Order Component Specification Editor

Use the Order Component Specification editor to configure the order components that OSM uses to fulfill incoming orders.

Each order component represents a system interaction to a fulfillment system. Order components contain all of the data needed by the fulfillment system subprocess to complete the fulfillment tasks.

This editor contains several different tabs. For details about the fields on each tab, see the following topics:

The following fields are common to multiple tabs in the Order Component Specification editor:

Field Use
Description Edit the display name of the order component.
Namespace Select any existing namespace defined in the workspace or enter a unique namespace in which to include the order component. Design Studio uses the last saved namespace as the default.

Related Topics

About Order Components

Creating New Order Component Specifications

Working with Order Components

Order Component Specification Editor Details Tab

Use the Details tab to specify an optional base order component, the process that executes the order component, and the order components that act as a source of order items to the corresponding order component specification.

Field Use
Extends Select an existing order component to leverage the data and extend the functionality of that existing order component. Extending from an order component causes the child order component to inherit data elements, external fulfillment types and some other data, but does not cause the child order component to inherit data like permissions and duration, since those settings would be specific to the child order component. You will see the inherited information in the editor for the child order component specification.
Process Specify the subprocess task used to complete the order component or to complete order components that receive order items from this order component.
Order Component Executable Select if this order component contains all of the order items necessary to run an instance of the subprocess task associated with this order component or associated with the order component from which this order component receives order items.
Use Calculated Start Date Select to use the calculated start date. If selected, the order component will not start until the calculated start date is reached. If the current date and time are greater than calculated start date, then the calculated start date is ignored.

If disabled, the order component starts as soon as all preceding dependencies are resolved.

Applies to Order Component area Specify the order components that act as a source of order items to the corresponding order component specification. The order components in the Applies to Order Component area populate the corresponding order component specification with order items through decomposition rules. See "Working with Decomposition Rules" for more information.
Base Component



Use these fields to limit the number of order components that appear in the Applies to Order Component area. The Order Component Specification editor displays all order component specifications defined in the workspace. Use Base Component to limit the display to a single root-level order component and its dependencies. Use Functions to limit the scope to executable order components (order components associated with a process). Enter a value in the Search field to search for a specific order component.

Related Topics

Order Component Specification Editor

About Order Components

Creating New Order Component Specifications

Working with Order Components

Order Component Specification Editor Order Template Tab

Use the Order Template tab to configure the control data required to fulfill the order items on the corresponding order component.

Field Use
Order Template Displays the data defined for the order component.

You must have the required structure for order component control data in the Order Template area; Design Studio automatically adds this structure to the Order Template area. See "About Modeling Order Component Control Data" for more information.

The order in which the data is displayed here is the order in which it will appear in the Order Management Web client or in the XML API if this task is an automated task.

To reposition a data node in the list, select it, right-click, and select Move Up or Move Down.

See "About the Order Template Context Menu" for descriptions of actions you can perform in the Order Template context menu.

Behaviors Select a data node in the Task Data area to view the behaviors defined the node or to create new behaviors. Right-click the behavior and select Show Properties to define the behavior information.

See "Defining Manual Task Behaviors" for more information.

Related Topics

Order Component Specification Editor

About Order Components

Creating New Order Component Specifications

Order Component Specification Editor Duration Tab

Use the Duration tab to define the processing durations for each order component. OSM uses either the order component specification duration or the fulfillment pattern selected order component duration, whichever is longer, to calculate the start date for order components. See "Fulfillment Pattern Editor Order Components Subtab" for more information.

If Use Calculated Start Date is enabled, the order component will not start until the calculated start date is reached. If the current date and time are greater than calculated start date, then the calculated start date is ignored.

If Use Calculated Start Date is disabled, the order component starts as soon as all preceding dependencies are resolved.

The calculated start dates are only used if there is sufficient time to meet the date. Otherwise, the order component begins immediately.

See "Order Component Specification Editor Details Tab" for more information about Use Calculated Start Date.

OSM uses several configured durations to calculate the start times for order components. See OSM Modeling Guide for more information.

Field Use
Minimum Processing Duration Specify the minimum amount of time OSM can expect to process a single order item for the associated order component.

Either define a specific duration in the Minimum Processing Duration field, or use Duration Expression field to define the duration using an XQuery expression.

Duration Expression Enter an XQuery expression or a pointer to determine the processing duration based on a specific order item property. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls.

See "About Component Specification Duration XQuery Expressions" for more information.

Related Topics

Order Component Specification Editor

Fulfillment Pattern Editor Duration Subtab

Order Component Specification Editor Component ID Tab

Use the Component ID tab to define an XQuery expression that OSM evaluates against each order item in the order component. OSM uses the resulting value to determine the instance of the order component to which the order item will be assigned. OSM groups all order components that share the same component ID in the same order component instance. For example, you might use the component ID to determine the processing granularity of order items at run time.

See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls. See "About Component Specification Custom Component ID XQuery Expressions" for more information about this XQuery field.

Related Topics

Order Component Specification Editor

About Order Components

Creating New Order Component Specifications

Order Component Specification Editor Permissions Tab

Use the Permissions tab to permit specific roles access to order component search queries in the Order Management Web client and define the data set that their queries return.


See "Order Component Specification Editor" for information about fields that appear on multiple Order Component Specification editor tabs.
Field Use
Roles Specify which roles can query order component information in the Order Management Web UI.
  • Click Select to add an existing role to the list in the Roles field.

  • Click New to create a new role to add to the list. See "Creating New Roles" for more information.

  • Click Open to review the role in the "Role editor".

  • Click Remove to delete the role from the list.

Query Tasks Select the tasks that will generate the query view used by Order Management Web client users.

At run time, the OSM server returns a specific set of data when you use the search query functionality in the Order Management Web UI. You determine which data set the OSM server returns by creating or selecting query tasks. The data associated with the tasks that you select here will be the data returned to you from the run-time query.

You can select tasks that you use in processes, or you can create tasks that you use only for run-time queries.

For each role you add to the list in the Roles field, you can define two types of query task views: a summary view and a detail view. Select a task in the Roles field, then click any of the following:

  • Add to add an existing task to the Query Tasks list.

  • New to create a new task to add to the list. See "Creating New Tasks" for more information.

  • Open to review the task in the Task editor.

  • Remove to delete the task from the list.

For each task in the list, specify whether to include the task data in the summary query view or the detail query view.

See "Working with Roles" for more information about setting up new roles.

Summary Select to display the corresponding task data set in the Order Management Web client Summary tab. The Summary tab provides a selection of the most important information about the selected order, component, or item and is displayed when you open the Order Details page. You can include data from multiple query tasks in the Summary tab. The Order Management Web client displays on the Summary tab all of the data from all of the tasks for which you specify the Summary option.
Details Select to use the task data set as a view in the Order Management Web client Data tab. The tasks for which you select this option appear as choices in the Order Management Web client Data tab View field. You can specify that multiple tasks appear as options in the View field; each option will present the Web client user with a different view, each containing a specific set of data.

Order Component Specification Editor External Fulfillment States Tab

Use the External Fulfillment States tab to define the external fulfillment states available to the order component and order components that extend it.

Field Use
External Fulfillment States Displays the external fulfillment states defined for the order component.

Do any of the following:

  • Click Add to create a new external fulfillment state.

  • Select one or more external fulfillment states and click Remove to remove the external fulfillment states.

  • Right-click a selected external fulfillment and select Rename to rename the selected external fulfillment state.

Details subtab Edit the display name of the external fulfillment state. If you are localizing OSM, use the list to the right of the field to set different values for different locales.
Information subtab Enter any additional information about the external fulfillment state that is required by your specific situation. If you are localizing OSM, use the list above the field to set different values for different locales.

Related Topics

Order Component Specification Editor

About Configuring Fulfillment States

Order Component Specification Editor Provider Function Tab

Use the Provider Function tab to define the provider functions to which the order component and order components that extend it are available.

Field Use
Provider Function Use this field to indicate the provider functions to which the order component should be available.

Do any of the following:

  • Click Select to select an existing provider function to which the order component should apply.

  • Select a provider function and click Remove to remove the provider function from the list for this order component.

  • Click Add to create a new provider function. See About Provider Functions for more information.

  • Select a provider function and click Open to open the provider function in the Provider Function editor.

Related Topics

Order Component Specification Editor

Order Component Specification Editor Realization Tab

Use the Realization tab to select fulfillment functions to which the order component and order components that extend it are associated.

Field Use
Realizes Use this field to select the fulfillment function to which you want to associate the order component.

Do any of the following:

  • Click Select to select an existing fulfillment function to which to associate the order component.

  • Click Open to open the editor for the selected fulfillment function.

Related Topics

Order Component Specification Editor

About Fulfillment Functions