3 Installing Oracle Data Service Integrator Using Silent Mode

This chapter describes how to install Oracle Data Service Integrator using Silent mode. Silent mode is ideal for remote installations or when incorporating the installation as part of a script. The Windows, UNIX, and Linux versions of the installer provide a noninteractive, or silent-mode installation, that you can use in cases when you want to install Oracle Data Service Integrator without needing to supply information from the keyboard during the installation process. Instead, the installer gets the required information from a response file that you provide.

Before launching a silent-mode installation, make sure that all installation prerequisites are met and that all the information in the response file is correct. After the silent installer is started, it proceeds in the background and does not report exceptions. Some exceptions are ignored.

However, if a previously installed copy of Oracle Data Service Integrator is detected, a dialog box appears asking if you want to override the old version. Other exceptions cause the installer to fail. For example, if the specified Oracle home directory &beahome; or the specified Oracle Data Service Integrator install directory do not exist or are incorrect, the installer fails.


On UNIX systems, the installer displays the message Installation Complete when it finishes. This message does not necessarily indicate that the installer was successful; it means only that the process has finished running.

If a fatal exception occurs during installation, the installer displays a message and no changes are made to the system.

The chapter includes the following sections:

3.1 Using Silent Mode

This section describes how to install Oracle Data Service Integrator on Windows and UNIX systems using Silent Mode.

To install using silent mode:

  1. Ensure that all installation prerequisites are met. See Section 1.1, "Installation Overview."

  2. Provide the appropriate installer response file.

    When you run the Oracle Data Service Integrator installer in silent mode, you must provide a response file for the installation program. The response file specifies the location of the ORACLE_HOME and the type of installation you want to perform (either Developer or Runtime). For more information, see Section 3.2, "Creating a Response File."

  3. Open a command window with Administrator privileges.

  4. Navigate to the directory containing the Oracle Data Service Integrator installer, odsi_generic.jar.

  5. Enter the following command to run the installer in silent mode. The command has the following format:

    java -jar odsi_generic.jar -silent -responseFile<response_file_absolute_path> -waitForCompletion 

    where response_file_absolute_path represents the absolute path to the response file.

  6. Run the installer application, specifying the response file and the log file name as options.

    The message Preparing to Install is displayed. After the installer decompresses the required files, the installation proceeds with the information specified in the response file. When the process is successful, Installation Complete is displayed.

3.2 Creating a Response File

Silent mode typically uses a response file (.rsp) that contains the installation parameters as name=value pairs. An easy way to create a response file is to run the installer in graphical mode and then save the installation parameters to a response file at the Installation Summary screen. Use the saved file to replicate the installation on other computers or modify the file to change the installation as required.

If you must write your own response file, it must contain the parameters described in Table 3-1. The response file must be saved with the extension ".rsp".

Table 3-1 Response File Parameters

Parameter Description

Response File Version

The version of the response file for this version of Oracle Data Service Integrator. For the current release, the value must be


The value must be an absolute path. If the directory does not exist, the installer creates the directory. If the directory already exists, it must be empty or it must be an existing valid ORACLE_HOME.


The version of Oracle Data Service Integrator that you are installing. Valid values are either ODSI Developer Installation or ODSI Runtime Installation.

Example 3-1 illustrates the contents of a response file for a Developer installation.

Example 3-1 Sample Contents of a Developer Response File

Response File Version=
#The oracle home location. This can be an existing Oracle Home or a new Oracle Home
#Set this variable value to the Installation Type selected. e.g. ODSI Developer Installation, ODSI Runtime Installation.
INSTALL_TYPE=ODSI Developer Installation

Example 3-2 illustrates the contents of a response file for a Runtime installation.

Example 3-2 Sample Contents of a Runtime Response File

Response File Version=
#The oracle home location. This can be an existing Oracle Home or a new Oracle Home
#Set this variable value to the Installation Type selected. e.g. ODSI Developer Installation, ODSI Runtime Installation.
INSTALL_TYPE=ODSI Runtime Installation

3.3 Next Steps

See Section 4.1, "Verifying the Installation" for information on how to verify that Oracle Data Service Integrator installed correctly.

You can integrate Oracle Data Service Integrator with WebLogic Server and with Oracle Eclipse. For more information, see Section 4.2, "Creating a Sample Domain in WebLogic Server" and Section 4.3, "Post-Installation Tasks for Oracle Eclipse."