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Producing a Requirement Advisement Report

The Requirement Advisement report lists the contents (or structure) of a specific academic requirement or all of the academic requirements that meet the criteria established for the report. This report is an easy way to verify the academic requirements for any academic program or plan. For example, if you need a printout of all of the academic requirements that are defined for an undergraduate psychology major, you can run this report.

While preparing to print this report, you can request that the requirements, lines, and courses be summarized in generalized terms or in specific detail. The parameters that you define for the requirement advisement report appear on the report.

Here's how to create a Requirement Advisement report:

  1. Select the academic requirement or enter other general parameters and print options on the Requirement Advisement Report page.

  2. Click the Run button to process the report.

Page Name

Definition Name



Requirement Advisement Report


select Academic Advisement, then select Advisement Reports, then select Academic Requirement

Process a report detailing a specific requirement or all of the requirements that meet the criteria that you established on this page.

Access the Requirement Advisement Report page (select Academic Advisement, then select Advisement Reports, then select Academic Requirement).

Image: Requirement Advisement Report page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Requirement Advisement Report page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Requirement Advisement Report page

Field or Control


Run Control ID

Identifies the report request. You can use any alphanumeric combination.

As of Date

The requirement advisement report accurately reflects the specific requirement (or requirements that meet the search criteria) as of this date. The current date appears by default, but you can modify it. A value in this field is required.

Academic Requirement

Enter the academic requirement that is the subject of this report. Each requirement consists of detail lines pointing to conditions and courses, as well as parameters that include unit and course requirements.

Academic Institution

Each requirement is associated with only one academic institution. A value in this field is required.

Important! The Academic Career, Academic Program, Academic Plan, and Academic Sub-Plan fields on this page are used for analysis purposes. These fields are not just prompt values. Because fields are analyzed in a hierarchical order, appropriate field values are system-supplied. For example, suppose that you enter an academic program, the appropriate academic career field value is automatically supplied by the system. If any of these fields are left blank, the report will contain all careers, programs, plans, and sub-plans that satisfy the search criteria.

Field or Control


Academic Career

Enter the academic career that is affected by the requirements.

Academic Program

Enter the academic program that is contained within the academic career.

Academic Plan

Enter the academic plan that is an area of study (for example, major or minor) within the academic program.

Academic Sub-Plan

Enter the academic sub-plan that is a further specialization within the academic plan. A value in this field is optional.

Honor Blank Values

Select if the blank fields on this page represent actual values. The default is clear. For example, if you select the check box and leave the Academic Program field blank, then the report will not contain an academic program, because no program has been specified. If the check box is clear, the blank field acts as a wildcard and every academic program in the specified career will be included in the report.

Description Options

This page enables you to control how you present descriptions in the report.

Field or Control


Print Course Level

Select the print course level that governs the type of course description that is included in the report. Values are:

All: Indicates that all of the descriptions on the Course List Description page print on the report.

Long: Indicates that the long description on the Course List Description page prints on the report.

Standard: Indicates that the description on the Course List Description page prints on the report. This value appears by default.

Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.

Print Line Level

Select the print line level that governs the type of line description that is included in the report. Values are:

All: Indicates that all five of the descriptions (search descriptions, the long description, and the two report descriptions) on the Requirement Line Item page print on the report.

Long: Indicates that the long description and the report long description on the Requirement Line Item page print on the report.

Standard: Indicates that the search description and the report description on the Requirement Line Item page print on the report. This value appears by default.

Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.

Print Requirement Level

Enter the print requirement level that governs the type of requirement description that is included in the report. Values are:

All: Indicates that all five of the descriptions (search, short search, report, long, and report long descriptions) on the Requirement page print on the report.

Long: Indicates that the long description and the report long description on the Requirement page print on the report.

Standard: Indicates that the search description and report description on the Requirement page print on the report. This value appears by default.

Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.

Detail Options

Enables you to control how details are presented in the summary report.

Field or Control


Print Line Level

Select to print the line detail on the report. If the check box is clear, no line detail prints.

Print Requirement Level

Select to print the requirement detail on the report. If the check box is clear, no requirement detail prints.

Course List Detail Level

Select how the course list detail should appear in the report. Values are:

None: Converts to List and Courses.

List and Courses: Indicates that the course list, plus specific courses print on the report. This value appears by default.

List and Courses with Detail: Indicates that the course list, plus specific courses with detail print on the report.

List Only: Indicates that only the course list prints on the report.

List Only with Detail: Indicates that the course list with detail prints on the report.

Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.