domain Name

Enter the name for the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain. Domain names can consist of only alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The domain name must be unique and contain at least one alphabetic character and must start with a letter, and can be a maximum of 23 characters long.


While naming the domains, make sure that a domain name is not a substring of another domain name as it might result in parsing errors. For example, Domain1 and Domain2 are accepted domain names while Domain and Domain1 will result in errors.

Number of Managed Servers

From the drop down list, select the number of managed servers you want to create in the domain.

Number of Clusters

From the drop down list, select the number of clusters for the domain.

Cluster Sizing

Select the number of Managed Servers that you want to create in the clusters. For example, a cluster sizing of 3/2 means that the first cluster has three Managed Servers and the second cluster has two Managed Servers.

If OTD is selected, cluster size must be greater than zero. The configurator will not allow a cluster size of zero when OTD is selected.

Once the domain is provisioned, you will not be able to add additional Managed Server instances.


Select the network interface that you want to use for the Oracle WebLogic Server virtual machines. The selection will be limited to the networks chosen on the Network Information screen.

  • Oracle Database Appliance X4-2 and X3-2: eth1(bond0) is a fiber-optic 10GbE interface for public network access. eth2(xbond0) is a fiber-optic 10GbE interface.

  • Oracle Database Appliance V1: eth1(bond0) is a 1GbE interface for public network access. eth4(xbond0) is a fiber-optic 10GbE interface.

Note that the same network interface cannot be mapped to multiple sub networks, so care must be taken while providing the network information for Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle Traffic Director, and Oracle Database tiers on the machine.

Ensure that your network switch and cables can support the GbE speed that you select. All network addresses are bonded to ensure redundancy and throughput.


The netmask details that you entered in the General Information screen will appear here.


The gateway details you entered in the General Information screen will appear here.


Provide the port details for network connectivity. 7001 is selected by default.

Admin Host Name

Specify the hostname[1] for the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Server.

Admin IP

Specify the IP address[2] for the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Server.

User Name

This is a pre-populated field and the default value is root.


Enter the password to use for the Oracle WebLogic Server administration user (system) and the operating system user (oracle) for the virtual machines that are running Oracle WebLogic Server.

Press Enter or tab to view the password confirmation screen.

The currently selected domain and the managed server utilization will be displayed after you enter all the domain details.

[1]: All hostnames must conform to the RFC 952 standard. The network domain that is configured for database provisioning is used to form the fully qualified domain names (FQDN) for the hostnames.

[2]: Only IPV4 format addresses are supported.

Cluster Name

This is a read-only field displaying cluster names that are created as Cluster-1, Cluster-2, and so on.

Managed Server Count

The number of Managed Servers depends on the value you selected for the cluster size in the Domains table.

Host Name

For each of the Managed Server virtual machines, specify the host name of the Managed Server.


For each of the Managed Server virtual machines, specify the IP address.


This is a read-only field displaying cluster names.

Admin VM

If you want the Managed Server to be co-located with the Administration Server, click the check box corresponding to the Managed Server. Note that only one Managed Server can be co-located with the Administration Server. If you select a Managed Server, the previous selection will be deselected. Note that it is optional to have your Administration Server co-located with Managed Server.

If the Managed Server is co-located with the Administration Server, the Managed Server will be assigned port 7010 as it needs to be different from the Administration Server port. If port 7010 is selected for the Administration Server, Managed Server will be assigned 7001.

JMS Distributed Destinations with DB Store

Select this option to configure JMS Distributed Destinations. If selected, sample JMS Distributed Queue and Topic backed by a highly persistent store are created and targeted to the Oracle WebLogic Server clusters.

See Best Practices for JMS Beginners and Advanced Users for additional information on JMS Distributed Destinations.

If selected, a screen for collecting JMS Distributed Destination information is displayed. You can configure JMS Distributed Destinations for select domains.

JDBC Data Source

Select this option to create a Data Source that can be used by applications deployed to the WebLogic Server cluster. The Data Source must be for an Oracle Database that is running on the same Oracle Database Appliance machine.

If selected, a screen for collecting Data Source configuration is displayed. You can create Data Sources for select domains.

Coherence Cluster Configuration

Select this option to enable Coherence Cluster Configuration for the domains.

JMS Distributed Destinations with DB Persistent Store

Provide the following information for the database that will be used for JMS. Note that the information is only for connecting to an Oracle Database instance running on the same ODA machine. Click Next to continue.

This screen appears only if you selected the JMS Distribution Destinations option in the Domain screen.

WebLogic Domain

Click the check box corresponding to the WebLogic Domain to enable JMS Distributed Destinations on this domain. Click Select All to enable JMS Distributed Destinations on all domains. Click Deselect All to deselect all the domains that are already selected. Click Replicate First Domain Values to use the information entered in the first domain for the other domains.

Service Name

Enter the Database service name.

Database User Name

Specify the user name to log in to the database.


Specify the password to log in to the database.

JDBC Data Source Configuration

Use this screen to configure a JDBC Data Source for use by applications deployed to the Oracle WebLogic Server cluster. Note that the Data Source is only for connecting to an Oracle Database instance running on the same ODA machine.

This screen appears only if you selected the JDBC Data Source Configuration option in the Domain screen.

WebLogic Domain

Click the check box corresponding to the WebLogic Domain to enable JDBC Data Source configuration on this domain. Click Select All to configure JDBC Data Sources for all domains. Click Deselect All to deselect all the domains that are already selected. Click Replicate First Domain Values to use the information entered in the first domain for the other domains.

Data Source Type

Select whether the data source is a WebLogic multi data source, GridLink data source, or Generic data source.

For RAC database, you can select either GridLink or Multi Data Source.

For RACOne node, you can use only GridLink Data Source.

For Enterprise Edition database, you can use only a Generic Data Source.


Enter the JNDI name that you want to use for the data source.

Service Name

Enter the Oracle Database service name.

Database User Name and Password

Enter a valid user name for accessing the database schema. Enter the password for the specified user name.

Support Global Transactions

Select this option to enable global transactions on the data source. For more information about global transactions, see:

Coherence Cluster Configuration

Provide the following details of the coherence clusters.

Filter displayed servers

Click All to view the six coherence servers. Click on the corresponding server number to view and edit its details.

WebLogic Domain

Click the check box corresponding to the WebLogic Domain to enable Coherence Clusters on this domain. Click Select All to enable Coherence Clusters on all domains. Click Deselect All to deselect all the domains that are already selected.

Host Name n

Enter the host name of the Managed Server to enable Coherence Cluster. Each selected domain requires six coherence servers. Provide the host names for each of the six servers.

IP n

Enter the IP address corresponding to the host name of the Managed Servers. Provide the IP addresses for each of the six servers.

Load Balancer Configuration

Provide the following information.


Provide the following network details.

Network Interface

Select the network interface that you want to use for the Oracle Traffic Director (OTD) virtual machines.

  • Oracle Database Appliance X4-2 and X3-2: eth1(bond0) is a fiber-optic 10GbE interface for public network access. eth2(xbond0) is a fiber-optic 10GbE interface.

  • Oracle Database Appliance V1: eth1(bond0) is a 1GbE interface for public network access. eth4(xbond0) is a fiber-optic 10GbE interface.

Ensure that your network switch and cables can support the GbE speed that you select. All network addresses are bonded to ensure redundancy and throughput.

Admin Server VM

Specify the Hostname[1] and IP Address[2] for the OTD Administration Server virtual machine.

Admin Node n VM

For each of the Admin Node virtual machines, specify the Hostname[1] and IP Address[2].


Displays the netmask details entered in the General Information screen.


Displays the gateway details entered in the General Information screen.


Provide the following credentials.

User Name/Password

Enter the password to use for OTD administrator user (admin) and the operating system users (root, oracle) for the virtual machines that are running OTD.

Press Enter or tab to view the password confirmation screen.

Load Balancer Listeners for WebLogic Domain

Provide the following information.


Lists the domains created in earlier screens.

OTD Virtual IP

Enter the public IP address[2] for the OTD instances linked to the selected domain. For each domain, enter a unique virtual IP address.

OTD instances will be configured in an Active-Passive configuration to ensure highly available traffic routing and load-balancing service for your enterprise applications and services. OTD has the ability to fail over on this virtual IP, thus providing high availability of the back-end applications that are deployed on Oracle WebLogic clusters.

For more information, see in Oracle® Traffic Director Administrator's Guide.

OTD Port for First WebLogic Cluster

This is the listen port for the OTD instances linked to the first cluster of the domain. Clients can connect using the virtual IP address on this port.

Specify a single port for each domain which acts as the starting port. All subsequent clusters will be assigned port+1 value.

Every cluster within a domain must be assigned a unique port. You cannot duplicate ports within the same domain. However, you can use the same port across multiple domains as each domain has a unique virtual IP address to differentiate the clusters.

[1]: All hostnames must conform to the RFC 952 standard. The network domain that is configured for database provisioning is used to form the fully qualified domain names (FQDN) for the hostnames.

[2]: Only IPV4 format addresses are supported.


Review the configuration summary to ensure that it is accurate.

If you are running the utility on a local machine to generate a configuration file, or if you are running on the Oracle Database Appliance and you intend to use this configuration file to provision later, click Save and save the configuration file before exiting the utility. If you need to change the configuration, click Back to return to earlier screens. Click Close after saving to exit the utility.

Click Cancel to close without provisioning Oracle WebLogic Server or saving a configuration file.

If you are running Oracle Database Appliance Configuration Utility for WebLogic Server on an Oracle Database Appliance, and you want to proceed immediately with the provisioning, click Install.

The provisioning process clones, configures, and starts the needed virtual machines and the corresponding servers within them.

When provisioning process is complete, the Oracle WebLogic Administration Server and Managed Servers (along with Node Managers) are up and running. If a load balancer is configured, Oracle Traffic Director Administration Server and instances are also ready for use.

Silent Provisioning

To run the configuration in silent mode without using the Configuration utility, you can perform silent provisioning.

To perform silent provisioning:

  1. Use SSH to log in as root to ODA_BASE of Node 0 of the Oracle Database Appliance:

    ssh root@ip_address

    Replace ip_address with the IP address of ODA_BASE of Node 0.

  2. Change to the directory where you extracted the configuration utility files.

  3. Enter the following command:

    ./ --silent config_file

    Replace config_file with the path and filename of the properties file.

Domain Creation and Startup

After completing the configuration, clicking Install initiates the domain creation process.

The domain creation process clones, configures, and starts the needed virtual machines and the corresponding servers within them.

When the creation process is complete, the Oracle WebLogic Administration Server and Managed Servers (along with Node Managers) are up and running. If a load balancer is configured, Oracle Traffic Director Administration Server and instances are also ready for use.

To avoid a single point of failure with a physical node, the virtual machines are spread across the both physical nodes (Node 0 and Node 1).


At initial provisioning, the domain is configured for Production mode. When you change the domain to Development mode, you must restart the WebLogic servers.

Once provisioning is complete, you must allocate CPUs to each node based on the number of CPUs you have licensed. Refer to the next section, "CPU Allocation," for more information.

CPU Allocation

For Oracle WebLogic Server configured on Oracle Database Appliance, cores are already created during the provisioning process.

After creating the domain, all VMs are using the CPUs from the default-unpinned-pool. Based on the number of cores you have licensed, you must configure the virtual machines to ensure that only the licensed number cores are used by the provisioned WebLogic Server and OTD VMs. The simplest approach is to allocate half of the available cores to each node and configure the WebLogic Server and OTD VMs on a given node to use the cores from that node's CPU pool. See the example later in this section.


There are many ways to allocate the available CPU resources. For example, you could create a separate CPU pool for each VM. You could also allocate the CPU resources unevenly, for example, if you have 10 licensed cores, allocate one to be shared by both Administration Servers, one for each OTD VMs, and seven for the WebLogic Managed Server VMs. The example in this section describes the simplest approach.

For example, if you have licensed 8 cores, perform the following steps to allocate six cores to each node and configure the VMs on each node to use these CPU pools:

  1. Use the following command to create CPU pools on each node (in this example, wlsCpuPool is the pool name; you can substitute any pool name you want to use):

    oakcli create cpupool wlsCpuPool -numcpu 8 -node 0

    oakcli create cpupool wlsCpuPool -numcpu 8 -node 1

  2. For each WebLogic Server and OTD VM, enter the following command to configure the VM to use the CPU pool.

    oakcli configure vm vm_name -cpupool wlsCpuPool

    After executing this command, you need to restart each VM for the change to take effect.

  3. For each VM, enter the following commands to restart the VMs:

    oakcli stop vm vm_name

    oakcli start vm vm_name

Virtual Machine Configuration

This section describes the virtual machine (VM) configuration of the WebLogic domain. It contains the following sections:

VM Naming Conventions

The WebLogic Administration Server and Managed Server VM names, as well as the Oracle Traffic Director (OTD) VM names, are based on the physical host number on which the VM resides, the domain name, the cluster name, and in the case of Managed Servers, the Managed Server number. WebLogic Server VM names are prefixed by WLS_, while the OTD VM names are prefixed by OTD_.

The VM name of the WebLogic Administration Server is as follows:


For example:


The VM name of each Managed Server is as follows, where # is the number of the VM with regard to the cluster:


For example:


The number of Managed Servers is reset per domain. For example, if you have 2 domains of 4 Managed Servers each, you have 8 total Managed Servers. The VMs will be ordered 1-4 for domain1, then 1-4 again for domain2. The VMs can be differentiated by the domain name part of the VM name.

The VM name of each Coherence Server is as follows, where # is the number of coherence server.

COH_<Domain Name>_DATA_<MS#>

For example:


The number at the end of the VM name continues from the number of Managed Servers for the domain. If you have one cluster with two Managed Servers, the first Coherence Server VM will end in 3 and the final Coherence Server VM will end in 8. If there are 12 Managed Servers in a cluster, the Coherence Server range will be from 13 to 18.

The VM name of the OTD Administration Server is as follows:


The VM name of each OTD server is as follows, where # is the number of the VM:


Table 2-4 shows the VM names for the Administration Server and Managed Servers in a domain called mydomain with four WebLogic Managed Servers.

Table 2-4 Example Virtual Machine Names

VM Physical Host VM Name

WebLogic Administration Server



WebLogic Managed Server n



OTD Administration Server



OTD AdminNode 1



OTD AdminNode 2



Coherence Server 1 - 3



Coherence Server 4 - 6



The examples of VM names in a cluster are as follows:

  • OTD_a_Domain1-1213_AdminNode_1

  • OTD_a_Domain1-1213_AdminNode_2

  • OTD_a_Domain1-1213_AdminServer

  • WL_a_Domain-1213_AS

  • WL_a_Domain-1213_C1_MS_1

  • WL_a_Domain-1213_C1_MS_2

  • WL_a_Domain-1213_C2_MS_3

  • WL_a_Domain-1213_C2_MS_4

  • COH_a_Domain_DATA_5

  • COH_a_Domain_DATA_6

  • COH_a_Domain_DATA_7

  • COH_a_Domain_DATA_8

  • COH_a_Domain_DATA_9

  • COH_a_Domain_DATA_10

  • WL_b_Domain-1213_AS

  • WL_b_Domain-1213_C1_MS_1

  • WL_b_Domain-1213_C1_MS_2

  • COH_b_Domain_DATA_3

  • COH_b_Domain_DATA_4

  • COH_b_Domain_DATA_5

  • COH_b_Domain_DATA_6

  • COH_b_Domain_DATA_7

  • COH_b_Domain_DATA_8

  • WL_c_Domain-1213_AS

  • WL_c_Domain-1213_C1_MS_1

  • WL_c_Domain-1213_C1_MS_2

  • COH_c_Domain_DATA_3

  • COH_c_Domain_DATA_4

  • COH_c_Domain_DATA_5

  • COH_c_Domain_DATA_6

  • COH_c_Domain_DATA_7

  • COH_c_Domain_DATA_8

VM Resource Allocation

Each VM hosts its own Oracle Enterprise Linux operating system in addition to any installed applications, such as WebLogic Server.

Table 2-5 shows the resources that are provided for each VM.

Table 2-5 VM Resource Allocation per VM in ODA X3-2 and X4-2


OTD Administration Server


1 GB


OTD Administration Instances


6 GB


WebLogic Administration Server


2 GB

512 MB

WebLogic Managed Server


4 GB

3 GB

Coherence Server


6 GB

3 GB


In ODA V1, the number of vCPUs allocated is 2 for each VM. In ODA V1, the number of vCPUs allocated for Coherence Server is 1 for each VM.

VM Disk Structure

Each VM has an operating system disk (4GB total space). In addition to this, there are two additional virtual disks mounted at /u01 and /opt/oracle. The /u01 mounted disk contains the WebLogic Server domain configuration and OTD instance home, with 7.5GB total space. The /opt/oracle mounted disk contains the WebLogic Server and OTD installations

Table 2-6 shows key directory locations.

Table 2-6 Key Directory Locations

Directory or File Location

WebLogic Server home

Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.2 and 12.1.3 - /opt/oracle/middleware/wlserver

Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6 - /opt/oracle/middleware/wlserver_version

WebLogic Server domain location


WebLogic Server domain log file


WebLogic Server server log


Middleware home


Oracle Traffic Director home


Oracle Traffic Director server instances


Accessing VMs

Once provisioning is complete, the individual VMs can be accessed via ssh.

The operating system password of each WebLogic Server VM for root is set to the WebLogic Server password that was specified in the Password field of the WebLogic VM Information screen of the configuration utility.

The operating system password of each OTD VM for root is set to the OTD administrator password that was specified in the Password field of the Load Balancer Configuration screen of the configuration utility.

You have the option to change these passwords afterwards.