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Entering Residency Data

This section provides an overview of residency data and discusses how to:

Using the Resident Table page, set up codes to represent the residency rules of your institution. For example, your institution might require residency codes for residency that is in state, out of state, in district, out of district, and so on. On the Residency Exception Table page, set up exceptions to the residency rules. For example, some individuals might be exempt from nonresidency requirements because they are in the military. Exceptions are especially useful in tuition calculation.

After you set up residency codes and residency exception codes, use the Official Residency 1 and 2 pages to record residency information that your institution has verified, including the individual's state residency or out-of-state residency for a specific term. You can enter unofficial, self-reported residency information on the Residency Self-Report page.

When an individual appeals residency information, you can enter the information on the Residency Appeal page, including the date and status of the appeal and comments about the appeal.

Before entering residency data, define residency rules.

Page Name

Definition Name



Residency Official 1


select Campus Community, then select Personal Information, then select Identification, then select Residency Data, then select Residency Official 1

Enter official residency data for an individual.

Residency Official 2


select Campus Community, then select Personal Information, then select Identification, then select Residency Data, then select Residency Official 2

Enter additional official residency data for an individual.

Residency Appeal


select Campus Community, then select Personal Information, then select Identification, then select Residency Data, then select Residency Appeal

Record residency appeal information.

Residency Self-Report


select Campus Community, then select Personal Information, then select Identification, then select Residency Data, then select Residency Self-Report

Enter unofficial, unverified residency information that an individual reports to your institution.

Access the Residency Official 1 page (select Campus Community, then select Personal Information, then select Identification, then select Residency Data, then select Residency Official 1).

Image: Residency Official 1 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Residency Official 1 page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Residency Official 1 page

Official Residency Data

Field or Control


Effective Term

Enter the term for which the residency data is effective for the individual.


Select the rule (from the Residency Table page) that describes the individual's residency status.

Residency Date

Enter the date that the individual established or reported the residency.

Additional Residency Data

Field or Control



Specify the type of residency that qualifies the individual for admission to the specified institution.

Fin Aid Federal Residency (financial aid federal residency)

Specify the type of residency that qualifies the individual to receive financial aid from the federal government.

Fin Aid State Residency (financial aid state residency)

Specify the type of residency that qualifies the individual to receive financial aid from the state.


Specify the type of residency that qualifies the individual for tuition assistance.

Admission Residency Exception

Specify the exception from your institution's residency rule for admissions (from the Residency Exception Table page) that applies to the individual.

Fin Aid Fed Residency Exception (financial aid federal residency exception)

Specify the exception from the federal residency rule for financial aid (from the Residency Exception Table page) that applies to the individual.

Fin Aid St Residency Exception (financial aid state residency exception)

Specify the exception from the state residency rule for financial aid (from the Residency Exception Table page) that applies to the individual.

Tuition Residency Exception

Specify the exception from your institution's residency rule for tuition (from the Residency Exception Table page) that applies to the individual.

Access the Residency Official 2 page (select Campus Community, then select Personal Information, then select Identification, then select Residency Data, then select Residency Official 2).

Image: Residency Official 2 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Residency Official 2 page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Residency Official 2 page

Enter location details of the residency data for this individual.

Access the Residency Self-Report page (select Campus Community, then select Personal Information, then select Identification, then select Residency Data, then select Residency Self-Report).

Image: Residency Self-Report page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Residency Self-Report page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Residency Self-Report page

Self-Reported Residency Data

Field or Control


Date Reported

Enter the date on which this residency information is reported to your institution. The default date is the system's current date. You can override the default date.


Enter a description of the source of this residency information. This can be an individual's name, the method of reporting (such as letter, email, telephone conversation, and so on), or the title of a document that you have chosen to use.

District, County, State, Country, and Postal

Enter location details for this residency.


Enter comments to further describe this residency information or further identify the source of the information.

Access the Residency Appeal page (select Campus Community, then select Personal Information, then select Identification, then select Residency Data, then select Residency Appeal).

Image: Residency Appeal page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Residency Appeal page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Residency Appeal page


Field or Control


Effective Date

Enter the effective date of the status of this appeal. The default effective date is the system's current date. You can override this date.

Appeal Status

Select the current status of this appeal (for example Accepted, Denied, In Progress, None, or Suspended).

Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.


Enter comments to further describe or identify the nature of this appeal.