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Tracking Full Course Load Exceptions for F and M Visas

This section discusses how to:

Page Name

Definition Name



Full Course Exceptions


select Campus Community, then select F/M Full Course Exceptions, then select Full Course Exceptions

Enter or update exceptions to the full course load for an individual with an F or M visa.

External Full Course Exception


select Campus Community, then select SEVIS, then select F/M Full Course Exceptions, then select External Full Course Exception

Enter or update information for exceptions to the full course load for an individual with an F or M visa when using the External System Extract process.

Full Course Exception Load


select Campus Community, then select SEVIS, then select F/M Full Course Exceptions, then select Full Course Exception Load

Process information for exceptions to the full course load by student group or job code for individuals with F or M visas.

Access the Full Course Exceptions page (select Campus Community, then select F/M Full Course Exceptions, then select Full Course Exceptions).

Image: Full Course Exceptions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Full Course Exceptions page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Full Course Exceptions page

You can specify exception units for students who are not enrolled for a full course of study as defined by the academic level and load rules. You can then track students who have your institution's permission to enroll in less than a full course of study. You are not required to submit to SEVIS the Auth Drop Below Full Course - Add event for those students. For example, a graduate assistant who, by institutional agreement and definition, enrolls for fewer units than typical graduate-level students, might not drop below full-time.

The SEVIS Alerts - F/M process evaluates data entered for students who are not enrolled full-time, but whose data is entered for the combination of institution, career, and term that the process uses.

The page displays the eligible institutions and careers in which the student is eligible to enroll. Enter multiple rows with the term and exception units for students who are granted exceptions that span multiple terms.

You can also use the Full Course Load Exception process to populate this page for large groups of students.

The system displays the student name, ID, school code, school, institution, and career.

Field or Control



Select the term value for which you are granting the student an exception.

The only terms available are those in which the student has been term-activated and in which the student is eligible to enroll.

Exception Units

Enter the full-time exception units that the student is granted.

The External System Extract process evaluates this value to determine the full course status populated in the extract XML file.

You can enter 0.000 for the exception units.


Enter comments if appropriate.

Access the External Full Course Exception page (select Campus Community, then select SEVIS, then select F/M Full Course Exceptions, then select External Full Course Exception).

Image: External Full Course Exception page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Full Course Exception page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

External Full Course Exception page

You can specify exception units for students who will not be enrolled for a full course of study as defined by the academic level and load rules. You can then track students who have your institution's permission to enroll in less than a full course of study. The exception entered here determines the full-time status populated in the External System Extract process.

The page displays the eligible institutions and careers in which the student is eligible to enroll. Enter multiple rows with the term and exception units for students granted exceptions that span multiple terms.

You can also use the Full Course Load Exception process to populate this page for large groups of students.

Field or Control


Institution and Career

Select the institution and career for which the student is term-activated.


Select the term value for which you are granting the student an exception.

The only terms that appear are those in which the student is term-activated and in which the student is eligible to enroll.

Exception Units

Enter the exception units considered full-time that the student is granted.

The External System Extract process evaluates this value to determine the full course status populated in the extract XML file.

You can enter 0.000 for the exception units.


Enter comments if appropriate.

Access the Full Course Exception Load page (select Campus Community, then select SEVIS, then select F/M Full Course Exceptions, then select Full Course Exception Load).

Image: Full Course Exception Load page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Full Course Exception Load page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Full Course Exception Load page

The Full Course Exception Load page enables you to assign a full course exception for a group of students in either a specific student group or with a specific job code rather than adding an exception one student at a time.

You can use this process to populate the Full Course Exceptions page or the External Full Course Exception page depending on the processing type that you select. You can add multiple rows if you have more than one student group or job code from which you want to select students. If a student meets the criteria for more than one group, the process assigns the lowest Exception Units to the student.

Field or Control


SEVIS School Code

For the direct interface, select the school code from which to select the students.

For the External Extract process, select the school code that you want to use for each student granted the full course exception.

Processing Type

Select the appropriate option based on the process that your institution uses to report data to SEVIS. The options for processing type are Direct Interface and External Extract Process.

The Direct Interface option selects students with an F-1 or M-1 visa status who have an I-20 record for the selected school code and who are term-activated for the combination of institution, career, and term indicated, and who belong to either the student group or job code indicated.

The External Extract Process option selects students with an F-1 or M-1 status who are term-activated for the combination of institution, career, and term indicated and who belong to either the student group or job code indicated.

Report Only

Select to run the process to obtain a listing of the students selected without inserting the data into the student's record. This enables you to check the student population selected before the data is populated.

Clearing the Report Only field allows the data to populate on the Full Course Exceptions page for the students selected.

Student Group

Select the appropriate student group.


Select the setID for the job code.

Job Code

Select the appropriate job code.


Enter the term to appear on the Full Course Exceptions page or External Full Course Exception page.

Exception Units

Enter the exception units to appear on the Full Course Exceptions page or the External Full Course Exception page.


Enter a comment to appear on the Full Course Exceptions page or External Full Course Exception page.

When you run the External System Export process, the XML indicates the full-time status of the student by using the full course exception entered.

For example, suppose that a student is enrolled for nine hours and the level and load rules designated this a three-quarters time. A full course exception of nine hours is entered for the student, so the full-time status for the student is set to Y on the XML output, as shown in the following code sample. In addition, two fields are added to the XML output: the Full Course Override field and the Full Course Exception Units field.

- <AcademicData>
 		<InstitutionDescr>PeopleSoft University</InstitutionDescr> 
 		<AdmitTermDescr>2003 Spring</AdmitTermDescr> 
 		<EnrollTermDescr>2003 Spring</EnrollTermDescr> 
 		<AcademicProgramDescr>Liberal Arts Undergraduate</AcademicProgramDescr> 
 		<ProgramStatusDescr>Active in Program</ProgramStatusDescr> 
 		<AcademicLoadDescr>Enrolled Half-time</AcademicLoadDescr> 
 		<ExpectedGradTermDescr>2003 Fall</ExpectedGradTermDescr> 