Working with Custom Network Address Specifications

A network address is a name, label, or number identifying a location in storage or a device in a system or network. You use a Custom Network Address specifications to define a network address that is not modeled by default in UIM. The network addresses that are modeled by default in the UIM framework are telephone numbers and logical device accounts. See "Working with Telephone Number Specifications" and "Working with Logical Device Account Specifications" for more information.

You create Custom Network Address specifications in the same manner as you create other types of specifications. See "Creating New Specifications" for more information.

See "Custom Network Address Specification Editor" for reference information about the tabs you use to define a Custom Network Address specification.

Custom Network Address Specification Editor

Use the Custom Network Address Specification editor to define network addresses that are not modeled by default in UIM.

When working with the Custom Network Address Specification editor, see the following topics:

Custom Network Address Specification Editor Related Specifications Tab

Use the Related Specifications tab to define and review related specifications. Only relationships with the entity types listed in this tab are meaningful by default in UIM. If you add specifications to the Others section, you must define custom rulesets that trigger actions or behavior based on those relationships.

Section Use
Inventory Groups Lists the specifications of inventory groups to which custom network addresses based on this specification can belong.
Network Nodes Lists specifications of network nodes that can represent custom network addresses based on this specification.
Others Lists specifications of entities that have a customized relationship with entities based on this specification.

Related Topics

Defining Specification Relationships

Specification Editor Related Specifications Tab