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Setting Up Third Party Contract Groups

To set up third-party contract groups, use the Contract Group component (SSF_TPC_GROUP).

This section provides an understanding of third-party contract groups and discusses:

Many sponsors provide funds for students that cover many terms. The sponsor designates a maximum overall total and a student maximum cap. Using term contract functionality, the funds can be limited by term. Contract Groups functionality allows the aggregate of all contracts and student charges to be capped. In addition, the contract rollover feature provides greater ease for the administrative user when copying contracts and assigning students to each contract. The Third Party Contract Group is an attribute on the Third Party Contract component. Contracts that have the Contract Group attribute defined and are rolled over from one term to another carry the Contract Group attribute. Therefore, the new term contract is automatically part of the group. When Third Party Calc runs, it checks the total charges of the student for the group of contracts, as well as the total charges already posted to the group, and compares that with the group maximum and student group maximum. For better performance, use contract groups only when necessary and do not allow them to exist indefinitely.

Page Name

Definition Name



Third Party Group


select Student Financials, then select Payment Plans, then select Third Party Contract, then select Contract Groups, then select Contract Group, then select Third Party Group

Define parameters to group contracts to allow for an overall contract cap amount and student cap amount.

Student Lifetime Cap Override


select Student Financials, then select Payment Plans, then select Third Party Contract, then select Contract Groups, then select Contract Group, then select Student Lifetime Cap Override

Define an override for specific students.

Access the Third Party Group page (select Student Financials, then select Payment Plans, then select Third Party Contract, then select Contract Groups, then select Contract Group, then select Third Party Group).

Image: Third Party Group page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Third Party Group page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Third Party Group page

Field or Control


Third Party Contract Group

An attribute to identify the contracts to aggregate.

Lifetime Group Cap

Define the maximum amount that cannot be exceeded by all linked contracts. The Lifetime Group Cap represents the time period defined on the individual contracts that are linked to the group contract.

Lifetime Student Cap

Define the maximum amount at the student level that cannot be exceeded by all linked contracts. The Lifetime Student Cap represents the time period defined on the individual contracts that are linked to the group contract.

Enforce Lifetime Group Cap

Select this check box if the Lifetime Group Cap amount should be enforced. If cleared, the default is $0.00 and the student's eligible charges are not summed and compared to the Lifetime Group Cap amount. This will provide for better performance.

Access the Student Lifetime Cap Override page (select (Student Financials, then select Payment Plans, then select Third Party Contract, then select Contract Groups, then select Contract Group, then select Student Lifetime Cap Override).

Image: Student Lifetime Cap Override page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Lifetime Cap Override page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Student Lifetime Cap Override page

There may be times when specific students within a contract group may have a lesser Lifetime Student Cap. The Student Lifetime Cap Override allows the administrator to identify the EmplID and the Lifetime Student Cap override amount.

The Student Lifetime Cap Override can be added before the student has any eligible charges. If this change is made after student had been assigned to a contract, Recalc Third Party Contracts process (SFPTPPRC.CBL) must be run.

Field or Control



Enter the Contract EmplID of the student to whom the Lifetime Cap Override applies.

Lifetime Student Cap

Enter an amount that is less than the Lifetime Student Cap as defined on the Third Party Group page. The student's charges, associated to this contract group, cannot exceed this amount.