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Viewing Suspended Sessions

This section discusses how to view information about suspended sessions.

Page Name

Definition Name



Suspended Sessions


  • select Contributor Relations, then select Session Management, then select Supervise Sessions, then select Suspended Sessions

  • select Contributor Relations, then select Session Management, then select Supervise Sessions, then select Membership Sessions, then select Suspended Membership Sessions

View information about sessions that were suspended during the posting process.

Access the Suspended Sessions page (select Contributor Relations, then select Session Management, then select Supervise Sessions, then select Suspended Sessions).

Image: Suspended Sessions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Suspended Sessions page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Suspended Sessions page

When you post gift and pledge sessions, the system displays any sessions that were suspended for any reason on this page. You can reopen the session and make the necessary adjustments to enable proper posting.

Field or Control


Suspense Reason

Displays the reason the system suspended the session. The following table lists the possible suspense reasons and their corresponding messages.



If a Contributor Relations Clearing Account Item Type is not set up correctly

Clearing Acct ITEM_TYPE Missing for Institution

If the Gift Total does not equal zero after subtracting each of the designation/recognition totals for the gift

Gift Amt of Gift Number not distributed

If the Adjusted Gift Total does not equal zero after subtracting each of the designation/recognition totals for an adjusted gift

Adjust Amt of Gift Number not distributed

If the Pledge Total does not equal zero after subtracting each of the designation/recognition totals for a pledge

Pledge Amt of Pledge Number not distributed

If the Adjusted Pledge Total does not equal zero after subtracting each of the designation/recognition totals for an adjusted Pledge

Adjust Amt of Pledge Number not distributed

If the Membership Total does not equal zero after subtracting each of the designation/recognition totals for a membership

Total Amt of Membership Number not distributed

If the Adjusted Membership Total does not equal zero after subtracting each of the designation/recognition totals for a membership

Adjust Amt of membership not distributed

If the Tender Item Type is not set up correctly

Item type not defined for Tender

If a transaction is missing a designation

DESIGNATION Missing for Gift Nbr

If a designation is set up without an Item Type

Item Type Missing for Designation

If a membership transaction is missing a designation

DESIGNATION Missing for Mbr Pmt Nbr

If a membership transaction includes a designation without an Item Type

Designation ITEM_TYPE Missing for Designation

If an Item Type does not include a valid GL Interface record

GL Interface missing for Item Type

If the designation's Item Type DB/CR Indicator is not set correctly to build a dual accounting line

DB/CR Indicator incorrect for Item Type

If the Item Type's GL Interface record does not include a valid business unit

GL Interface BUSINESS_UNIT Missing for Item Type

If a designation is included in a transaction that is no longer active

Active Designation not found

If any of these errors occur in the GL Interface process, the system rolls back all processing related to the session and sets the AV_SESSION_TBL.SESS_STATUS field to S. These sessions appear on the Suspended Sessions page.

To fix the session for reprocessing, the situation underlying each error in the session must be corrected before balancing, queuing, and running the GL Interface process again. For example, if a designation is missing an item type, you have two choices.

You must either update the designation fund record by adding an item type on the Designation Funds page, or select a different designation for the transaction in the entry page of the session for the transaction that erred.

Field or Control



Click to reopen the session for editing. After reopening the session, go to the Gift Entry, Pledge Entry, Member Entry, Adjust Gift, Adjust Pledge, or Adjust Member page to correct the problem within a session.

To correct the setup values, go to the appropriate page – Item Type, Designation Funds, Tender Type, or CR Business Unit – and make the change.