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NFK Web Services for Push Notifications

As part of Push Notifications, the following REST web service operation was created for Notifications Framework: SCC_DEVICE_REGISTER_POST (Used to register a device with Campus Solutions to receive push notifications).

This service operation has been created under a common existing service: SCC_NOTIFICATIONS_R.

This is the schema for the request message, SCC_DEVICE_REGISTER_REQ:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SCC_DEVICE_REGISTER_REQ isDeleted="" xmlns="">
  <DEVICE_TOKEN isDeleted="">

Tag Item

Tag Item Details


User Name is populated with logged-in UserName in mobile device.


Token ID value is populated with tokenId/RegistrationId received from APNS/GCM after successful registration of the device with APNS/GCM to receive Push Notifications.


Token Type is populated with value APNS/GCM based on mobile device OS. If it is Android device the value is GCM and if it is an Apple Device the value is


This value is Mobile Application ID to register for push Notifications with Campus Solutions.


Dummy element

Note: In Bundle 33, the importance of element was removed, but the dummy element was kept for backward compatibility of mobile applications.

This is a sample response message: