Realizing Conceptual Model Entities into Application Entities

Conceptual model entities represent abstractions of services, so you cannot deploy conceptual model entities to run-time environments. Rather, you convert conceptual model entities into detailed application entities. This conversion process is called realization, because the conversion starts with an abstract conceptual model entity and creates a real application entity. Application entities realize conceptual model entities. For some conceptual model entities, you can use delivered design patterns to convert conceptual model entities into application entities.

See Design Studio Concepts for more information about realizing conceptual model entities.

When realizing conceptual model entities, see the following topics:

Setting Up Conceptual Model Entity Realization

To set up conceptual model realization:

  1. In the Solution view, double-click a conceptual model entity to open the entity in a conceptual model editor.

    For example, if you double-click a CFS entity, Design Studio opens the CFS entity in the Customer Facing Service editor. Clicking an Action entity opens the Action editor.

  2. Click the Properties tab.

  3. Specify how the conceptual model entity realizes in the Implementation Method field and specify the system where the application entity is used in the Implementation System field.

    The Implementation System is not relevant to realizing actions.

  4. In the Realization Design Pattern field, select the Design Studio design pattern that you want to run to realize the conceptual model entity.

  5. Select the Run Realization Design Pattern Automatically option.

  6. Click Save.

Related Topics

Realizing Conceptual Model Entities into Application Entities

Realizing Conceptual Model Entities

The first time that you realize a conceptual model entity, you must manually enter the data required by the design pattern. The design pattern prompts you for the information it requires to realize the selected entity and to build out the application configuration in the workspace. After you run the design pattern once, Design Studio saves the values that you supply in a synchronization record. It uses these values to re-run the design pattern automatically, if you have defined the conceptual model entity to run automatically.


Configuration generated by Design Studio on realized entities is overwritten when you re-run an associated design pattern.

To realize conceptual model entities:

  1. In the Solution view, right-click a conceptual model entity and select Synchronized Realization, and then select Run Realization Design Pattern.

    The design pattern that you specified for the entity (on the conceptual model entity editor Properties tab) appears.

  2. Complete the information required by the wizard, then click Finish.

    Design Studio creates the appropriate configuration in your workspace and saves the design pattern values in a synchronization record. Design Studio uses the values in the synchronization record to re-rerun the design pattern automatically (if you have defined the conceptual model entity to run automatically) and to synchronize the conceptual model entity and the realized application entity.

    After Design Studio generates the realization, it adds the realized entity to the Solution view as a child of the conceptual model entity. Double-click the realized entity to open and modify the entity in the appropriate editor.


    Changes that you make to realized entities are not propagated to the associated conceptual model entity. Oracle recommends that, when changes are required, you make changes to the conceptual model entity and then re-run the design pattern to update the realized entity.

Related Topics

Realizing Conceptual Model Entities into Application Entities

Realizing Conceptual Model Entities Manually

If the default design pattern associated with a conceptual model entity is not suitable to your business needs, you can realize conceptual model entities manually.

To realize conceptual model entities manually:

  1. In the Solution view, right-click a conceptual model entity and select Add, and then select Add Realization.

    The Add Realization dialog box appears.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Select an existing application entity to realize the conceptual model entity and click OK.

    • Click New to create a new entity to realize the conceptual model entity.

    Design Studio creates the application entity in your workspace and adds the realized entity to the Solution view as a child of the conceptual model entity. Double-click the realized entity to open and modify the entity in the appropriate editor.


    The synchronization features are not available for entities that you realize manually.