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NFK Web Services GET and SEND (SCE)

As part of Simplified Campus Experience (SCE) features, two web services were created for Notifications Framework – GET and SEND.

Refer to the Simplified Campus Experience documentation on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 1600569.1)

These service operations have been created under a common existing service SCC_NOTIFICATIONS. The schema for the GET and SEND request messages are shown below.


The request message gives flexibility to retrieve from any channel type using generic filtering criteria from the Item or to search using specific Item keys if they are known. All notifications for the logged-in user will be fetched by the service. Further details on the tag items are mentioned below.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SCC_GET_NOTIF_REQ xmlns="">

Tag Item

Tag Item Details


The EMPLID is always populated with the logged-in user’s EMPLID as it supports only self-service users.


When mentioned, the Notification Request ID fetches items having the same value for Request ID as what has been passed. This is essentially a filter.


Possible values are EML, SMS, WKL and ALT. When supplied, this parameter fetches only notifications of the given type for the particular EMPLID.


This fetches items based on the tags associated with them.


This filters items based on their Status and Sub-Status. Items with a status such as ERROR, or sub-status such as DELETED/TIMEDOUT are not qualified for selection.


This, when combined with the notification request ID, focuses on a single item, which is then fetched by the get service.


When values are given for from and to dates, all the SMS/EML notifications created within the given range are retrieved. For ALT/WKL all items which are active in the given date range are retrieved. This also includes all open-ended items.


It can have two possible values currently as mentioned above - ST/NA. When ST value is passed, only the Announcement Notifications is returned by the service. In case no value (is treated as NA) or NA value is passed, all notifications – EML/SMS/WKL/ALT – are fetched along with the announcement notifications.

This is a sample response message:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <SCC_NTFREQ_SUBJECT>Test Template for ALERT Notifications</SCC_NTFREQ_SUBJECT>
      <SCC_ROW_ADD_DTTM>07/30/2013 17:19:56.000000</SCC_ROW_ADD_DTTM>
      <SCC_NTFREQ_MSGTEXT>This is a test template for ALERT Notifications.

      Value 1 - Test1
      Value 2 - tst2
      Value 5 - tst3

Note: If a SOAP service request XSD contains the “languageCd” parameter, then the service is enabled for National Language Support (NLS) and an ISO Locale value needs to be passed as the languageCd variable. Valid values can be found by navigating to select PeopleTools, then select Utilities, then select International, then select Languages.


The Send request is comprised of the Item detail, a parameter map of tokens, and optional Base64 attachments (for the email channel only).

<?xml version="1.0"?>
          <SCC_NTFREQ_DAT_VAL>This is a Test email.</SCC_NTFREQ_DAT_VAL>
          <SCC_NTFREQ_DAT_VAL>From the friendly NFK</SCC_NTFREQ_DAT_VAL>

The Send request must have the following parameters populated – EMPLID and SCC_NTFREQ_TMPLTID.

Other than the parameters already explained above, the send request also holds the template parameters - SCC_NTFREQ_DAT_KEY and SCC_NTFREQ_DAT_VAL. This holds the value of the bind variables defined in the generic template.

If the notification web service results in a successful send, an empty XML is returned as response.