Order Recognition Rule Editor

Use the Order Recognition Rule editor to configure order recognition rules.

The following fields are common to multiple tabs or areas in the Order Recognition Rule editor:

Field Use
Description Edit the display name of the rule.
Namespace Enter the unique XML namespace in which to include the recognition rule.
Input Message Specify the data structure of the incoming order.

You can select from the Data Dictionary a previously imported XML structure or a node from a previously imported XML structure. At run time, when a recognition rule evaluates to true, OSM adds this input message to the order template (as an XML data type) to contain the incoming message.

Related Topics

Creating New Recognition Rules

Configuring Recognition Rules

Working with Recognition Rules

Order Recognition Rule Editor Recognition Tab

Use the Recognition tab to create the recognition and validation rules, associate the rules with an order, and define the relevancy.

Field Use
Target Order Specify an order with which to associate the recognition rule. Every recognition rule must be associated with an order. Click:
  • Select to select from a list of all orders in the workspace.

  • New to create a new order to associate with the rule. See "Creating New Orders" for more information.

  • Open to open the specified order in the Order editor.

Target Order Version Select a specific version of an order if you want the recognition rule to recognize an order version other than the default version. To enter a specific order version, deselect the Default check box.
Fail Order Reason Select the Fail Order check box, and enter a reason to display to Order Management Web client users if this order has failed during validation or transformation. If the order fails, it is assigned the failed state and placed in fallout.
Relevancy Assign a specific relevancy value to the rule. The value can be any whole integer greater than or equal to zero. The default is 5. Relevancy determines the order in which the OSM server evaluates the order recognition rules at run time. OSM evaluates a rule with a higher relevance before it evaluates a rule with a lower relevance. For example, OSM evaluates a rule with a relevancy value of 2 before it evaluates a rule with a relevancy value of 1. At run time, OSM uses the first order recognition rule that evaluates to true.
Recognition Rule Enter an XQuery expression or a pointer to denote how OSM will recognize the incoming order. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls.

For example, in a simple scenario, you may have the recognition based on namespace:

fn:namespace-uri(.) = 'http://www.example.org/exampleNamespace'

Or, in a more complicated scenario, you might create an XQuery expression that looks for a specific namespace but also interrogates the data within the incoming order.

See "About Recognition, Validation, and Transformation Rules" and "About Recognition Rule XQuery Expressions" for more information.

Incoming orders that match no recognition rules are marked as failed orders and put into order fallout. See "Defining Order Fallout" for more information.

Validation Rule Enter an XQuery expression or a pointer to denote how OSM will validate the incoming order. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls.

For example, the XQuery expression can parse the data to determine whether mandatory fields are populated on the order.

See "About Recognition, Validation, and Transformation Rules" and "About Validation Rule XQuery Expressions" for more information.

Incoming orders that do not pass validation are marked as failed orders and put into order fallout. See "Defining Order Fallout" for more information.

Related Topics

Creating New Recognition Rules

Configuring Recognition Rules

Order Recognition Rule Editor

Working with Recognition Rules

Order Recognition Rule Editor Transformation Tab

Use the Transformation tab to define the order priority, reference, and data rules.

Field Use
Order Priority Enter a digit, an XQuery expression, or a pointer to denote how OSM will set the priority of the incoming order. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls.

Enter a digit or define an XQuery that evaluates to an order priority number between 0 and 9 inclusive, with 9 being the highest priority. If you do not define a priority, the OSM server sets the order priority to 5.

For example, you might define data-driven rules to set the order priority of incoming orders based on one or a set of property values in the incoming message.

See "About Recognition, Validation, and Transformation Rules" and "About Order Priority XQuery Expressions" for more information.

Order Reference Enter an XQuery expression or a pointer to a rule that evaluates to an order reference number. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls.

The order reference is a specific order header field on an OSM order. It can be used for storing cross-referencing information from other systems. The Order Reference transformation generates data for this header field.

See "About Recognition, Validation, and Transformation Rules" and "About Order Reference XQuery Expressions" for more information.

Order Data Rule Enter an XQuery expression or a pointer to a rule that augments incoming order data. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls.

For example, to add data to the order that is not included in the input message, you can configure XQuery rules to extract that data and add it to the creation task.

Note: The Order Data Rule is for generating creation task data that is outside of the ControlData structure.

See "About Recognition, Validation, and Transformation Rules" and "About Order Data Rule XQuery Expressions" for more information.

Related Topics

Creating New Recognition Rules

Configuring Recognition Rules

Order Recognition Rule Editor

Working with Recognition Rules