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Using PeopleSoft Directory Interface with Campus Solutions

This section discusses how to:

If you have licensed PeopleSoft Directory Interface, the system provides sample mappings and messages for both HRMS applications and Campus Solutions applications.

See PeopleSoft Components for PeopleSoft HRMS and Campus Solutions: PeopleSoft Directory Interface.

To use sample mappings that are delivered with the PeopleSoft system, establish directory IDs in the Directory Configurations component and add a directory ID to the mappings. The sample mappings use schema objects from a standard Novell eDirectory.

For Campus Solutions customers, PeopleSoft Directory Interface delivers two sets of sample maps for Applicant, Advisor/Instructor, Student and CS Person. One set is for the use of a hierarchical directory interface tree (that contains multiple nodes, such as organizational unit ou or location l), and one set for the use of a flat directory interface tree (for example that has no node in between the common name cn and the organization o). The sample map names delivered for a flat directory interface tree end with _FLAT.

The hierarchical sample maps are useful for customers that have licensed the HRMS application and are using maps similar to the ones provided for HRMS. Even if the student population (mostly persons of interest, POIs) will likely not be assigned a department and a location, you can set a default value inside the maps for these two nodes. Set up DN default values on the DN Defaults page select (Enterprise Components, then select Directory Interface, then select Mappings, then select Directory Maps, then select DN Defaults). When you set up DN default values, you allow the system to use the same DN for all of the person IDs, regardless of whether they have the necessary data to be placed underneath a node. If a POI is hired at a later time and assigned a department ID and a location, PeopleSoft Directory Interface moves the person into the newly specified department and location branches, In this way, PeopleSoft Directory Interface ensures that only one entry exists in the directory for a specific person.

Note: The system uses DN default values only if the values of the Record field where they're defined are blank; if the Force check box is selected, the system overwrites the Record. You can use DN default values to force all POIs without a department ID and location into a predefined directory branch by setting the appropriate values on the DN defaults page.

The PeopleSoft HRMS Integration Interfaces explains how to set up a DN.

Hierarchical sample maps have the following structure:

Image: Campus Solutions Sample Directory Interface tree: hierarchical

Example of a hierarchical map of a directory interface.

Campus Solutions Sample Directory Interface tree: hierarchical

The flat maps style can be used for Campus Solutions customers that have not licensed the HRMS application. It keeps the data in the directory placed under the same node and also prohibits duplicate entries. Note that flat maps do not require you to use DN default values.

Flat sample maps have the following structure:

Image: Campus Solutions Sample Directory Interface tree: flat

Example of a flat map of a directory interface.

Campus Solutions Sample Directory Interface tree: flat

Note: Even if PeopleSoft Directory Interface delivers hierarchical maps for HRMS, you could use a flat tree instead, where no nodes exist between the common name cn and the organization o.

See PeopleTools: Security Administration

The following sections describe the delivered sample messages and PeopleCode functions that are related to the directory mappings.

Directory Interface Messages

PeopleSoft Directory Interface delivers the following sample messages for mapping Campus Solutions data to the directory.

Message Name

Directory Entry



Person Entry




Advisor/Instructor Entry




Applicant Entry




Student Entry




CS Person Entry

See PeopleTools: Integration Broker Service Operations MonitorPeopleTools: Integration Broker Testing Utilities and ToolsPeopleTools: Supported Integration TechnologiesPeopleSoft HCM: Application Fundamentals, "Working with PeopleSoft Directory Interface for PeopleSoft HRMS"

Message Publish

The following example is Publish PeopleCode that is used in a component's SavePostChange PeopleCode:

Local Message &MSG;

Note: When publishing mapping data, use CopyRowsetDeltaOriginal, not CopyRowsetDelta.

Message Subscription for Hierarchical Maps

The following example shows handler application class in a message when using hierarchical maps:

Declare Function ProcessMappingMessage PeopleCode FUNCLIB_EO_DS.DSMAPMESSAGE FieldFormula;
Local Message &msgIn;
/* Build the Mapping messages from the input message */
&msgIn = GetMessage();
ProcessMappingMessage(&msgIn, "DSMAPINPUT", True, "");

Message Subscription for Flat Maps

The following example shows handler application class in a message when using flat maps:

Declare Function BuildMappingMessage PeopleCode FUNCLIB_EO_DS.DSMAPMESSAGE FieldFormula;  
Component string &DSMapname; 
Local Message &DSMsg;  
&DSMsg = GetMessage(); 
&MsgName = &DSMsg.Name;  
 /* Create a SQL statement to retrieve the Names of all the Mappings that reference this Message */ 
While &MapSQL.Fetch(&DSMapname)        
BuildMappingMessage(&DSMsg, &MsgName, True, &DSMapname);     

BuildMapping Message Syntax

The BuildMappingMessage function populates a message with data that is stored in another message and with data from the local database. After populating the message from the two data sources, it calls the mapping function. When all the data required for directory mapping does not exist in the original published message, BuildMappingMessage uses this function instead of directly calling the mapping function:

BuildMappingMessage (input message, output message, on-line flag, [, map name])

The function performs the following tasks:

  • Copies data in the same record from the input message into the output message.

  • Searches for empty records in the output message.

  • Examines data in the message for key values for empty records.

  • If it finds key values for empty records, populates empty records in the output message by retrieving its current rows in the database.

  • If a map name is provided, calls the mapping function for the specified name.

    Otherwise, it calls the mapping function for each map referencing the output message.

The BuildMappingMessage code is in the FUNCLIB_EO_DS derived record, DSMAPMESSAGE field, Field Formula event.





input message


Pass the message containing the originally published data.

output message


Specify the name of the message to be created, populated, and passed to the mapping function.

online flag


Set to true if the function is called after an online message publication. This flag isn't used by the BuildMappingMessage function, but it is passed to the mapping function.

Set to false if the function is called through a background process, such as Directory Audit.

map name


Specify the name of the map to be used if the function does not call every map associated with the output message.

Here is an example:

Local Message &MsgIn;
BuildMappingMessage(&MsgIn, "DSMAPINPUT", True, "PERSON_NDS");

To avoid problems with directory maps, confirm the following information:

  1. Confirm that the PeopleSoft Directory Interface product is selected on the Installation page: select Set Up HRMS, then select Install, then select Installation Table, then select Products.

  2. Confirm that the PeopleSoft database is properly connected to the directory: select Enterprise Components, then select Directory Interface, then select Definitions, then select Directory Configurations, then select Test Connectivity.

    Both the Running Bind Test and Running Search Test fields should display Success.

  3. Confirm that the schema extensions were loaded from the delivered DMS scripts (for CS and for HRMS, if needed): select Enterprise Components, then select Directory Interface, then select Definitions, then select Directory Configurations, then select Schema Management.

    You should see rows in the Apply PeopleSoft Schema Extensions grid.

  4. Confirm that you ran the Schema Cache process: select Enterprise Components, then select Directory Interface, then select Definitions, then select Schema Caching.

  5. Confirm that the Campus Solutions delivered messages are listed in Integration Broker transactions and are active: select PeopleTools, then select Integration Broker, then select Node Definitions, then select Transaction.

    Make sure that these Campus Solutions messages are listed with their latest version activated:











    The messages should appear twice: once for Transaction Type = Inbound Asynchronous and once for Transaction Type = Outbound Asynchronous.

  6. Confirm that these messages are also activated in Application Designer: select Application Designer, then select File, then select Open, then select Message.

    Select the messages listed above, then right-click the version number. Select select Message Properties, then select Use. The Status should be set to Active.

  7. Confirm that the message subscriptions PeopleCode is active for all of the messages listed above: select Application Designer, then select File, then select Open, then select Message.

    Select the messages listed above, then right-click the XxxxSyncEff message subscription. Select select Message Subscription Properties, then select Use. The Status should be set to Active.

    Note: If you are using flat maps, the message subscriptions for messages that end with _EFF should have DSMappingSub activated and UsingDSMAPINPUTSub inactivated. If you are using hierarchical maps, the opposite should be true.

  8. Confirm that the DIR_INTFC and DSCHNL channels are running: select PeopleTools, then select Integration Broker, then select Monitor, then select Service Operations Monitor, then select Channel Status.

  9. Confirm that you can ping the node successfully: select PeopleTools, then select Integration Broker, then select Monitor, then select Service Operations Monitor, then select Note Status.

  10. Confirm that the domain is active: select PeopleTools, then select Integration Broker, then select Monitor, then select Service Operations Monitor, then select Domain Status.

  11. Confirm that you do not see errors in the PS_EO_DSBILOAD_ERR table when triggering a map.

  12. If a map does not trigger the data to the directory, confirm that the messages were triggered: select PeopleTools, then select Integration Broker, then select Monitor, then select Service Operations Monitor: Overview and Message Instances tabs.

See PeopleTools: Integration Broker Administration