Working with Sequence Specifications

You use Sequence specifications with Entity Identification specifications to customize the sequence of an ID for an entity, by defining the maximum, minimum and increment values for the sequence.

Additionally, you can define and use Sequence specifications independent of Entity Identification specifications. You can create sequence specifications to define sequences used in custom logic (in rulesets and extension points) that you write to generate numeric identifiers. For example, you can create sequence specifications for serial numbers or connection IDs. See UIM Developer's Guide for more information.

When working with Sequence specifications, see the following topics:

Configuring a Sequence Specification

After you create a sequence specification, you must configure it.

To configure a sequence specification:

  1. Open an existing Sequence specification or create a new Sequence specification.

    See "Creating New Specifications" for more information.

  2. In the Sequence Specification editor, click the Specification Properties tab.

  3. Enter the start date, end date, and description.

  4. Click the Properties tab.

  5. Enter the minimum value, maximum value, and increment value.

  6. From the File menu, select Save.

Related Topics

Sequence Specification Editor

Sequence Specification Editor

Use the Sequence Specification editor to customize the sequence of an ID for an entity.

When working with the Sequence Specification editor, see the following topics:

Sequence Specification Editor Properties Tab

Use the Properties tab to set a minimum, maximum, and an increment value for a sequence.

Field Use
Minimum Value Enter a minimum value for the sequence.
Maximum Value Enter a maximum value for the sequence.

Retain the default value 0 to define the sequence value as unbounded.

Increment Value Enter an increment value for the sequence.

Related Topics

Configuring a Sequence Specification

Sequence Specification Editor