Project Editor

Use the Project editor to define project configuration details. To access the Project editor, double-click any Project entity in the Studio Projects view to display the entity in the Project editor. The tabs in the Project editor depend on the type of project.

When using the Project editor to configure projects, see the following topics:

Project Editor Properties Tab

Use the Properties tab to define the build, version, and target properties of the project.

Field Use
Description Enter the name for the project as it should appear in Design Studio and in the run-time environment.
Provider Enter a name or description of the project to help identify the project within the Design Studio environment.

If you have purchased a Cartridge project from a third party, this field may contain the name of the third-party provider.

Identifier Enter a unique string to identify the project. This is a fully qualified dot separated name. Typically, this value includes segments indicating provider and technology.
Package Name Enter a default implementation package name to use as a prefix for generated code.
Major Version Number, Minor Version Number, Maintenance Pack, Generic Patch, Customer Patch Define values to create a five-segment release version.

You can define release version numbers for any unsealed and deployable Design Studio project. Cartridge projects must always have a valid version number. When you first create a Cartridge project, Design Studio applies the following default values:

  • Major Version Number: 1

  • Minor Version Number: 0

  • Maintenance Pack: 0

  • Generic Patch: 0

  • Customer Patch: 0

You can edit these fields to uniquely identify the cartridge versions.

Note: Modifying these field values does not create a separate instance of the project in Design Studio. When changing version numbers, Oracle recommends that you use a source control system to ensure that you are able to return to the previous version.

Important: Design Studio cannot support multiple versions of a project in the same workspace. Multiple versions of a project in the same workspace creates conflicting model entities.

Build Number Indicates which version of the metadata is used by the corresponding project. If you have enabled the automatic build feature, Design Studio increases the build number automatically every time you save.

To enable the automatic build feature, select Project, then Build Automatically.

Target Version Select the version of the run-time application instance to which this Cartridge project will be deployed. Design Studio builds your project to be compatible with the run-time software version you specify here.

Select the highest version number that is equal to or less than the version of the run-time software to which you want to deploy the project. For example, if you are deploying to release 7.2.0, select the highest version number that is equal to or less than version 7.2.0.

For OSM projects, the target version that you specify must match the version of the installed SDK that you specify in the OSM SDK Home field on the Order and Service Management Preferences page. See "Defining Order and Service Management Preferences" for more information.

Note: When you select a new value in the Target Version field, Design Studio automatically initiates a new build. Some entity configurations may no longer be valid for the new application version.

This field appears only for Cartridge projects that are deployable to run-time environments. See "Defining Cartridge Project Target Versions" for more information.

State Click Unsealed if you want to make changes to the project, then rebuild it to obtain a new archive file.

Note: To modify files defined as read-only, you must edit the entity read-write properties. See "Defining Entity Read-Only Properties" for more information.

Click Seal to prevent changes to the project. You might seal a project, for example, after the project design is completed, debugged, and tested to prevent other users from rebuilding or overwriting the original build artifacts.

Namespace Enter the name of the of namespace in which the project exists. Some Design Studio features do not support this field.
Standalone (Used in OSM only) Indicates whether the cartridge is to be included in the composite cartridge as part of the solution or is to be used as a standalone cartridge with no project-level or entity-level dependencies. This field is not applicable to composite cartridges.
Common Model Entity Container (Used in OSM only) Specify the Model project in which you want to save the associated conceptual model entities, for example, actions, resources, data structure definitions, and so on.

Related Topics

Defining Project Version Numbers

About Project Version Numbers

Project Editor

Project Editor Copyright Tab

Use the Copyright tab to review or edit copyright and license information and to edit the message that appears when users seal and unseal projects.

Field Use
Description Enter the name for the project as it should appear in Design Studio and in run-time environments.
Copyright Information For third-party projects that you have purchased, displays the copyright information. If you are developing your own projects, enter the project copyright information.

Copyright information is included in the project archive (in cartridgeBin) as copyright.txt.

License Information For third-party projects that you have purchased, you can review the license agreement information. If you are developing your own projects, enter the project license information.

License information is included in the project archive (in cartridgeBin) as license.txt.

Seal Message and Unseal Message Do one of the following to define the message that appears when users click Seal and Unseal:
  • Select Default to display the default message that appears.

  • Select Custom to change the default message for specific cartridge versions.

See "Project Editor Properties Tab" for more information about sealing and unsealing projects.

Related Topics

Project Editor

Project Editor Packaging Tab

Use the Packaging tab to specify which entities will be deployed to the run-time environment.


Some Oracle Communications features automatically manage the content of the deployment archive. These features do not include the Packaging tab in their Project editor.
Field Use
Packaging Instructions Select which entities you want to include for each of these categories.
Include all from Project Select this option if you want to include all entities from a specific resource. For example, if you want to include all of your Java libraries, select Java Libraries from the left-side column, then select Include all from Project. The system will include all libraries in the package file.

Related Topics

Project Editor

Project Editor Model Variables Tab

Use the Model Variables tab to create and define variables that you can use when you require different values for the same field, depending on the environment.

Some applications require specific model variables. See "About OSM Model Variables" for more information.

Model Variables Section

Field Use
Add Click to add a new variable to the Model Variables table. Design Studio adds the value VAR_1 to the Name column. This table is read-only. To change the value, select the table row that contains the new variable, and enter a new value in the Name field.
Remove Select a row in the Model Variables table and click Remove to delete the variable.

Model Variable Details Section

Field Use
Name Displays the name of the variable in the selected table row.
Sensitive Select to secure the variable defined in the selected table row and to hide the default value from users. When you select this option, the default value defined for the cartridge model variable is obfuscated in the user interface and on disk.

By default, cartridge model variables are not sensitive.

Important: If you deselect the Sensitive option, Design Studio clears the Value field to protect the existing value.

Value Displays the default value for the variable in the selected table row. You can provide a default value for variables when multiple environments and share the same variable value.

Note: When defining default values for variables, employ the same default value for a variable across all projects in a workspace. If a variable defined in multiple projects does not share the same variable value, a warning appears in the Problems view.

Related Topics

Project Editor

Working with Model Variables

About OSM Model Variables

Design Studio for OSM provides the following default model variables:

Default Variable Use
DEFAULT_AUTOMATION_USER Use this model variable to represent the security principal whose credentials are used to execute automation plug-ins.
DEFAULT_REQUEST_QUEUE Use this model variable to identify the JMS destination to which automation plug-ins will send messages by default.
DEFAULT_RESPONSE_QUEUE Use this model variable to identify the JMS destination from which automation plug-ins will receive messages by default.
DEFAULT_MESSAGE_PROPERTY_SELECTOR Use this model variable to identify the messages for which automation plug-ins listen.
ACTIVATION_ENVIRONMENT_ID Use this model variable to represent the Oracle Communications ASAP environment ID to which service action requests are sent.

Related Topics

Working with Model Variables

Project Editor Model Variables Tab

Project Editor Cartridge Management Variables Tab

Use the Cartridge Management Variables tab to define attributes of the project behavior after you deploy to the target environment.


When defining default values for variables, employ the same default value for a variable across all projects in a workspace. If a variable defined in multiple projects does not share the same variable value, a warning appears in the Problems view.

Some applications require specific cartridge management variables. For more information, see:

Field Use
Add Click to add a new variable to the Cartridge Management Variables table. Design Studio adds the value VAR_1 to the Name column. This table is read-only. To change the value, select the table row that contains the new variable, and enter a new value in the Name field.
Remove Select a row in the Cartridge Management Variables table and click Remove to delete the variable.
Name Displays the name of the variable in the selected table row.
Sensitive Select to secure the variable defined in the selected table row and to hide the default value from users. When you select this option, the default value defined for the cartridge management variable is obfuscated in the user interface and in memory.

By default, cartridge management variables are not sensitive.

Important: If you deselect the Sensitive option, Design Studio clears the Value field to protect the existing value.

Value Displays the default value for the variable in the selected table row. You can provide a default value for variables when multiple environments share the same variable value.

Note: When defining default values for variables, use the same default value for a variable across all projects in a workspace. If a variable defined in multiple projects does not share the same variable value, a warning appears in the Problems view.


Oracle recommends that you not remove any of the default cartridge management variables.

Related Topics

Project Editor

About OSM Cartridge Management Variables

Design Studio for OSM provides the following default cartridge management variables:


Use the same default value for variables that are defined in multiple cartridges in a workspace. If different values are used, a warning appears in the Problems view.
Default Variable Use
FAST_CARTRIDGE_UNDEPLOY Enter true to undeploy a cartridge from OSM without purging cartridge metadata or order data, or enter false to purge cartridge metadata and order data during the undeploy operation.
PURGE_CARTRIDGE_BEFORE_DEPLOY Enter true to undeploy the previous version of a cartridge before deploying the new version, or enter false to update the previous version of the cartridge with the changes in the new version. If both PURGE_CARTRIDGE_BEFORE_DEPLOY and FAST_CARTRIDGE_UNDEPLOY are set to true, the cartridge is undeployed using the fast undeploy option before it is redeployed. This is referred to as a fast redeploy.

Note: If your cartridge has pending or completed orders that you do not want to purge, do not undeploy the cartridge, but deploy the new version with PURGE_CARTRIDGE_BEFORE_DEPLOY set to false.

ENTITY_CONFLICT_ACTION_ON_DEPLOY Enter replace to replace the old entities with the new (default); enter ignore to add the new entities and retain the old; or enter abort to stop the process. This variable applies only if PURGE_CARTRIDGE_BEFORE_DEPLOY is set to false.
PURGE_ORDER_ON_UNDEPLOY Enter true to purge all existing orders associated with the cartridge, or enter false if you do not want the system to undeploy the cartridge if it has pending orders. If both PURGE_ORDER_ON_UNDEPLOY and FAST_CARTRIDGE_UNDEPLOY are set to true, the operation is a forced fast undeploy, which aborts open orders; neither the cartridge nor associated orders are purged.

If PURGE_ORDER_ON_UNDEPLOY is set to true and FAST_CARTRIDGE_UNDEPLOY is set to false, the operation is a forced undeploy, which purges the cartridge and associated orders.

If you attempt to undeploy a cartridge that is not present in your workspace, and if the PURGE_ORDER_ON_UNDEPLOY option is defined as Inherit on the Cartridge Management Variables tab of the Studio Environment editor, then Design Studio defines the PURGE_ORDER_ON_UNDEPLOY option as false, even if the deployed cartridge includes a PURGE_ORDER_ON_UNDEPLOY option that is defined as true (on the Order and Service Management Project editor Cartridge Management Variables tab). To change this behavior, select the PURGE_ORDER_ON_UNDEPLOY option in the Cartridge Management Variables tab of the Studio Environment editor, then select Override, and then define the option as true.

Caution: Undeploying a cartridge using the forced undeploy option purges all existing orders for that cartridge.

DEFAULT_CARTRIDGE Enter true to indicate that this version of the cartridge is the default version in the namespace.

Cartridges that you deploy to OSM must have a default version. You can enter false if there are multiple versions of this cartridge deployed to (and a default version exists in) the OSM environment.

Specifying a default cartridge ensures that orders submitted by Task Web client users who are not defined with permission to create versioned orders are handled correctly in the OSM run-time environment.

At run time, if a user who does not have permission to create versioned orders enters an order, the OSM server submits the order to the default cartridge. See "Role Editor Role Tab" for more information about granting permissions to roles.

Note: If you have multiple versions of a composite cartridge, for each composite cartridge you should set this variable to the same value for the composite cartridge and all of the component cartridges that it references. Only one of the composite cartridges should have this variable set to true.


Oracle recommends that you do not remove any of the default cartridge management variables.

You can define and use the following optional cartridge management variables:

Optional Variable Use
BUILD_DEPLOY_MODE Enter optimized if you want to build the automation components for automation plug-ins to be able to run within a common (oms.ear) EAR file at run time. Enter legacy if you want to build the automation components for each automation plug-in to run in its own EAR file at run time. Enter both if you want to build the automation components for automation plug-ins to run in Optimized and Legacy modes. If you select both, OSM processes the automation plug-ins according to the automation plug-in dispatch mode that is set on the OSM server.

See "Defining Build-and-Deploy Modes for Automation Plug-ins" for information on automation plug-in build-and-deploy modes.

Tip: How you build and deploy automation plug-ins (the build-and-deploy mode) indicates whether you want the plug-ins to be able to run within the oms.ear file or not. The automation plug-in dispatch mode set on the OSM server indicates the ability for OSM to invoke an automation plug-in that is running within the bounds of the oms.ear file.

XML_CATALOG_SUPPORT Enter enable if you want to enable XML Catalog support for this cartridge. Enter disable if you want to disable XML Catalog support for this cartridge.

Note: XML Catalog support is enabled by default and is required to be enabled. When you deploy to some target run-time software versions, you can disable XML Catalog support. See "Working with XML Catalogs" for more information on using XML Catalogs.

UNDEPLOY_SHARED_CARTRIDGE (Applies to composite cartridges only.) Enter true to force the undeployment of shared component cartridges within a composite cartridge.

By default, the variable is set to false to prevent the undeployment of cartridges that are shared. See "Undeploying Composite Cartridges with Shared Component Cartridges" for more information.

Related Topics

Project Editor Cartridge Management Variables Tab

About Network Integrity Cartridge Management Variables

Design Studio for Network Integrity provides the following cartridge management variables:

Value Description Enter the host name of the server where the WebLogic Server resides. Enter the WebLogic Server port number. Enter the WebLogic Server Admin Server name

Related Topics

Project Editor Cartridge Management Variables Tab

Project Editor Dependency Tab

Use the Dependency tab to manage all project dependencies. Projects have dependencies when they reference entities or data elements defined in other projects. For example, if project A references an element or entity from project B, then project A has a dependency on project B.

The project dependencies that you define here control the selections that are available when you model projects. Design Studio restricts these selections based on the configured dependencies. Oracle recommends that you plan relationships between projects and configure project dependencies early in your development cycle.

Design Studio saves project dependency information in the MANIFEST.MF file, and uses this information to validate dependencies at deployment.


You must declare all project dependencies on the Dependency tab. Design Studio creates a problem marker if you reference entities in projects that are not defined as dependencies on this tab.
Field Use
Search Enter text to search for a specific project dependency in the project list, which displays an ordered list of project dependencies.
Move Up Click to move the selected project up in the order of dependencies. The order of the dependences determines the processing sequence during any upgrade process.
Move Down Click to move the selected project down in the order of dependencies. The order of the dependences determines the processing sequence during any upgrade process.
Remove Click to remove the selected project from the list.
Add Click to add dependent projects to the list.
Project Location Displays the workspace location of the selected project. This field is read-only.
Project Name Displays the name of the selected project. This field is read-only.
Minimum Version and Maximum Version Specify a range of versions for the selected dependent project. During project upgrades, Design Studio searches for dependencies that fall within the specific range.

You can refine the criteria by selecting to include the instances of that version (inclusive) or to exclude instances of that version (exclusive).

You can define only a minimum version to indicate that all later versions are valid, or define only a maximum version to indicate that all previous versions are valid. Oracle recommends that you define specific ranges, when possible.

Dependency Type Define whether a project dependency is required in the Design Studio workspace or in both the workspace and the run-time environment.


  • Design to indicate that the project dependency is required in the Design Studio workspace only.

  • Runtime to indicate that the project dependency is required in the Design Studio workspace and in the target run-time environment.

The default option is Design for all cartridge projects developed in previous Design Studio versions. Dependences to non-deployable projects (for example, to Model projects) are always defined as Design and cannot be changed.

Dependency Violation Diagnostic Level Do one of the following:
  • Select Warning to generate a warning marker when projects reference content in other projects but fail to declare a project dependency. This is the default value for all upgraded projects.

  • Select Error to generate an error marker when projects reference content in other projects but fail to declare a project dependency. This is the default value for all new cartridge projects. You cannot deploy a cartridge when error markers exist.

The default diagnostic level for Activation SRT projects is Warning. The default diagnostic level for all other project types is Error.

Related Topics

Project Editor

Managing Project Dependencies