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Generating Self-Service Gift and Pledge Sessions

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to create self-service gift and pledge sessions.

To create self-service gift and pledge sessions, unprocessed, authorized self-service credit card gift or pledge transactions must exist in the system.

Page Name

Definition Name



Self Service Giving


select Contributor Relations, then select Session Management, then select Process Sessions, then select Process Self Service Giving

Run the process that moves self-service gifts and pledges into open self-service sessions.

Access the Self Service Giving page.

When you run the AV_INV_SESS process, the system:

  1. Looks at all institutions set up for online giving.

  2. Moves self-service gifts and pledges into open self-service sessions.

You can configure Process Scheduler to run the Self Service Gifts Application Engine process at user-defined intervals. When the process completes, the data is saved and the session remains open.

Note: Due to the nature of credit card transactions, you should set the specified time frame between running the AV_INV_SESS process to no more than 24 hours.

You can also configure the AV_INV_SESS process to notify a particular user (or all users in a particular role) using email of process completion. By transferring the process log on notification, users can know which self-service sessions are open for processing.