Oracle® Fusion Middleware C++ API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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00001 /*
00002 * Exception.hpp
00003 *
00004 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
00005 *
00006 * Oracle is a registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its
00007 * affiliates.
00008 *
00009 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Oracle
00010 * Corporation. You shall not disclose such confidential and proprietary
00011 * information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
00012 * license agreement you entered into with Oracle.
00013 *
00014 * This notice may not be removed or altered.
00015 */
00016 #ifndef COH_EXCEPTION_HPP
00017 #define COH_EXCEPTION_HPP
00019 #include "coherence/lang/compatibility.hpp"
00021 #include "coherence/lang/throwable_spec.hpp"
00022 #include "coherence/lang/FinalView.hpp"
00023 #include "coherence/lang/ObjectArray.hpp"
00024 #include "coherence/lang/String.hpp"
00025 #include "coherence/lang/TypedHandle.hpp"
00026 #include "coherence/lang/TypedHolder.hpp"
00028 #include <iostream>
00029 #include <stdexcept>
00031 COH_OPEN_NAMESPACE2(coherence,lang)
00034 /**
00035 * Base class for all exceptions used in Coherence.
00036 *
00037 * Exceptions are not thrown directly, but rather via the COH_THROW macro. The
00038 * macro will record the stack trace and throw the managed Exception such that
00039 * it may be caught either via its View type, or as a std::exception derivative.
00040 * Unlike standard C++ exceptions, managed exceptions may be caught by value,
00041 * i.e. not using a const& and still be safely re-thrown
00042 * (via the COH_THROW macro) without risking object slicing. This allows caught
00043 * exceptions to be stored as data member or local variables outside of a
00044 * try/catch block and to be safely re-thrown at a later time.
00045 *
00046 * New exception classes are declared using the throwable_spec<> helper template.
00047 *
00048 * @code
00049 * try
00050 *   {
00051 *   ...
00052 *   COH_THROW (IOException::create("some error"));
00053 *   ...
00054 *   }
00055 * catch (IOException::View vIoe)
00056 *   {
00057 *   std::cerr << vIoe << std::endl;
00058 *   ...
00059 *   }
00060 * catch (Exception::View vEx)
00061 *   {
00062 *   std::cerr << vEx << std::endl;
00063 *   ...
00064 *   COH_THROW (vEx); // re-throw managed exception
00065 *   }
00066 * catch (const std::exception& e)
00067 *   {
00068 *   std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
00069 *   throw; // re-throw standard exception
00070 *   }
00071 * @endcode
00072 *
00073 * @see throwable
00074 *
00075 * @author mf 2007.05.05
00076 */
00077 class COH_EXPORT Exception
00078     : public throwable_spec<Exception,
00079         extends<Object, std::exception>,
00080         implements<>,
00081         Object::View>
00082     {
00083     friend class factory<Exception>;
00085     // ----- constructors ---------------------------------------------------
00087     protected:
00088         /**
00089         * Create a new Exception object
00090         *
00091         * @param vsMsg    the message of the exception
00092         * @param veCause  the underlying cause of the exception;
00093         *                 can be <tt>NULL</tt>
00094         *
00095         * @return a Handle to the created Exception
00096         */
00097         Exception(String::View vsMsg = String::null_string,
00098                 Exception::View veCause = NULL);
00100         /**
00101         * Copy constructor
00102         */
00103         Exception(const Exception&);
00106     // ----- Exception interface --------------------------------------------
00108     public:
00109         /**
00110         * Return the name of the exception.
00111         */
00112         virtual String::View getName() const;
00114         /**
00115         * Returns a human-readable description of the Exception.
00116         *
00117         * Note: The String returned is held for the lifetime of this exception
00118         * to guarantee that the result does not go out of scope. This
00119         * method is used by Exception Handles to support the
00120         * std::exception::what() method.
00121         *
00122         * @return the Exception's description
00123         */
00124         virtual String::View getDescription() const;
00126         /**
00127         * Set the message associated with this exception.
00128         *
00129         * @param vsMsg  the message to set for this exception
00130         */
00131         virtual void setMessage(String::View vsMsg);
00133         /**
00134         * Return the message associated with this exception.
00135         *
00136         * @return the message associated with this exception
00137         */
00138         virtual String::View getMessage() const;
00140         /**
00141         * Return the underlying cause associated with this exception.
00142         * The underlying cause is the exception that caused this exception
00143         * to be thrown.
00144         *
00145         * @return the underlying cause associated with this exception;
00146         *         might be <tt>NULL</tt>
00147         */
00148         virtual Exception::View getCause() const;
00150         /**
00151         * Set the name of the thread on which this exception was thrown.
00152         *
00153         * @param vsThreadName  the thread name
00154         */
00155         virtual void setThreadName(String::View vsThreadName);
00157         /**
00158         * Return the name of the thread on which the exception was thrown.
00159         *
00160         * @return the name of the thread on which the exception was thrown.
00161         */
00162         virtual String::View getThreadName() const;
00164         /**
00165         * Set point at which the exception occurred.
00166         *
00167         * @param vaFrames    an array of StackTraceElements
00168         */
00169         virtual void setStackTrace(ObjectArray::View vaFrames);
00171         /**
00172         * Return the stack trace for the exception.
00173         *
00174         * @return an array of StackTraceElements.
00175         */
00176         virtual ObjectArray::View getStackTrace() const;
00178         /**
00179         * Fills the execution stack trace based on the current threads stack
00180         * and the supplied information about the current stack frame.
00181         *
00182         * @param vsFile      the file portion of the first stack frame
00183         * @param nLine       the lone portion of the first stack frame
00184         * @param vsFunction  the function portion of the first stack frame
00185         */
00186         virtual Exception::Handle fillInStackTrace(
00187                 String::View vsFile = String::null_string, int32_t nLine = 0,
00188                 String::View vsFunction = String::null_string);
00190         /**
00191         * Print the stack trace to the supplied stream.
00192         *
00193         * @param out  the stream to print the trace to
00194         */
00195         virtual void printStackTrace(std::ostream& out = std::cerr) const;
00197         /**
00198         * (Re)throw the exception.
00199         *
00200         * The resulting thrown exception may be caught either by it's View
00201         * type, or its alias type.
00202         */
00203         virtual void raise() const;
00206     // ----- Object interface -----------------------------------------------
00208     public:
00209         /**
00210         * {@inheritDoc}
00211         */
00212         virtual void toStream(std::ostream& out) const;
00215     // ----- data members ---------------------------------------------------
00217     protected:
00218         /**
00219         * The message associated with this exception.
00220         */
00221         FinalView<String> f_vsMessage;
00223         /**
00224         * The stack at the point the exception was thrown
00225         */
00226         FinalView<ObjectArray> f_vaStackFrames;
00228         /**
00229         * The name of the thread on which the Exception was thrown;
00230         */
00231         FinalView<String> f_vsThreadName;
00233         /**
00234         * The cause of the exception
00235         */
00236         FinalView<Exception> f_veCause;
00238         /**
00239         * The detailed human readable description of this exception.
00240         */
00241         mutable FinalView<String> f_vsDescription;
00242     };
00245 // ----- helper macros ------------------------------------------------------
00247 /**
00248 * @hideinitializer
00249 *
00250 * [re]throw a managed exception.  If the exception is referenced via a Handle
00251 * it's stack trace will be set to the current stack location, otherwise the
00252 * stack related information will unchanged.
00253 *
00254 * @param E  the exception to throw
00255 *
00256 * Usage example:
00257 * @code
00258 * COH_THROW(IOException::create("File Not Found"));
00259 * @endcode
00260 */
00261 #define COH_THROW(E) COH_NO_RETURN_STMT( \
00262     coherence::lang::coh_throw((E), __FILE__, __LINE__, COH_CURRENT_FUNCTION))
00264 /**
00265 * This macro will take the set of streamable contents and convert them to a
00266 * string which will represent the message of the exception being thrown.
00267 *
00268 * @param E         the name of the exception that will be thrown
00269 * @param CONTENTS  the streamable contents of the message to use when creating
00270 *                  the exception above.
00271 *
00272 * Note: This Macro only supports Exceptions that have a constructor that takes
00273 * a single message parameter.
00274 * Usage example:
00275 * @code
00276 * COH_THROW_STREAM(IOException, "File: " << hsFile << " not found.");
00277 * @endcode
00278 * @see COH_THROW
00279 */
00281     COH_THROW (E::create(String::View(COH_TO_STRING(CONTENTS))));
00283 // ----- free functions -----------------------------------------------------
00285 /**
00286 * This helper method is used by COH_THROW to raise the exception, supplying
00287 * the stack at which it was called.  If the exception is referenced via a
00288 * handle the exception's stack will be set prior to being throw.  The function
00289 * is marked with compiler specific (no return) statements, so that any calls
00290 * to it will suppress the corresponding compiler warnings.
00291 *
00292 * @param ohE         the instance of an exception object to throw
00293 * @param vsFile      the current file
00294 * @param nLine       the current line
00295 * @param vsFunction  the current function
00296 */
00297 COH_EXPORT COH_NO_RETURN_PRE void coh_throw(Exception::Holder ohE,
00298         String::View vsFile, int32_t nLine, String::View vsFunction)
00299             COH_NO_RETURN_POST;
00303 #endif // COH_EXCEPTION_HPP
Copyright © 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.