Product Specification Editor

Use the Product Specification editor to edit OSM product specification configurations. You can add product specification inheritance, map the product specification to a fulfillment pattern, and describe the product specification characteristics.

Field Use
Description Edit the display name of the product specification.
Namespace Select any existing namespace defined in the workspace, or enter a unique namespace in which to include the product specification. Design Studio uses the last saved namespace as the default value.
Extends (Optional) Select an existing product specification to leverage the data and extend the functionality of that existing product specification.

Do one of the following. Click:

  • Select to select from a list of all product specifications defined in the workspace.

  • New to create a new product specification, if a suitable product specification does not yet exist.

  • Open to open the specified product specification in the Product Specification editor.

Fulfillment Pattern Select a fulfillment pattern to which the corresponding product specification maps. A product specification must map to a single fulfillment pattern.

Do one of the following. Click:

  • Select to select from a list of all fulfillment patterns defined in the workspace.

  • New to create a new fulfillment pattern, if a suitable fulfillment pattern does not yet exist.

  • Open to open the specified fulfillment pattern in the Fulfillment Pattern editor.

Effective Start Dates and Effective End Dates Select Immediately if you want the product specification to be in effect immediately. Otherwise, select the date at which the product specification becomes effective.

Select No End Date to indicate that the product specification will remain effective indefinitely. Otherwise, select the date at which the product specification will no longer be used.

Attributes Edit, remove, or create new product specification attributes.

Related Topics

Creating New Product Specifications

Working with Product Specifications