Mapping Rule Editor

Use the Mapping Rule editor to map entities and data elements for transformed order items.

When modeling mapping rules, see the following topics:

The following fields are common to multiple tabs in the Mapping Rule editor:

Field Use
Description Edit the display name of the mapping rule.
Namespace Select an existing namespace or enter a unique namespace in which to include the mapping rule.

Related Topics

Creating New Mapping Rules

Creating New Mappings in a Mapping Rule

Configuring Mappings

Mapping Rule Editor Properties Tab

Use the Properties tab to define the properties for the mapping rule.


See "Mapping Rule Editor" for information about fields that appear on multiple Mapping Rule editor tabs.
Field Use
Provider Function Click Select to select a provider function from a list of the provider functions defined in your workspace. The provider function that you select here is used in determining the list of relationships that are available to add on the Mapping tab. See "About Provider Functions" for more information about defining provider functions.
Domain Click Select to select a domain from a list of the domains defined in your workspace. The domain that you select here is used in determining the list of relationships that are available to add on the Mapping tab. See "About Domains" for more information about defining domains.
Output Order Item Click Select to select the order item specification that you wish to use for the result of the transformation. All order item specifications in the workspace are available for selection.
Input Order Item Click Select to select the order item specification that you wish to use for the source of the transformation. All order item specifications in the workspace are available for selection.

Related Topics

Mapping Rule Editor

Mapping Rule Editor Mapping Tab

Use the Mapping tab to configure the mapping of entities and data elements from source to target order items. For more information about mapping types, see "Configuring Mappings".

When modeling mappings in mapping rules, see the following topics:


See "Mapping Rule Editor" for information about fields that appear on multiple Mapping Rule editor tabs.
Field Use
Filters area Use the Input, Output, and Relationship Type fields to filter the mappings displayed in the Entries table.
Entries table The Entries table displays the relationships that have been configured for the mapping rule. Do any of the following:
  • Click Add to add a mapping to the table.

  • Select a row in the table to configure the mapping. See "Configuring Mappings" for more information.

  • Select a row and click Remove to remove the selected mapping.

Related Topics

Mapping Rule Editor

Mapping Rule Editor Mapping Tab Mapping Subtab

Use the Mapping subtab to map entities and data elements to the appropriate values on the transformed order item.

Field Use
Input This tree contains the properties of the original order item and the parameters on the source entity.
Output This tree contains the properties of the transformed order item and the parameters on the target entity.
Mapping Rule Item area This area contains the specifics for the individual mappings. For more information about the contents of this section for the different mapping types, see "Configuring Mappings".

Related Topics

Mapping Rule Editor Mapping Tab

Mapping Rule Editor Mapping Tab Details Subtab

Use the Details subtab to configure details about the selected named relationship.

Field Use
Use for Order Item Selection Select this option to use this relationship to select the order items for the transformation.
Supports Bi-directional Mapping Select this option to propagate data that is changed on the transformed order item during order execution back to the original order item.
Named Relationship This field contains the name of the relationship between the input and output entities. See "Product Editor Derivation Tab" for more information about creating this relationship in a conceptual model product. See "Conceptual Model Editor Components Tab" for information about creating this relationship for other types of conceptual model entities.
Input Conceptual Model Entity Displays the name of the conceptual model entity that is related to the original order item.
Input Action Select an action to use for the input entity. This action provides additional data elements for the source of the mapping.
Output Conceptual Model Entity Displays the name of the conceptual model entity associated with the transformed order item.
Output Action Select an action to use for the output entity. This action provides additional data elements for the target of the mapping.

Related Topics

Mapping Rule Editor Mapping Tab

Mapping Rule Editor Mapping Tab Condition Subtab

Use the Condition subtab to define a condition under which the mapping rule is used.

Field Use
XQuery field Enter an XQuery expression or a pointer for a condition for the mapping rule to be used. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls. See "About Mapping Condition XQuery Expressions" for more information about this XQuery field.

Related Topics

Mapping Rule Editor Mapping Tab

Mapping Rule Editor Mapping Tab Fulfillment State Filters Subtab

Use the Fulfillment State Filters subtab to configure which external fulfillment states will be propagated for order items associated with the selected named relationship.

Field Use
Fulfillment State Filters area The table in this area contains the order component specifications whose external fulfillment states should be propagated.

Fulfillment states for any order component that is not in this table will not be propagated.

Do any of the following:

  • Click Add to add an order component to the table. In the resulting window, click Select to select an order component. If you do not see the order component in the resulting window, deselect the Filter Project Dependencies check box.

    By default, when you add a new order component to the table, all of its external fulfillment states are added.

  • Select a row in the table to configure the external fulfillment states for that order component.

  • Select a row and click Remove to remove the selected order component.

Fulfillment State Filter area This area enables you to select specific external fulfillment states to propagate. External fulfillment states that are not included in this area will not be propagated.

Select an order component in the Fulfillment State Filters area and do any of the following:

  • Click Add (and then deselect the Filter Project Dependencies check box if necessary) to select a new external fulfillment state to be propagated.

  • Click Open to open the referenced order component specification.

  • Select an external fulfillment state and click Remove to remove the selected external fulfillment state from the list of fulfillment states to be propagated for the selected named relationship.

Related Topics

Mapping Rule Editor Mapping Tab

Mapping Rule Editor Mapping Tab Actions Subtab

Use the Actions subtab to set action mappings for the selected named relationship. These mappings override any mappings that are set on the relationship itself.

Field Use
Action Codes Enter the action codes that apply to this mapping. Do any of the following:
  • Click Select and select an existing action code.

  • Click Add to create a new action code and use it for this mapping.

  • Select an action code and click Open to open the action code in the Action Code editor.

  • Select an action code and click Remove to remove it from the list.

Use Relationship Action Map Select this option to inherit action mapping information from the named relationship. This is selected by default.
Action Mapping Type Deselect Use Relationship Action Map to access these options. Do one of the following:
Action Maps area This area appears when you select the Simple action mapping type. The table in this area displays the action maps defined for this mapping rule. Do any of the following:
  • Click Add to add a new entry to the table.

  • Select an action map in the table and click Remove to remove that entry from the table.

Output Action Code area This area appears when you select the Simple action mapping type. Select the desired action code to set the transformed order item.
Input Action Code area This area appears when you select the Simple action mapping type. Select the action code for the original order item.
Current Action Code area (Optional) This area appears when you select the Simple action mapping type. Use this field to produce a different output action code depending on the current action code of the transformed order item.

Related Topics

Mapping Rule Editor Mapping Tab