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Setting Up External Award Processing

This section discusses how to:

Page Name

Definition Name



External Award Type


select Set Up SACR, then select Product Related, then select Financial Aid, then select External Awards, then select Define External Award Types, then select External Award Type

Define external award types.

External Award Source


select Set Up SACR, then select Product Related, then select Financial Aid, then select External Awards, then select Define External Award Sources, then select External Award Source

Define external award sources.

External Award Cross Reference


select Set Up SACR, then select Product Related, then select Financial Aid, then select External Awards, then select Item Type Cross Reference, then select External Award Cross Reference

Cross-reference external award attributes to financial aid item types.

Use if a financial aid item type is not defined on an external award transaction. Use cross-reference setup to map Student Financial payments to a financial aid item type award.

Access the External Award Type page (select Set Up SACR, then select Product Related, then select Financial Aid, then select External Awards, then select Define External Award Types, then select External Award Type).

Image: External Award Type page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Award Type page.

External Award Type page

The external award type is a high-level description of the type of external award to be processed. External award type is completely user-defined. Definitions help with categorizing and reporting external award data collected.

Access the External Award Source page (select Set Up SACR, then select Product Related, then select Financial Aid, then select External Awards, then select Define External Award Sources, then select External Award Source).

Image: External Award Source page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Award Source page.

External Award Source page

Use this page to define the sources of external awards, such as your state, other departments at your institution, your Human Resources department, Student Financials, or a general category of student-reported awards. A unique program code can be further defined within an external award source code. These attributes are completely user-defined. Use the definitions to categorize and report collected external award data.

Access the External Award Cross Reference page (select Set Up SACR, then select Product Related, then select Financial Aid, then select External Awards, then select Item Type Cross Reference, then select External Award Cross Reference).

Image: External Award Cross Reference page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Award Cross Reference page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

External Award Cross Reference page

Use this page to map Type and Source values that you entered on the External Award Type page and the External Award Source page to an existing financial aid item type. You can map many external awards with similar attributes to the same financial aid item type. For example, a school can combine several outside scholarship programs in a single financial aid item type. The external award attributes may differ, but all map to the same financial aid item type.

Note: If mapping many to one financial aid item type, ensure that the reporting code is Append. This ensures that the financial aid item type award represents a comprehensive total.

The Student Financial External Awards process uses the cross-reference mapping and external award attributes mapped on the Student Financial item type setup to determine which (SF) payments to process and report as external award transactions.

Field or Control


Award Type

Select an award type that you entered on the External Award Type page.


Select an award source that you entered on the External Award Source page.

Program Code

(Optional) Use depending on the granularity of detail that you need in order to map an external award to a financial aid item type. Select an award source program code that you entered on the External Award Source setup page.

Item Type

Select the financial aid item type to associate with this row's type and source combination. Different combinations of external award attributes can be mapped to the same item type. For example, you could categorize several outside scholarships with their own combination of type, source, and program code. However, each combination would map to a single item type for award posting.

Note: If you are mapping several attribute combinations to a single item type, each external award transaction must have a reporting code of Append to ensure that the correct added amount is posted.

Self Service

Select the check box for each row of information that should appear for the student on the Report Aid from Other Sources Self Service pages. In Self Service, students can then select the award type from a drop-down list box. If an award does not appear in a drop-down list box, the student can enter the award in free form.

See Understanding Campus Self Service for Financial Aid.