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Processing Acknowledgement Letters

This section discusses how to automatically process acknowledgment letters.

Page Name

Definition Name



Process Acknowledgements


select Contributor Relations, then select Session Management, then select Acknowledgements, then select Process Acknowledgements

Process the acknowledgement letters that are queued automatically based on the setup parameters you set for acknowledgements.

Access the Process Acknowledgements page (select Contributor Relations, then select Session Management, then select Acknowledgements, then select Process Acknowledgements).

Image: Process Acknowledgements page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Process Acknowledgements page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Process Acknowledgements page

Field or Control


Business Unit

Enter the business unit for which to process acknowledgements.

Commit Level

Determine how many sessions for which acknowledgement letters are processed before the system commits them to the database.

If the process is set up, when you click the Run button, the system runs the AVPACKNL process at user-defined intervals.