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Generating the Requirement Report

This section provides an overview of the enrollment requirement report and discusses how to generate the report.

The Requirement report lists the contents (or structure) of a specific enrollment requirement or all of the academic requirements that meet the criteria established for the report. This report is an easy way to verify the academic requirements that you have defined for enrollment requisites. For example, if you need a printout of all of the enrollment requirements that are defined at PSUNV with an academic group of LBART you can run this report.

While preparing to print this report, you can request that the requirements, lines, and courses be summarized in generalized terms or in specific detail. The parameters that you define for the requirement advisement report appear on the report.

Here is a high-level overview of how to run the requirement group report:

  1. Select the academic requirement or enter other general parameters on the Requirement Report page.

  2. Enter the description and detail options.

  3. Click the Run button to generate the report.

Page Name

Definition Name



Requirement Report


select Curriculum Management, then select Enrollment Requirements, then select Requirement Report, then select Requirement Report

Enter your processing parameters for the requirement report.

Access the Requirement Report page (select Curriculum Management, then select Enrollment Requirements, then select Requirement Report, then select Requirement Report).

Image: Requirement Report page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Requirement Report page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Requirement Report page

Field or Control


As of Date

The system automatically populates this field with the current date, but you can modify it.

The report accurately reflects the requirement lines in the specified requirement (or requirements that meet the search criteria) as of this date.

Academic Requirement

Enter the requirement for this report. Each enrollment requirement consists of detail lines pointing to conditions as well as parameters that include unit and course requirements.

Note: If you enter a requirement number, then the remaining search fields on the page become unavailable. If you do not enter a requirement number, then the remaining search fields are available for entry and you can use them to identify a set of enrollment requirements.

For information about other fields on this page, refer to the field descriptions for the Requirement Group Report page in the previous section.