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Viewing Event History Information

The system provides a listing by ID of each event from the Select Alerts to Report components that did not contain errors. This provides a historical tracking of the events triggered by the Process SEVIS Alerts process for the visa type and the events submitted to SEVIS. You can view the data sent to SEVIS and the results of the processing by SEVIS.

This section discusses how to:

Page Name

Definition Name



History Summary


select Campus Community, then select SEVIS, then select View SEVIS Events History, then select History Summary

View a listing of events without errors that have triggered for a student or exchange visitor.

History Detail - F/M


select Campus Community, then select SEVIS, then select View SEVIS Events History, then select History Detail - F/M

View the data for each event for F and M visa holders.

History Detail - J


select Campus Community, then select SEVIS, then select View SEVIS Events History, then select History Detail - J

View the data for each event for J visa holders.



Click the More link on the History Detail - F/M or the History Detail - J page.

View additional data from the event.

SEVIS Alerts Addresses


Click the Addr Info link on the History Detail - F/M or the History Detail - J page.

View address data related to the event.

Process Detail


select Campus Community, then select SEVIS, then select View SEVIS Events History, then select Process Detail

View the results of the processing by SEVIS.

Access the History Summary page (select Campus Community, then select SEVIS, then select View SEVIS Events History, then select History Summary).

Image: History Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the History Summary page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

History Summary page

All events on the SEVIS Alerts page that do not have errors are listed here. The history summary data is populated each time the Process SEVIS Alerts process for the visa type is run. The date when the event is triggered, the batch ID, and the DSO assigned to the student on the I-20 form for F and M visas or the RO/ARO assigned to the exchange visitor on the DS-2019 for J visas, appear along with the additional information listed here.

Field or Control


SEVIS School Code or SEVIS Program Number

The system displays either the SEVIS School Code and associated fields for F and M visas or the SEVIS Program Number and associated fields for J visas.

Addl Data (additional data)

You can click this link to access the History Detail page where you can view the data extracted for the event.

From the History Summary page for F and M visas, the link takes you to the History Detail - F/M page.

From the History Summary page for J visas, the link takes you to the History Detail - J page.

File Error

Appears only if an error is received from SEVIS.

Click this link to view the error information generated during processing the event and received from SEVIS.

Sent to

Displays the destination where the data was sent: SEVIS, Master, or None.

New Form

The system selects this check box if a new form was requested for the event

If you ran the Process SEVIS Alerts - F/M process, access the History Detail - F/M pageselect (Campus Community, then select SEVIS, then select View SEVIS Events History, then select History Detail - F/M).

If you ran the Process SEVIS Alerts - J process, access the History Detail - J page select (Campus Community, then select SEVIS, then select View SEVIS Events History, then select History Detail - J).

Image: History Detail - J page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the History Detail - J page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

History Detail - J page

You can view the data that was submitted for the event listed. The data varies depending on the event.

Consult the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement web site for a listing of data elements sent for each event.

See Reference Manual for the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System Batch Interface, Application Program Interface (API).

Field or Control



This link appears only for the F and M visas Create Student event.

Click this link to access the Details page where you can view additional data extracted for the event.

Addr Info (address information)

This link appears for F and M visas for the Create Student, Edit Personal, and Student Registration events.

This link appears for J visas Create EV, Personal Info and Validate events.

Click this link to access the SEVIS Alerts Addresses page where you can view address data extracted for the event. For F and M visas, the data should include the foreign and U.S. addresses. For J visas, it should include only U.S. addresses.

Access the Process Detail page (select Campus Community, then select SEVIS, then select View SEVIS Events History, then select Process Detail).

Image: Process Detail page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Process Detail page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Process Detail page

If the Sent To value on the History Summary page is SEVIS, and the SEVIS transaction log is processed for the event through the SEVIS Import Results process, you can view the results of the import on the Process Detail page.

Field or Control


SEVIS School Code or SEVIS Program Number

The system displays either the SEVIS School Code and associated fields for F and M visas or the SEVIS Program Number and associated fields for J visas.

Extract Batch ID

Displays the ID number provided in the upload extract file.

This is a unique number for each extract created by the SEVIS Export process.

Request ID

Displays the identifier used by your school to define the specific record in the upload extract file.

This is a unique number for each event created by the SEVIS Export process.

SEVIS Process Date Time

Displays the date and time that the record was processed by SEVIS.

File Process Result/Error Code

If the event does not load to SEVIS successfully, this field shows the error code returned during the processing of the individual record.

File Upload Status

If the event loads to SEVIS successfully, this field value is Successful.

If the event does not load to SEVIS successfully, this field value is Unsuccessful. You must correct the error and resubmit it to SEVIS. When you run the Process SEVIS Alerts process for that visa type, the system triggers the event again and sends it to the Select Alerts to Report component for review.

Note: You must correct the data before the Process SEVIS Alerts process for that visa type runs again or you will send the event to SEVIS with the error.

Field or Control



If the event does not load to SEVIS successfully, this field provides a text description of the error code returned during the processing of the individual record.