Order Item Parameter Binding Editor

Use the Order Item Parameter Binding editor to map order item parameters to parameters on a conceptual model entity.

When modeling order item parameter bindings, see the following topics:

The following fields are common to multiple tabs in the Order Item Parameter Binding editor:

Field Use
Description Edit the display name of the order item parameter binding.
Namespace Select an existing namespace or enter a unique namespace in which to include the order item parameter binding.

Related Topics

Creating New Order Item Parameter Bindings

Order Item Parameter Binding Editor Properties Tab

Use the Properties tab to define the entities to use for the parameter bindings.


See "Order Item Parameter Binding Editor" for information about fields that appear on multiple Order Item Parameter Binding editor tabs.
Field Use
Order Item Specification Click Select to select an order item from the list of all of the order items in the workspace. The order items in this list are the order items defined in the same project as the order item parameter binding and the order items in any project on which this project depends. See "Managing Project Dependencies" for more information about project dependencies.
Conceptual Model Entity Click Select to select a conceptual model entity that contains the parameters to which order line items will be mapped.

Related Topics

Order Item Parameter Binding Editor

Order Item Parameter Binding Editor Parameter Bindings Tab

Use the Parameter Bindings tab to define expressions that will map the incoming order item parameters to parameters defined for the conceptual model entity selected on the Properties tab.


See "Order Item Parameter Binding Editor" for information about fields that appear on multiple Order Item Parameter Binding editor tabs.
Field Use
Bindings Displays a list of the bindings contained in the current order item parameter binding.

Do any of the following:

  • Click Add to add a new binding.

  • Select an existing binding to edit the binding using the fields in the Binding Details area.

  • Select an existing binding and click Remove to remove the binding.

Expression Enter the XQuery expression to perform the parameter binding. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls. See "About Order Item Parameter Binding XQuery Expressions" for more information about this XQuery field.
Binding Enter the name of the binding. The XQuery for the binding can map all of the parameters for the conceptual model entity, or you can define multiple bindings, each with its own XQuery, to bind the parameters for the conceptual model entity.

Related Topics

Order Item Parameter Binding Editor