DN Routing Map Editor

Use the DN Routing Map editor to add or remove routing details to route atomic actions using DN. In the Studio Projects view, double-click a DN routing map entity to open the DN Routing Map editor.

When working with the DN Routing Map editor, see the following topics:

DN Routing Map Editor Editor Tab

Use the Editor tab for defining the parameters for routing an atomic action using DN. In the Routing Map Details area, you can configure the values for a DN routing map entity.

Field Use
Description Specify a description for the DN Routing Map editor.
Vendor, Technology, and Software Load Displays the vendor, technology, and software load for the DN routing map entity in the cartridge project.
NPA, NXX, Min Line, Max Line, Atomic Action, and Network Element ID Displays the values configured in the Routing Map Details area.
Add Click to add DN routing details for an atomic action.
Remove Click to clear DN routing details for an atomic action.

Routing Map Details

Field Use
NPA Specify a Numbering Plan Area (NPA) code. The allowed range is from 100 to 999.
NXX Specify a Central Office code also known as prefix. The allowed range is from 100 to 999.
Min Line Specify the lowest line number in the range. The allowed range is from 1000 to 9999.
Max Line Specify the highest line number in the range. The allowed range is from 1000 to 9999.
Atomic Action This field is optional. Select an atomic action which you want to route using DN. If no atomic action is selected, all atomic actions in the work order will be routed using DN.
Network Element ID Select a network element to which you want to route the atomic action.

Related Topics

DN Routing Map Editor

Working with Directory Number Routing

DN Routing Map Editor Blueprint Tab

Use the Blueprint tab to view the generated documentation for the DN routing map entity. This tab is read-only.

Related Topics

DN Routing Map Editor

Working with Directory Number Routing