About Composite Cartridge Views

When you extend an existing OSM solution, for example, by adding a new fulfillment function, the tasks of the new function typically require additional task data to be added. For example, a new Shipping function might require a Shipping ID and Start Date in addition to the control data that is generated for the function.

Once you have added the required data to the task, you can define the task data and any required behaviors using the tabs of the Composite Cartridge View editor. Oracle recommends that you create the composite cartridge view in the component cartridge that is hosting the new component; for example, the component cartridge that hosts the new fulfillment function.

Once the data is defined, you can contribute it to required tasks, such as creation tasks and query tasks, using the Task Data Contribution tab of the Composite Cartridge editor. See Composite Cartridge View Editor Task Data Tab for more information.

During the composite cartridge build, the additional task data and views are added into the build artifact, within the context of the solution.

After you have added the task data, you can view the entire data set for an order or for a task by using the order or tasks's Composite Data View tab.

Related Topics

Creating New Cartridge Composite Views

Adding Task Data to a Composite Cartridge View

Contributing Task Data to a Composite Cartridge

Composite Cartridge View Editor