About Product Specification to Fulfillment Pattern Configuration Mapping

Configuring product specifications to fulfillment pattern mappings in Design Studio ensures that the OSM run-time server can properly fulfill order items on incoming customer orders. The information in this section applies both to existing OSM product specifications and to conceptual model products.

You can map to an existing fulfillment pattern or create and map to a new fulfillment pattern. Mapping products or product specifications to an existing fulfillment pattern is the simplest method for introducing new products or classes of products into your model, and enables you to introduce new products or classes with minimal configuration. You can also create and map to a new fulfillment pattern, or create and map to a new fulfillment pattern that inherits data from an existing fulfillment pattern. For example, you might create one base fulfillment pattern that includes attributes common among all fulfillment patterns, then extend that base specification each time you need to create a new fulfillment pattern.

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