Working with Connectivity Signal Termination Point Specifications

Connectivity Signal Termination Point specifications define the multiplexing options for a channelized transmission facility. Connectivity Signal Termination Point specifications are related hierarchically to other Connectivity Signal Termination Point specifications (and Processing Signal specifications, for SONET and SDH).

A number of Connectivity Signal Termination Point specifications are included in the ora_uim_basetechnologies cartridge. These signals include Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH), Synchronous Optical Network (SONET), E-Carrier, T-Carrier, and J-Carrier technologies.

For more information about Connectivity Signal Termination Point specifications, see UIM Concepts, UIM Cartridge Guide, and UIM Information Model Reference.

When working with Connectivity Signal Termination Point specifications, see the following topics:

Connectivity Signal Termination Point Specification Editor

Use the Connectivity Signal Termination Point Specification editor to review the connectivity signal structures that UIM uses to determine the multiplexing options for channelizing entities. These signal structures are read-only.

See UIM Concepts and UIM Information Model Reference for more information about signal structures.

When working with the Connectivity Signal Termination Point Specification editor, see the following topics:

Connectivity Signal Termination Point Specification Editor Properties Tab

Use the Properties tab to review details about a Connectivity Signal Termination Point specification, including its type and rate code. This information is read-only.

Field Use
Display Name Enter the name that appears in Design Studio editors and in UIM.

Design Studio supports multiple languages for this field. The field adjacent to Display Name displays your list of languages. You can define a display name for any language you select from the list.

If your preferences are set to use one language only, the system displays only the [default] option. See ”Defining Language Preferences” for more information.

Name Displays the name of the connectivity signal specification.
Termination Point Signal Type Displays the type of the signal. Values are:
  • PACKET: Signal type used in packet technologies such as Ethernet, ATM, Frame Relay, and MPLS.

  • SYNCHRONOUS_TRANSPORT_MODULE (STM): Signal type used in the SDH technology.

  • CONTAINER: Signal type used in the SDH technology.

  • OPTICAL_CARRIER (OC): Signal type used in the SONET technology.

  • SYNCHRONOUS_TRANSPORT_SIGNAL (STS): A signal type used in the SONET technology.

  • SYNCHRONOUS_PAYLOAD_ENVELOPE (SPE): A signal type used in the SONET technology.

  • PDH_SIGNAL: Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) signal. Applicable to T-Carrier, E-Carrier, and J-Carrier signals.

Transmission Signal Type Displays the physical nature of the transmission signal, such as Optical or Electrical.
Rate Code Displays the rate code that identifies the technology and bit rate for the signal.
Valid for Facility Indicates whether the signal can be mapped to a connectivity through the associated rate code.

Connectivity Signal Termination Point Specification Editor Child Signal Relationships Tab

Use the Child Signal Relationships tab to review details about the hierarchical relationships of a Connectivity Signal Termination Point specification. See UIM Concepts and UIM Information Model for more information about these relationships.

This tab is relevant only for channelized (non-packet) Connectivity Signal Termination Point specifications.

Field Use
Supports Child Signals Lists child signals that can be enabled by the signal defined by this specification. (The supported signals are sometimes called riders.) For example, a VT-6 SPE channel signal can support (enable) a T-Carrier DS2 transmission facility.
Aligns to Child Signals Lists child signals that are not located in a fixed position within an SDH or SONET frame signal. For example, in the SONET technology, a VT-1.5 processing signal aligns to a VT-1.5 SPE signal termination point.
Maps to Child Signals Lists child signals that are mapped to this signal with the same rate. For example, in the SDH technology, a VC-2 processing signal maps to a C-2 signal termination point.
Multiplexes to Child Signals Lists child signals into which this signal can be multiplexed. For example, in the SDH technology, a TUG-2 processing signal multiplexes to four TU-11 processing signals.

Rate Code Editor

You use the Rate Code editor to review information about the system-provided rate codes in Design Studio for Inventory. Rate codes are associated to Connectivity Signal Termination Point specifications and Processing Signal specifications to define the technology and transmission bit rate of the signals.

See UIM Concepts, UIM Cartridge Guide, and UIM Information Model Reference for more information.

Field Use
Name Displays the rate code designation as an acronym or mnemonic, and which describes a technology-specific transmission rate for a signal, service, connectivity, transmission facility, or device interface. For example, a SONET technology STS-192 signal that operates at a transmission rate of 9,953.230 Mb/s can be referred to as STS192. A device interface that supports an STS-192 signal termination can be described as supporting the STS192 rate code.
Description Displays additional information about the rate code, when necessary.
Nominal Bit Rate Displays the transmission bit rate associated with the rate code.
Unit of Measure Displays the unit of measure of the nominal bit rate.
Connectivity Function Displays the connectivity function associated with the rate code.
Technology Displays the technologies that the rate code supports. Examples of communication technologies include:
  • Ethernet

  • SDH

  • Frame Relay

  • T-Carrier

A set of technologies is supplied in the ora_uim_basetechnologies cartridge.

Related Topics

Connectivity Function Editor

Technology Editor

Device Interface Specification Editor Properties Tab

Technology Editor

Use the Technology editor to review the signal technologies that are applicable to connectivity and devices. A selection of Technology specifications is included in the ora_uim_basetechnologies cartridge. You cannot create Technology specifications yourself.

See UIM Concepts, UIM Cartridge Guide, and UIM Information Model Reference for more information.

Field Use
Name Displays the name of the technology, such as SONET, SDH, Ethernet, and so on.
Description Describes the associated technology.

A technology provides specific kinds of capabilities and is bound by specific types of standards, requirements, behaviors, information, and impact across the business and the use of the technology.

Related Topics

About Rate Codes

Connectivity Function Editor

Use the Connectivity Function editor to create and view connectivity functions. A connectivity function represents how a connectivity is used. There are two types of connectivity functions:

  • The Facility connectivity function applies to connectivity facilities inventoried by the service provider. For example, the T1 connectivity function signifies that the connectivity is a T-Carrier transmission facility operating at a DS1 rate. Facility functions are always associated with rate codes. Predefined Facility connectivity functions are included in the ora_uim_basetechnologies cartridge. You cannot create connectivity functions of this type.

  • The Service connectivity function applies to service connectivity and is not associated to a rate code. For example, you can assign the connectivity VPN to a VPN service connectivity or VOIP to a VOIP service connectivity. Predefined Service connectivity functions are included in the ora_uim_basetechnologies cartridge. You can also create connectivity functions of this type.

The rate codes delivered with Design Studio for Inventory have one associated connectivity function. You can extend Design Studio for Inventory to include additional connectivity functions. See UIM Developer's Guide for more information about extending the application.

See UIM Concepts and UIM Information Model Reference for more information.

Field Use
Name Displays the name of the connectivity function.
Description Describes the connectivity function.
Category Displays Service or Facility. When you create a connectivity function, Service is displayed by default.

Related Topics

About Rate Codes

Processing Signal Specification Editor

Use the Processing Signal Specification editor to review the processing signal specification information delivered with Design Studio for Inventory.

Processing Signal specifications define processing signals in the signal structure for a SONET or SDH transmission facility. Processing signals multiplex to, align with, or map to other signals in a SONET or SDH signal structure, but they are not facility or channel signals, because they are not directly associated with a channelized connectivity or channel.

Processing signal specifications are provided in the ora_uim_basetechnologies cartridge. These specifications are associated with Connectivity Signal Termination Point specifications to form the connectivity signal architecture for the SONET and SDH technologies. For information about the signal specifications in the ora_uim_basetechnologies cartridge, including the specification relationships, see UIM Information Model Reference.

When working with the Processing Signal Specification editor, see the following topics:

Processing Signal Specification Editor Details Tab

Use the Details tab to review details about a Processing Signal specification, including its type and rate code. This information is read-only.

Field Use
Name Displays the name of the processing signal specification.
Transmission Signal Type Displays the physical nature of the transmission signal, such as Optical or Electrical.
Processing Signal Type Displays the name of the processing signal. Processing signal types for SDH are:
  • ADMINISTRATIVE_UNIT_GROUP (AUG): Groups a set of Administrative Unit (AU) signals.

  • ADMINISTRATIVE_UNIT (AU): A pointer with alignment to a Virtual Container (VC) signal.

  • TRIBUTARY_UNIT_GROUP (TUG): Groups a set of Tributary Unit (TU) signals in the STM-1 frame signal.

  • TRIBUTARY_UNIT (TU): A pointer with alignment to a Virtual Container (VC) signal in the STM-1 frame signal.

  • VIRTUAL_CONTAINER (VC): Adapts (maps to) a Container (C) signal.

Processing signal types for SONET are:

  • VIRTUAL_TRIBUTARY_GROUP (VTG): Groups a set of Virtual Tributary (VT) signals within the STS-1 frame signal.

  • VIRTUAL_TRIBUTARY (VT): A pointer with alignment to a Synchronous Payload Envelope (SPE) signal within the STS-1 frame signal.

  • SYNCHRONOUS_TRANSPORT_SIGNAL (STS): A pointer with alignment to a Synchronous Payload Envelope (SPE) signal.

Rate Code Displays the rate code that identifies the technology and bit rate for the processing signal.

Processing Signal Specification Editor Child Signal Relationships Tab

Use the Child Signal Relationships tab to review details about the hierarchical relationships of a Processing Signal specification. See UIM Concepts and UIM Information Model for more information about these relationships.

Field Use
Supports Child Signals Lists child signals that can be enabled by the signal defined by this specification. (The supported signals are sometimes called riders.) For example, a VT-6 SPE channel signal can support (enable) a T-Carrier DS2 transmission facility.
Aligns to Child Signals Lists child signals that are not located in a fixed position within an SDH or SONET frame signal. For example, in the SONET technology, a VT-1.5 processing signal aligns to a VT-1.5 SPE signal termination point.
Maps to Child Signals Lists child signals that are mapped into this signal with the same rate. For example, in the SDH technology, a VC-2 processing signal maps to a C-2 signal termination point.
Multiplexes to Child Signals Lists child signals into which this signal can be multiplexed. For example, in the SDH technology, a TUG-2 processing signal multiplexes to four TU-11 signals processing signals.