Working with Pipe Termination Point Specifications

You can include Pipe Termination Point specifications in a Pipe specification. When you create a Pipe Termination Point specification, you can include characteristics for information you want to collect. Pipe Termination Point specifications enable you to include characteristics on the termination points of a pipe and to add behaviors through rulesets. A pipe termination point identifies where one end of a pipe terminates. If you use pipe termination points, each pipe must have two, one for each end.

Defining Pipe Termination Point specifications is necessary only to add characteristics to capture specific information about the termination point.

The application creates pipe termination points without a specification if there is no Pipe Termination Point specification associated with the Pipe specification. See "Adding Pipe Termination Point Specifications to a Pipe Specification" for more information.

You create Pipe Termination Point specifications in the same manner as you create other types of specifications. See "Creating New Specifications" for more information.

See "Pipe Termination Point Specification Editor" for reference information about the tabs you use to define a Pipe Termination Point specification.

Pipe Termination Point Specification Editor

Use the Pipe Termination Point Specification editor to identify where one end of a pipe terminates, to include characteristics on the termination points of a pipe, and to add behaviors through rulesets.

When working with the Pipe Termination Point Specification editor, see the following topics:

Pipe Termination Point Specification Editor Related Specifications Tab

Use the Related Specifications tab to define and review specification relationships. Only relationships with the entity types listed in this tab are meaningful by default in UIM. If you add specifications to the Others section, you must define custom rulesets that trigger actions or behavior based on those relationships.

Section Use
Inventory Groups Lists the specifications of inventory groups to which pipe termination points based on this specification can belong.
Pipes Lists specifications of pipes than provide pipe termination points based on this specification.
Others Lists specifications of entities that have a customized relationship with entities based on this specification.

Related Topics

Defining Specification Relationships

Specification Editor Related Specifications Tab