Transformation Sequence Editor

Use the Transformation Sequence editor to define the source and target order items and the relationship between them for each step of the transformation.

When modeling transformation sequences, see the following topics:

The following fields are common to multiple tabs in the Transformation Sequence editor:

Field Use
Description Edit the display name of the transformation sequence.
Namespace Select an existing namespace or enter a unique namespace in which to include the transformation sequence.

Related Topics

Creating New Transformation Sequences

Transformation Sequence Editor Properties Tab

Use the Properties tab to define the order items that are used for the transformation sequence.


See "Transformation Sequence Editor" for information about fields that appear on multiple Transformation Sequence editor tabs.
Field Use
Output Order Item Click Select to select an order item specification for the order items to result from the transformation.
Input Order Item Click Select to select an order item specification for the order items to be transformed.

Related Topics

Transformation Sequence Editor

Transformation Sequence Editor Dependencies Tab

Use the Dependencies tab to configure the transformation stages in the transformation sequence.

When modeling transformation stages, refer to the following topics:


See "Transformation Sequence Editor" for information about fields that appear on multiple Transformation Sequence editor tabs.
Field Use
Tree area The tree area contains the transformation sequence and each of the transformation stages. Do any of the following:
  • Right-click the name of the transformation sequence and select Add New Transformation Stage to add a new stage.

  • Select a transformation stage from this list to configure it using the fields in the subtabs.

  • Right-click the name of a transformation stage and select Move Up to move the transformation stage earlier in the sequence.

  • Right-click the name of a transformation stage and select Move Down to move the transformation stage later in the sequence.

  • Right-click the name of the transformation sequence or stage and select Change to Non-Sequential to allow custom sequencing of the transformation stages for the sequence. See "Configuring Non-Sequential Stage Transitions" for more information about using this option.

  • Right-click the name of a transformation stage and select Add Transition to configure a non-sequential stage transition. This option is only available if the transformation sequence is using non-sequential stage transitions. See "Configuring Non-Sequential Stage Transitions" for more information about using this option.

  • Right-click the name of a transformation stage and select Remove to delete the stage.

Related Topics

Transformation Sequence Editor

Transformation Sequence Editor Dependencies Tab Transformation Model Subtab

Use the Transformation Sequence subtab of the Dependencies tab to define the name of the transformation sequence and to determine whether the stages run in parallel or sequentially. This subtab is visible when you have a transformation sequence selected in the tree area.

Field Use
Name Enter the name of the transformation sequence.
Sequential Execution Select this option to allow custom sequencing of the transformation stages. See "Configuring Non-Sequential Stage Transitions" for more information about using this option.

Related Topics

Transformation Sequence Editor Dependencies Tab

Transformation Sequence Editor Dependencies Tab Stage Detail Subtab

Use the Stage Detail subtab of the Dependencies tab to configure details of the transformation stage. This subtab is visible when you have a transformation stage selected in the tree area.

Field Use
Name Enter the name of the transformation stage.
Allow Overrides Select this option to set a value that indicates that the results of previous transformation stages may be overridden.

Note: This option should not be selected for the first transformation stage in the transformation sequence.

Related Topics

Transformation Sequence Editor Dependencies Tab

Transformation Sequence Editor Dependencies Order Item Context Subtab

This subtab is visible when you have a transformation stage selected in the tree area. Use the Order Item Context subtab of the Dependencies tab to configure details of the transformation stage.

Field Use
Reuse Previous Stage Context Select this option to indicate that the current transformation stage should not recalculate the order item context but should use the order item context of the previous stage.

Note: This option should not be selected for the first transformation stage in the transformation sequence.

Order Item Context Do one of the following:
  • Select Simple to configure the order item context using a simple user process.

    In the Property field, select an order item property belonging to the order item specification selected on the Properties tab. Then enter a value in the Value field to determine what property is used to determine whether an order item is a context order item. The order item is considered a context order item if the value of the specified order item property is equal to the value in the Value field.

  • Select Advanced to configure the order item context using an XQuery expression. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls. See "About Order Item Context XQuery Expressions" for more information about this Query field.

Related Topics

Transformation Sequence Editor Dependencies Tab

Transformation Sequence Editor Dependencies Tab Related Order Items Selector Subtab

This subtab is visible when you have a transformation stage selected in the tree area. Use the Related Order Items Selector subtab of the Dependencies tab to configure details of the order items to which the transformation stage applies. This subtab is visible when you have a transformation stage selected in the tree area.

Field Use
Related Order Item Do one of the following:
  • Select None to not configure any related order items. This is recommended for the first transformation stage.

  • Select Simple to configure the related order item using a simple user process.

    In the Direction field, select a way to search for related order items. The possible values are Ancestors, Siblings, and Dependents. In the Hierarchy field select the order item hierarchy that to indicate the hierarchy that is used to determine the related order items.

  • Select Advanced to configure the related order item using an XQuery expression. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls. See "About Related Order Item Selector XQuery Expressions" for more information about this XQuery field.

Related Topics

Transformation Sequence Editor Dependencies Tab

Transformation Sequence Editor Dependencies Tab Relationship Type Details Subtab

This subtab is visible when you have a transformation stage selected in the tree area. Use the Relationship Type Details subtab of the Dependencies tab to configure details of the Java classes that implement the transformation stage. This subtab is visible when you have a transformation stage selected in the tree area.

Field Use
Relationship Types This table shows a list of the relationships that are available to the transformation stage.

Do any of the following:

  • Click Add to add a new relationship type to the table. A dialog box is presented where you can enter the information for the relationship using the Relationship Type and Implementation fields, or you can click OK in the dialog box without adding anything and enter the information using the fields in the editor.

  • Click Remove to remove a relationship from the table.

  • Click an existing row in the table to edit the information for that row using the Relationship Type and Implementation fields.

Relationship Type Click Select to select a relationship type to be implemented by the transformation stage.
Implementation Do one of the following:
  • Click Select to select a Java class from the classes in the workspace that implement the required relationship handler interfaces for the selected relationship type for this transformation stage.

  • If the Implementation field is empty, click the name of the field to display the New Java Class wizard, with the appropriate interface for the relationship implementation prepopulated.

Related Topics

Transformation Sequence Editor Dependencies Tab

Transformation Sequence Editor Dependencies Tab Stage Condition Subtab

Use the Stage Condition subtab of the Dependencies tab to configure how OSM determines whether the stage should be run. This subtab is visible when you have a transformation stage selected in the tree area.

Field Use
XQuery The XQuery tab enables you to configure XQuery-based rules to determine whether the transformation stage will run. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls. See "About Stage Condition XQuery Expressions" for more information about this XQuery field.
Instances Define a Data Instance behavior to obtain data that is not included in the order data and to make that data available to the XQuery expression. Click Add to add a Data Instance behavior. Select the Data Instance behavior, and click Properties to configure the Data Instance behavior.

See "Defining Data Instance Behavior Properties" for more information.

Information Describe the intended use of the XQuery expression. For example, you might describe the functionality of a complex expression or provide instructions on its use.

Related Topics

Transformation Sequence Editor Dependencies Tab