2 Installation

This chapter describes how to install Oracle Event Processing on Oracle Java Embedded systems.

This chapter includes the following sections:

2.1 Installation Overview

Oracle Event Processing on Oracle Java Embedded systems does not include an installation program. To install it, you extract the contents of its distribution file to the location where you want to install it.

Oracle Event Processing on Oracle Java Embedded systems is designed for use with the Java Embedded Suite (JES). The installation instructions provided here assume that your installation of Oracle Event Processing on Oracle Java Embedded systems will use the JRE provided with JES.

To install Oracle Event Processing on Oracle Java Embedded systems:

  1. Download and install Java Embedded Suite (JES).

  2. Download and install Oracle Event Processing on Oracle Java Embedded systems.

  3. Set JAVA_HOME to use the JES JRE.

For more detailed step-by-step instructions, including download location, see Section 2.2, "Install from the Command Line".

2.1.1 Before You Install

Oracle Event Processing on Oracle Java Embedded systems is designed to work with the Java Embedded Suite (JES), including the JRE bundled with JES. Because of this, JES is a prerequisite for using Oracle Event Processing on Oracle Java Embedded systems.

The installation instructions include notes about JES installation.

For additional system requirements, see Section 1.7, "Supported Platform and Resource Configurations".

2.1.2 Directory Structure and Concepts

The Oracle Event Processing on Oracle Java Embedded systems distribution file includes the event server, a default domain, and a sample application.

When you extract the Oracle Event Processing on Oracle Java Embedded systems distribution file, the directory structure includes the following noteworthy items:

Table 2-1 Oracle Event Processing on Oracle Java Embedded systems Directory Structure

Path Description

Libraries comprising product features.


Configuration and deployment tools.


Tools and examples for domain configuration.


Sample application code.


Libraries comprising product features.


Database and security utilities.


XML schemas that define XML configuration files.


Default domain for user projects.

2.2 Install from the Command Line

You install Oracle Event Processing on Oracle Java Embedded systems by extracting the contents of the installation *.zip file to the directory of your choosing.


There is no graphical installer in this release.

To install Oracle Event Processing on Oracle Java Embedded systems:

  1. Log in to the device on which you want to install Oracle Event Processing on Oracle Java Embedded systems. Be sure you log in as the user that will be the main administrator of the installation.

  2. Download the Oracle Event Processing on Oracle Java Embedded systems distribution ZIP file. For example, at the command line use the following command:

    wget http://location/of/ofm_oep_embedded_RELEASE_NUMBER_linux.zip

    For example:

    wget http://location/of/ofm_oep_embedded_11_1_1_7_0_linux.zip
  3. Extract the file to the installation location. For example, use the following command:

    unzip ofm_oep_embedded_RELEASE_NUMBER_linux.zip
  4. If you haven't already, browse the Oracle web site for the JES version you need. Browse at the following URL:

  5. Download the Java Embedded Suite distribution ZIP file. For example, use a command such as the following:

    wget https://download.oracle.com/otn/java/JES/7.0-b11/jes-7.0-ga-bin-b11-linux-arm-runtime-15_nov_2012.zip
  6. Extract the file to the Java home location. For example, use a command such as the following:

    unzip jes-7.0-ga-bin-b11-linux-arm-runtime-15_nov_2012.zip -d home/user/java/jes7.0/jre
  7. Ensure that you have a $JAVA_HOME system variable and set it to the path where you unzipped the embedded JRE.

    export JAVA_HOME=/home/user/java/jes7.0/jre

2.3 Post-Installation Steps

For information about configuring and domain creation, see the following sections: