Working with Network Element Instance Throughput Control

Throughput control mechanism controls the number of transactions per unit of time. This mechanism ensures that networks elements are not overloaded.

When working with network element instance throughput control, see the following topics:

About Network Element Instance Throughput Control

To prevent certain types of network elements from becoming overloaded, it may be necessary to control the volume of transactions that are being sent from ASAP. A central throughput control mechanism enables you to configure a specific throughput per unit of time for network element instances, which ensures that no more than a specific number of transactions are sent to the network element per unit of time.

Related Topics

Configuring Network Element Instance Throughput Control

Modeling Entities

Configuring Network Element Instance Throughput Control

Consider the following scenario:

It has been discovered that the throughput limitations of a specific network element (that responds to ASAP asynchronously) require that no more than 20 transactions per second can be sent to the network element. Otherwise, some response messages are not generated and are therefore never received by ASAP. To prevent overloading and ensure the network element generates all required response messages, the service modeler configures throughput controls for this network element instance as described below.

To configure the throughput control for a network element instance:

  1. In the NE Template editor, modify the throughput properties used to create new network element instances.

    When modifying the properties used to create new network element instances, you ensure that any future network element instances use the appropriate throughput properties. To do this, update the throughput values in the NE Template editor as follows:

    1. In the Throughput field, enter 20 as the number of transactions.

      Valid Throughput field values range from 1 - 9999.

    2. In the Transactions Per field, enter Seconds as the unit of time.

  2. In the Network Element editor, modify the throughput properties for any existing network element instances of that type.

    Update the throughput values as follows:

    1. In the Throughput field, enter 20 as the number of transactions.

      Valid Throughput field values range from 1 - 9999.

    2. In the Transactions Per field, enter Seconds as the unit of time.

  3. In the Dynamic NE Template editor, modify the throughput properties for any existing Dynamic NE Template used for network element instances of that type.

    Update the throughput values as follows:

    1. In the Throughput field, enter 20 as the number of transactions.

      Valid Throughput field values range from 1 - 9999.

    2. In the Transactions Per field, enter Seconds as the unit of time.

  4. Save all modified network element templates, network elements, and dynamic network element templates.

    You can now deploy the configuration to an ASAP environment for testing.

Related Topics

Working with Network Element Instance Throughput Control

Working with Retry Properties

Modeling Entities

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